:dressed_candle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Anointing Candles

Beautiful Jeannie!


challenge entry
I wasnt sure id be able todo this one but today i figured a way to do yhat was ok with n even made a big herb mix to repeat if hoes well. Buthad to quickly adjust alreadywhen saw wax over flow onto wood table lol but had glass candle plate that wss able to transfer to

My adjusted set up after spillage lol but still works

My herb mix
With chamomile, peppermint, basil, ground cloves, himilayan pink salt and white sea salt
It was for protection n clearing begative energies, bringing health, love and a holistic wellbeing including abundance to home n myself living here. I need to afgordto lice n pay bills and replace alot if things broken down or full of holes.

Ive not included in this mix but ive srarted collecting incence left overs. I think another word but it escapes me rightnow lol bit i can make black salt out of that when mix with salt.
I used a spell found that seemed fitting but it was hard to read aswas a video between spells and krpt covering image woth pop ups n sides were cut off slightly but i was able to gigure out words to say.

The name if person posted this on pinterest was tmaustin47 if anyone wanted to looktgis up or was curious. Not sure if they created spell orjust sharing spells but when found it despite trouble reading it i felt tge spell fitting. So i am now just watching my candles burn tealights so they burn for 4hrs apparently. If need to put out flame before its done ill try snuff out n relight tommorow as i dont want them lit ehen go to bed


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, July 11 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

Look at all those gorgeous candles! :heart_eyes: :dressed_candle: I am in awe seeing and hearing about everyone’s creative anointment work. There are a lot of creative ways to dress a candle (and with safety in mind there are no wrong methods!), so whichever method(s) you used, thank you so much to everyone who has shared their beautiful candle magick so far! :blush:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :dressed_candle: :sparkles:


These are great :sparkling_heart:


Challenge Entry: Anoiting Candles

Wellll… I almost forgot about this one! The past few I’ve actually been getting them done quickly so I think my brain assumed I had this week as well. :woman_facepalming:t2:

I chose to carve the symbol below into one of my ritual candles.

(source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/385550418084025297/ I tried to find the original source but had no luck)

I carved the symbol into the yellow candle then realized I couldn’t see it so I traced it with purple ink.

Sorry I almost forgot, I think I’m lost in a book binding/making a watercolor journal rabbit hole this whole past week! :laughing:


Challenge Entry

Hi! I almost forgot what day it was & that I had to do my entry :laughing: The brain fog is Real :face_exhaling: Hopefully it starts to get a little better soon.


The only time I anoint candles🕯is when I am doing a Protection Ritual with my bracelets asking the Morrigan for protection :blush:

I use a specific oil blend… it’s actually a recipe from the Lovely @SilverBear: Witch, Hekate, & Morrigan… Oh My!

I use it on both candles :dressed_candle: (red & black) that I use. I put a bit on my fingertips & I start in the middle & go down each with my fingers in a twist motion. I place the candles in their respective holders. The holders are placed on a pie plate with the bracelets, incense, representation, small crow :raven: that I have Her crystals in the tealight holder portion, a feather :feather:, & a herb :herb:/wood :wood: pieces offering that I use to make a circle around all of the items during the ritual. Finally I light each candle & the incense.

I say the prayer/ritual & then anoint my bracelets & myself with the oil before ending the ritual & letting the candles :dressed_candle: & incense finish burning. I leave the items & offering there for a few hours.

When I clean them up, I save the herbs :herb:/wood :wood: to make Her incense when I need to again. If I change the herbs :herb:/wood :wood: combination, then they are in separate containers from each other :hugs:

I’m so happy that I got to do this one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It has been a while since I have done it, I want to say February-ish was the last time I managed to get it done :flushed:



YESSSS this is definitely MY challenge lol most of my magickal practice is based on annointed candles and candle magick!

I have ALL the essentials oils and herbs you can think of and LOVE me some annointed candles.
I have the little squeezers now instead of using my fingers I’ll usually set my intention and give my energy to the candle after I inscribe them with whatever it is I’m using them for. I haven’t used runes I’ve actually never really studied those but I will inscribe almost anything that I feel intuitively and inscribe whatever that is… It can be the name of a diety or numbers or my actual intention. I’ve always been very connected to water but lately it has been all about fire. I’m being drawn to it. Normally I’ll do some spell work with spell jars, or chants but I’ve ALWAYS also incorporated annointed candles even when I’m doing and using other means to do my practice!

----HAZEL RAE :pisces::white_heart::cyclone:


Yesss @Jessica_Zee ! I’m obsessed with dill as well lol I’m an herb freeeak :herb::herb::grin: in the best way 🩶


#Weekly Witchy Challenge - Anointing Candles

Wow - oh, Wow - there are so many beautiful candles! :hushed: :heart:

I love doing the daily rituals/meditations with candles, and have only anointed and dressed a few, mainly for Sabats/Esbats. While thinking about this week’s challenge, I was with my sisters planning for our next two seasons, and I came across a grounding candle dressing in my calendar book for the month of July. For a couple weeks, been feeling too much chaos going on and difficult time focusing on work and projects, so I took this as a sign. BTW - the calendar book I have is the Llewellyn’s Witches Datebook 2023, page 93.

I gathered, from my garden, the flowers, tree roots and dirt, and I used @SilverBear’s Earth Elemental Anointing Oil with a minor personal flair of adding raw emeralds to the mix.

Because I wanted grounding with the Earth, I carved in the earth’s element symbol all over a brown candle, before dressing it with the oil and mix of garden yummies. For meditation, I played an earth energy mediation from the Moonly App., of course, I should have kept to a more private place as my Other Half was too loud making breakfast so my space and focus was off. I stopped my meditation and went back to it a little while later. Definitely refreshing.

If you are interested in @SilverBear’s elemental oils, you can find a video of it here -

@MeganB - I never thought about Dill in that way. I will have to try it.
@jennie1 - Love love your Hecate statue :heart:
@ArcticCharm - Agreed! Love Silverbear’s videos! Check out some of Silverbear’s creations!
@Jessica_Zee - Love the ambience!
@jan_TheGreenWitch - I will have to try the small travel candles, I wanted to pack a few when going to Italy, but didn’t do it. I will next time!
@tracyS - Love the Loki and runes, I found my Goddess prefers me to leave a nice spirit of clear rum!
@brandy20 - I love your dressings!

Happy Dressings!! :smiley: :smiley:


@Amethyst omg wax free candles! I’m obsessed with my wax but it definitely makes things a little more difficult and they seem to burn so quickly or I get melted wax all over my altar even when their in a candle holder lol I’ll have to check that out forsure


Anointing Candles Challenge - Entry

I finally have Sunflowers blooming so I decided to pick some.

In a sacred space:
Anoint the candle and Dandelion petals with a few drops of Helichrysum essential oil.

Apply a drop of Helichrysum to the Heart Chakra, in a clockwise motion, then say:
I call the Spirit of Helichrysum,
Guide me through life’s difficulties,
Remove my emotional pain and
Heal my wounded soul.
Thank you for the gift of hope and joy!

Apply a drop of Jasmine to the 3rd Eye Chakra, in a clockwise motion, then say:
I call the Spirit of Jasmine,
Bring purity and balance to my life,
And restore my trust,
Allow me to accept myself just as I am.
Thank you for the gift of self-confidence!

Apply a drop of Cheer (Blend: Wild Orange, Clove, Star Anise, Lemon Myrtle, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Ginger, Cinnamon, & Geranium) to the Solar Plexus Chakra, in a clockwise motion, then say:
I call the Spirits of “Cheer,”
Assist me when I am feeling heavy-hearted,
Restore my hope and faith when I am lost,
Give me the courage to continue on my journey.
Thank you for the gift of cheerfulness!

I call the Spirit of Sunflower,
When I suffer from low self-confidence or self-doubt,
Remind me of my true magnificence, and
Allow only loving compassion to flow from my heart.
Thank you for the gift of Confidence!

I call the Spirit of Dandelion,
Help me to detoxify, and
Release negativity and self-judgment,
Allow me to break free and let it go.
Thank you for the gift of restoring ease and flow to my life.

As these words are spoken, it’s done! Blessed Be!

I decided to share the words that I said today, in the past, I have not shared. Last night I picked out the oils and then today I cut the sunflowers and decided to use dandelion petals. As I was writing my spell, I realized I had picked oils and flowers with similar meanings… :thinking: This was important for me to do today and I’m glad I talked myself into doing this challenge. :grin: Also, I have the Beautiful blend in the photo but I forgot to use it during the ceremony :roll_eyes: And guess what? Its meaning is similar to those above!!! In that Liminal Space again!

With love :heart: and magic :dizzy: always,


This is awesome :star_struck: @Hazel_Rae i love the flower that your burning herbs in with Hecate’s keys it’s symbolic and beautiful :sparkles::sparkling_heart::full_moon:



Anointing candles has been on my learn/relearn list so this challenge was perfect

During the week it occurred to me to make specific meditation candles. Given my life right now I started with a protection candle.

I made the oil with Lavender, Bay Leaf, Cinnamon, a few Cloves and Sage. The dressing mixture is Rosemary, Peppermint, Basil and a few Cloves. Pressing Cloves into the candle proved more challenging than I thought so I added it on where I could.

I wrote a little chant for the meditation.
We are Safe
We are Strong
We are Protected

It took me a while to figure it all out so it was today’s project. The oil is still steeping I figure after little one goes to bed would be a good time but I didn’t want to chance not getting this in so here are the pieces

Also I think I figured out a way to get the cloves and candle to play nice, I’ll post a picture when it’s all put together


Thank u :smiling_face: very much Tracy I am actually thinking of working with other diety! Yesterday, I actually talked or looked Hecate and asked her for protection! I forgot to say that I engraved the word deep in the candle :candle: PROTECTION and then I made sure that it was drawn to me so I dressed the oil and or Rosemary anointing oil!
Blessed be!
Ostara - Thank you :blush: I am so grateful to be here and just needed my spirit to be lifted up and thought I could use the protection!


They sell dripless chime candles on Amazon like ten bucks for twenty of them in different colors. Really nice.


@Artemisia I love the adding ink to the carve. It looks so much nicer. I’m also adding my bind rune to my candles and can never see it, what a great idea.
@Susurrus What a lovely ritual to include self anointing with the candles. Very spiritual
@Hazel_Rae Gorgeous candles, and you included keys in the burning, how intuitive. I love your crystal pyramid too
@lisa67 Grounding candle, sounds very useful for me too, as I deal with chaos regularly. Mind if I borrow this recipe, Loki’s teaching me to be more spontaneous (totally opposite to my character, I’m a planner), but this has been good for me. Getting me to think outside the box, however after a few days of it, some grounding is needed, I love your ritual. Beautiful
@marsha Oh this so beautiful, very sunny and bright and full of positive energy. Thankyou for sharing your words, very heartfelt, resonates with me too.
@Nixi This is lovely, and your words are powerful, you are safe, you are strong, you are protected


Update picture on candles made for this challenge ( challenge entry is above⬆️ lol yep found arrow lol

i loce how tge wax at bottom gone clear n can see herbs n salts like looking through water at things beneath the water . Tjought id share😁


Wow that’s really cool @Phoenix_Fire :sparkles::full_moon: :infinite_roots:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

My, those are some fancy-looking candles, all dressed up and ready to do some spellwork! :dressed_candle: :blush: I have been oohing and ahhing over everyone’s entries all week- thank you so much to all those who joined in for some candle magick!

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :dressed_candle: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in! :sparkles: