Megan shared a great post about finding where Chiron is in your star chart- that could be a good thing to explore if you’re still not sure, Christina! Good luck!
Beautifully done with your poem and chant, @Anne2! thanks again for sharing them
Exploring your children’s birth charts sounds exciting, @Susurrus! Maybe it’s something you could do together- it might be a fun family activity
You are very welcome, @fabian! Thanks for sharing your experience I think it is good to remember that everyone is wonderfully unique- it would be rare that just our sun sign perfectly embodies all of our traits! I think everyone is a collective of qualities from signs across their charts. A bit of our sun sign, moon sign, ascendant, and more. I’m glad you were able to dig deeper and really connect with your ascendant in Cancer! Great job!
Sorry to hear you were having some health issues last week, @Artemisia! How are you feeling now- hopefully doing better? Astrology can definitely seem overwhelming at first- I recommend starting with just your sun sign to begin! You can stick with that, or continue learning other parts of astrology if they call to you Enjoy!
I know the feeling, @MeganB! Astrology is so huge- there are so many elements to look at- stars, planets, houses, so much that it can easily be overwhelming! I’m always learning new things myself, so it’s wonderful to see the things everyone explores for this challenge Your post on Chiron was very helpful- thanks again for sharing!
An abundance of Scorpio energy, @mary25! Also a Scorpio sun sign here, so I know we can be an intense sign
Nice, @IrisW!
That sounds amazing, @Volmarr! A backpacking adventure while studying astrology- that sounds like it would make a wonderful book! Thanks for sharing your signs- it sounds like your chart has a special place in your heart to be memorized so well! Good for you!
Awesome resources, thanks so much for sharing @Missa!