:purple_spell_candle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Candle Divination


I don’t know if this is Candle Divination or communication/prayer, but I’m going to enter it anyway.

The first candle picture is during my prayer to the Archangel Lucifer (I call him Mr Lucifer). The light just shone through the candles, interesting as he’s the bringer of enlightenment, the morning star.

The second set of pictures are again a result of prayers where I lit my candles, did a blot to Loki and here’s his response. I saw, an entwined couple, then a viking ship and finally the same ship releasing a spirit. :flushed:

I think the credit for this candle Magick goes to the deities. But it blew my mind :exploding_head::joy::green_heart:


I love candle magick, but I have never done a wax reading! I’m always to busy trying to keep the wax off of my altar cloths. Lol! Maybe my candles are trying to tell me something. Hmmm, I’m going to try this!


Challenge Entry

One thing that I do around Yule is put out my dragon egg on a lava stand. It represents the dragon god who will hatch on the winter solstice. I like to light a silver and gold candle (and turn on the lava stand) as a way of “warming” the egg for it to hatch.

Last night, I stared at the golden candle’s flame and asked the soon-to-be-reborn dragon god what was in store for me if I start a new job at a pet store. It took a while for answer to come to me, but I had the feeling that I could become the new owner of the business. I also like to draw a tarot card for further insight and I drew the dragon Confidence who encourages you to trust yourself to make the right decision for yourself.


That’s amazing :heart_eyes: what a wonderful experience! I hope you have success with it again! :heart::blush:


I love the :egg: :heart:I’m glad you got confirmation of your intuition! :hugs::blush:


Challenge Entry

I love candles and I have a few candle holders. Every time I meditate i always light a candle. I also use candles when casting any spell. I often use blue for healing. I use white for protection and black to keep negative energies away.

I also love to make my own candles I feel I can add my own intention when I’m making them.

When I’m casting a spell I love how the flame flickers. I’m still learning and need to read more on candle magick.

To me you can never have enough.


I’ve loved :heart: reading the experiences & discussions with this challenge. I did pick out a candle & will be doing something with Brigid :brigid_cross: tomorrow with it using some divination. I’m excited :star_struck: to do this tomorrow. It’s been a while since I met with her & I need to right now. :revolving_hearts:


Well I think that is a great way to connect to your inner flame :fire:
That’s something I do myself anytime I go to any craft I light the cane and push out any negative energy with the left hand then I bring in positive energy with the right using the candle :candle: this is how
I open circle its easy and not so much if you know what I mean!
I am waiting for the waxing move to bring in positive energy I have been dealing with anxiety! So since it’s a crescent moon, and it’s waning, I could banish all witchcraft!

I dressed my candle with olive oil, going to the middle, and using my left hand and wiping it up! Also, did that going down For towards me! I used a lot of herbs that spoke to me and I also used some beeswax because and she loves beeswax.

I used bees :honey_pot: wax and dressed my candle! I wrote it in invocation to Hecate, and So mote it be!


Ive been feeling drawn to using beeswax candles lately, too. In part because they have a nice slightly honey scent and weve been sick with coughs so avoiding the smoke of incense.


I just noticed something… You’ve posted the pic of Persephone before, but I didn’t see it then. The artist drew… YOU! Your face is a little more round, but it sure looks like you.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we begin to look like our deities the more we work with them? Would I look like the clouds/ wind for Gwynn, or grow antlers for Cernunnos? Given enough time, I’ll automatically look like Father Death.


so I combined this with the group tea ritual. I chose a red candle…not sure why lol! I focused on a question while I did the divination.

I used this for my divination

  1. Pyromancy
    Steady, Bright, or High Flame

A steady, bright flame is a surefire sign of success or good luck! If you burned this candle during spellwork, your endeavor is lucrative. If used for divination, this flame portends success and happiness in your life or your question.
Answered my question! I need good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

I must have smokeless and no drip candles, so no luck there :pensive:

  1. Ceromancy
    I must not be too imaginative because I didn’t really see any shapes or symbols :thinking::frowning:

Any help with reading the wax?

This was a fun challenge and I like playing with :fire: :laughing: :rofl:


Wow those pictures are incredible @tracyS
Breathingly beautiful. Thankyou so much for sharing them.

@Kasandra I love this

@kirsty4 Beautiful setup again! Also love the candles you make. I have been wanting to buy the stuff to do this. They are still in my shopping cart on temu. :grin:



Beeswax is fairly easy to use I’ve used before!

Honey :honeybee: benefits
A cold too! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Thank you that was sweet she is pretty!

I think that could happen! We are shapeshifters !


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

Tuesday, Dec 19th at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

The candles of Coven shine brightly and burn beautifully- leaving all types of insight to explore! :candle: :sparkles: Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their candle divination so far :blush:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :purple_spell_candle: :sparkles:


challenge entry
For this one ive been thinking about when i might not be able to light a candle or incence and looked at alternatives to candle or incence divination, scrying etc.

I figure ok not going to be as good as the real thing but having melted wax everywhere not ideal esp since renting lol and while i love watching incence smoke my asthma is not always a fan. I found a few apps that can use. Thought would share incase anyone interested in trying. Some better than others
3D melting candle
( can adjust a few things on the table and with candle). Also rotates either aitomatically or if choose.

Sleep meditation
( can choose a few options and also sounds or meditations to go with image, i chode the crackling fire

Incence burning
( can choose 3 incence n i think if want candle. Basic, but not much on incence apps out there that could find)

( again similar to other aop but you can touch screen to light candles n incence n afain choose how many incence n if camdles. Smoke not as pronounced in this one though.

Overall they might be more suited for candle or incence meditations, some might work sort of for scrying. But i guess my exploration into apps for candle and incence divination didnt bare as much fruits as id hoped, but it was interesting to explore the technological side of this practice.

Maybe, it occurs to me i could record incence burning or a candle burning down and then could do the divination or scrying later. Maybe even try a few times, maybe might pick up somethinh different or something missed first time. At least inregards to asthma side the incence divination might be kinda on lungs. ?? But then im not sure if would work same if watching recording than the original event. :thinking:thought to ponder…


I tend to struggle with wax on water- maybe it’s the shadow reflections or something, but it looks like continents and oceans to me :ocean: :joy:

Aka I see the UK and France on the left, and something resembling Japan to the right :uk: :fr: :japan:

(I’m not qualified for water-wax readings :laughing: Hopefully someone else is more skilled at this method and will share their interpretations with you too!) :blush:


@Sivonnah , It might just be me, but I see frogs. Great for cleansing, abundance, and fertility. I like to hear them sing in the spring evenings: it means we have had enough rain to wake them from their drought and winter slumber. They sing me to sleep when the weather is warm enough to have the windows open.

@Phoenix_Fire I’d like to have links to the apps you found. They might not work on a Silk browser, but they seem interesting, anyway.

Have you tried burning candles or incense outdoors to help with athsma? Just curious if it would help. Of course, apartment living makes it tricky to find privacy outside.

It seems to me that if you focus your scrying within, even while your eyes watch the screen, a recording would do just fine. I’ve been wanting to scry recordings of campfires from YouTube, but finding the relaxed state and the right amount of time is tricky during the holidays and flu season, here.


That explains @Artemisia looking like Artemis. :smile:

Can I hope to start looking like Hekate. :face_with_peeking_eye: :black_heart:



Umm yeah if you worship a goddess, for me? Mmm :thinking: think Loki would not be impressed. :rofl:


Thank you :heart: