šŸŒŖ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Chaos Magick

From a book I just picked up, ā€œAwakening to Kali, a Goddess of Radical Transformationā€ by Sally Kemptonā€¦

I was thrilled by the opportunity to tell a storyā€”something I love to doā€”in such a heightened atmosphere. But when I stood up to speak, I was seized by a feeling much bigger than excitement. It was a kind of ecstasy, a deep pulsing joy that nearly undid me while I tried to form the words of my tale. Later, I would learn to recognize this feeling as one of the characteristic signatures of the Goddessā€™s presence.

That could be me, writing about the moon circle this dark moon, or the full moon before that. Definitely ecstatic feeling :relaxed: I talked about Kali and the dark feminine on both nights. I really made an impression, some were in awe, some came to thank me personally afterwards. I had a feeling that I might have been channeling, now I have no doubt. That sheā€™s speaking through me like thatā€¦ fills me with an absolute sense of awe myself, calm humility, hot ecstasyā€¦ :white_heart: :heart: :sparkles:

Then that past life experience, temple dancing, priestess trainingā€¦ :flushed:


Im currently reading a book on kali myself.


I noticed that @Nikita-mikaelson :black_heart:
I checked out the free sample pages of your book on Kindle but it wasnā€™t the right book for me in this moment, even though it did teach me how Shaktiā€™s body ended up in 50 pieces (one for each Sanskrit letter, I read from another book). It did prompt me to look for other books on the Mother though and here we are :blush:


I have a number cipher which I use to convert each letter to a number from 1 to 26. I use a 3 by 3 grid numbered 1 though 9 to get a symbol for each letter based on the position of each number in the square. Then I layer the symbols for every letter in a word in a way that looks nice.

I didnā€™t actually end up using the cipher pictured but one I use for making sigils.


Hey some books are not for everyone but as im just learning about mother kali I thought it would be a good interdiction.


I appreciate it, Iā€™m sorry if I came across otherwise :heart:
I think what I was trying to say wasā€¦ I think itā€™s a good book, I might get back to it another time, right now Iā€™m just being called by another :black_heart:


I didnā€™t take it that way. I know from experience that sometimes its just not a certain books time yet


I had an interesting chaos magick ritual. I invoked Luqueas and asked him to guide my hand as I drewā€¦without looking. I had a feeling in my body that was in constant movement for a minute and ā€œfollowedā€ that movement with a pencil.

I stared at it for a while, completely unsure what Luqueasā€™s message was ( if there was any at all).
Finally, I decided to draw an oracle card to see if I could find the answer. Balance appeared.

Parts of my scribbles kind of look like the Yin/Yang symbol (drawn by a young child :laughing:). Lately, I feel like Iā€™ve been going back and forth in my studies. Iā€™m studying at least three programming languages so Iā€™ll have the skills Iā€™ll need to apply for my dream job.
Problem is, trying to figure out which days I should which language, for how long, and which days to take a break. I think Luqueas was trying to tell me that I need to find that balance.

Interestingly enough, during my ritual, I suddenly began to feel lightheaded, for seemingly no reason. I wasnā€™t thirsty or hungry, didnā€™t have an ear infection. Then, it hit me and I had to run to the bathroom with the worst bout of diarrhea Iā€™ve had in years !
Itā€™s likely I caught something since thereā€™s a stomach virus going around. After diffusing peppermint essential oil and drinking some peppermint tea, Iā€™m feeling much better now.

Needless to say, itā€™s probably going to be a while before I work with Luqueas or chaos Magick again after thatā€¦chaotic ending.šŸ«¢šŸ¤£


My Chaos Magick Challenge Entry :tornado:
For this entry I combined my new moon intentions with some chaotic art magick to create a small sigil charm I can keep with me to remind me of my intentions.
Blessed Be!


WeeklyChallenge - Chaos Magick

Like @marsha :rose: I almost didnā€™t join this challenge because I had no clue what to do.
I watched the video links that @MeganB :rose: posted on the subject of Servitors. I learned a little more about what the Servitors are and how to use them.
Iā€™m not sure I understood it exactly but I thought about it for days and decided it was a little like making my own little ā€˜Igorā€™. ( I watched Victor Frankenstien this weekend LOL)
I decided to try to draw what I had pictured in my mind. It didnā€™t really turn out as good as my mindā€™s picture.

My first Servitor is a small, fuzzy, weird creature that is going to fetch me a bag of $100 dollar bills :moneybag: if I decide to send him out to do soā€¦

My second Servitor is a Viking Shield Maiden Protector. I made rules to draw this one, I couldnā€™t erase and I had to draw it with circle doodles to see what it turned into. I did have to add a few details that were not doodles to make her look tough :axe: She will protect me if I need it.

I also added some crystals to the page after I drew them so they could absorb some energy. :pentacle_tarot:

I think I need to study this subject more to fully understand it. I had no idea there was such a thing. Thank you Megan for the inspiration and idea this week :wink:

:infinite_roots: You are all very awesome people here!

Thank you for reading



This is fascinating.
Honestly, at first, when I read this Challenge, I wasnā€™t sure if my brain was going to wrap around the concept. So I figured the best thing to do was to read read read until something made sense. Then it hit me. And actually, a lot of Chaos Magick makes complete sense with how I think and do things at times! I found I was able to apply it to a situation in September of 2021.
Within chaos magick:
All magical paradigms partake of some form of action at a distance, be it the distance in space or time or bothā€¦ In magic, this is called synchronicity .
Synchromysticism is the practice of attributing mystical or esoteric significance to mundane coincidences.
So I can apply this to 3 days after I had to let my sweet old boxer girl go. I released her from any future pain, suffering, fear, and uncertainty at our home in the living room during an emotional ceremony surrounded by her 3 humans who loved her every day of her earthly life. 4667 days.
I wanted her back so badly and felt her everywhere in the house and the yard. (I still do) I would close my eyes and feel her fur and smell her smell.
3 days after her release, I traveled to a 3 story Fruit & Antique Shop about an hour from home. I was super sad, really missing my girl, crying on and off, and just mustering through the loss. My husband was tearing up on and off, and we were out and about trying to distract ourselves. We headed up one floor of this large building that had 2 stories of antiques, and I was looking around for furniture to go in the newly renovated upstairs (future witchesā€™ den). On the 2nd floor, I found treasures, and then we headed up to the 3rd floor. There were half a dozen folks up there, and we took our time looking through things. I then asked my husband, ā€œPlease keep your eyes out for anything that reminds you of Stella. A figurine or something.ā€ Not 10 seconds later, I was looking down and heard a weird noise I couldnā€™t describe until I looked up and saw a blue dragonfly bouncing on the lighting, making a tapping noise. I couldnā€™t believe what I was seeing! I loudly whispered, ā€œRick! Itā€™s Stella! Sheā€™s hereā€¦look! Sheā€™s letting me know she made it.ā€ The dragonfly had stopped bopping on the light and sat on the ceiling while I took her picture. We just stared, and I told this dragonfly, ā€œI see you, girl; mama loves & misses you.ā€ She stayed, and I wandered away, looking back to see her. My husband said he was going back to see where it may have gone, and he never saw the dragonfly again that day.
My heart started healing at that moment; I felt relief and closure. I couldnā€™t stop talking to my husband about it. My Stella had been to that fruit stand twice and rode passed it many times. My chaos magick showed her to me that day when I needed it most.

Side note: My brother had passed away in 2020, and a dragonfly would come to our yard and sit on my momā€™s green beans when she was sitting outside in her grief. We believe dragonflies are the souls of our loved ones. We have a large dragonfly weathervane on the peak of the house to remember my brother.
Thanks for reading! Blessed beā¤ļø


Your servitors are awesome! I busted out a big smile with your small, fuzzy, weird creatureā™„ļø


Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder!

Thank you so much to everyone who has shared about their exciting endeavours with chaos magick so far! If you want to share but havenā€™t done so already, please know that you have one more day left to do so:

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: April 5th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

Blessed be! :tornado::sparkles:


Ah! I will make sure that I get this done today, it seems most of my magic is right on the line of chaos & structure. I kind of go with the flow & get it done in a different way with the same intentions. So Iā€™ll have to see what I have going on once everyone is gone for the day. :grinning:


Iā€™m not sure if this fits into chaos magic as Iā€™ve seen some people post some specific stuff like cool set ups or drawings and soils, but today I just through myself into a state of follow the flow and listen to my intuition with each thing and looking at what I needed to do. I ran out of food except lil rice and tuna so I thought ok kitchen magic to rescue and I just listened to intuition about herbs to add to the mix based on what I felt in that moment I needed. Iā€™ve not followed specific things today but rather just felt the flow of the current take me along and I went with it rather than trying to find order I just picked up what I needed as I went. Spontaneous acts in the moment. Today has had no order But I still feel that I got lots done. But the biggest thing was letting go of control and just let my intuition guide me through out the day even lighting rose incence to promote a lil self love and care. Something I normally do on Friday due to its correspondences but I included it when I lit candles. I still feel Iā€™m running on that current of energy and itā€™s a lil uncomfortable cause Iā€™m still learning to trust my intuition and trust myself in going with it rather than plan out everything but itā€™s also freeing as well and building that trust in my intuition and self. I even had the sudden thought to put on within temptation which seems to be fitting to this energy Iā€™m feeling right now. I have a pagan playlist with mix of pagan and witch songs but in this moment the thought of within temptation came and once I put it on I knew it was my intuition telling me that was what I needed right now. I havnt listened to that artist in a while but it just felt right and itā€™s almost energizing me in this current of energy. I have no picture to share, no fancy setup just an experience of allowing this current to flow, listen to my intuition n self and go with the flow and suddenly I feel Iā€™m being charged and energised in this period or moment and my perception or view on things has shifted. Itā€™s scary to just let go and trust yourself and follow the flow, I realise Iā€™ve done it in the past but Iā€™ve been dragged down so much and made to doubt myself but Iā€™m reclaiming that and though I donā€™t feel I have a grasp of the current Iā€™m just following it and using the energy to recharge and go with the flow throughout this day. It may not fall into chaos magic Iā€™m not sure but thatā€™s ok I thought Iā€™d just share it just incase. Iā€™m actually encouraged by the experience even if itā€™s not quite what chaos magic is. There feels an element a chaos but maybe itā€™s not what chaos magic is. But thatā€™s ok if itā€™s not. Just thought Iā€™d share. The sunset at the moment was the first clue today was different because of the shift in way I was approaching the day because there was a more positive feeling. Iā€™d been so discouraged and overwhelmed lately. My situation hasnā€™t changed, just my approach. Iā€™m not trying so hard to control the storm or current of the river as it flows fast and crashed against the rocks as it flows and that had been freeing and a self of confidence as I let intuition guide me has caused a positive change I think I neededā€¦


Ok Iā€™m not sure what this is but couldnā€™t shake this and so I just did it. I thought at first it was intuition telling me to take balloons to work tommorow but then I wondered if it was telling me now so I just grabbed one of each colour and blew them up and put them in lounge and just been throwing, kicking and bouncing the balloons around to within temptation songs and as each balloon comes by I think of what the colour is and I feel like Iā€™m drawing on the colours and air element and my physical body to move these around and each feels like itā€™s a bit of energy. Imagine a bunch of coloured balloons flying around you to within temptation songs and thatā€™s me right now and I feel itā€™s an unusual thing but itā€™s like Iā€™m building some wicked arse energy and laughing at the chaos of moving a bunch of balloons around like moving energy filled balls Iā€™m glad I live alone cause anyone see me right now :joy: even just concentrating on one balloon and putting energy and focus in and intention. No one seeing me would know it was a spontaneous spell theyā€™d think Iā€™d just lost the plot or was just a big kid but it using something I had to create and build energy n intent just like using a birthday candle instead of a normal candle except Iā€™m drawing on the air element rather than fire in this

This was the balloons after blown up but before I started. The more I work with this idea and energy and spell the less silly I feel, itā€™s just like using a coloured candle only itā€™s balloons and instead of planning to do a spell I only realised part way through thatā€™s what I was doing and Iā€™m using air element rather than fire.


Iā€™ve just found a new way to do spells. And meditations. Even using black or white balloons. Be the same as candles but just using air and in a way knot magic I just do a focus withntgem pink balloon for self love and acceptance and wow. I could use white balloons for cleansing and black balloons for protection and it opens up so many possibilities ( if I donā€™t mind cleaning herbs of the ground when a balloon pops but I could also add herbs into balloons as well to add to the intention n I can add energy n intent over time n the balloon popping could be like the candle going out. I just need to focus on intent for each. Man when I woke this morning I didnā€™t think Iā€™d end the day using balloons to do spells. Unorthodox yes, but fun and cool too. . And it feels right even if a bit odd lol I am a lil odd. But Iā€™m ok with that. Lol


Chaotic Challenge

Was going to pass on this challenge as I didnā€™t think that I could embrace its structurelessness. :scream_cat: I realized that structured ritual calms and centers me, especially when Iā€™m in need of healing. :pray:t3: Well as it happens, I woke up early and was inspired to grab my Buddha Board, closed my eyes and used it as a scrying tool. :prayer_beads:

I saw vague images then clear letters: L, T, A, E, V, H, O. Going with the flow I assigned works to the letters and ended up with:

ā€œLove the aspect each vibration holds.ā€

The ā€œOā€ reminded me of the snake eating its tail and I envisioned it as it appears in the image below. I had to double check the meaning of that symbol and it appears to fix nicely with the affirmation, for me at least. :wink:

Ouroboros, Ouroboros

ā€œOuroboros expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but perpetually change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation.ā€

Thank you @BryWisteria and @Kasandra for this enlightening and very spontaneous challenge. The Ouroboros connection with the dragon :dragon: didnā€™t go unnoticed @Kasandra :triquetra: :heart: :triquetra:


This is my Weekly Witchy Challenge - Chaos Magick

Thee Magical Holistic You:: Body, Mind, Spirit,
The body: your physical self is composed of tissues, cells, organs, and complex systems allowing you to move and breathe.

The mind: your mental self is the essence of who you are, where thoughts, intellect, emotions, and imagination manifest.

The spirit: your spiritual self is an energetic realm where youā€™re able to access a deeper understanding, awareness, and inner wisdom of yourself and the universe.

These elements create a harmonious triangle capable of bringing the body into a balanced state. It is integral to maintain this balance through exercise for the body, regular stimulation for the mind, nurturing your magical practice for the spirit, and proper nutrition for all three. When your whole self is aligned and thriving, itā€™s easier for your body to maintain this inner balance, the magical energy you put into each act will help get you there.
Taking steps to consciously integrate parts of your magical practice into your daily wellness rituals will help amplify the relationship among mind, body, spirit, and your magic. The more solid these connections, the more balanced you will be. There are many practical things a witch can do each day to help achieve this. For example, you can recite a spell while cooking a healthy meal, utilize the magic of herbs in a healing spell, perform a grounding ritual, or awake each day and give thanks to nature. These daily actions may seem simple, but they will enable you to reach new heights in your wellness and witchcraft practice.
Connecting to your inner magic is another important step towards creating this harmonious triangle of balance. The following ritual is one way to begin building this relationship. By connecting to your inner magic, you can start strengthening the ties among the three pillars of body, mind, and spirit.
Connecting with your inner magic is all about trusting and truly seeing yourself. To know yourself ā€” from the darkest parts to the brightest --is to be present and honestly connected. Learning to tune into this part of yourself is an excellent first step in your wellness journey. Come back to this ritual whenever you feel this connection needs strengthening. The more you perform this ritual, the easier it will become to access this part of; yourself on a regular basis.
You may wish to ground and center yourself before beginning this ritual.

Materials to Gather

  • Yourself
  • 1 blue candle for spiritual awareness and intuition
  • 2 drops patchouli essential oil ( properly diluted) for personal growth
  • 1 labradorite stone for self-discovery and transformation
  • 1 hematite stone for grounding and calm

Steps to Take.

  1. Find a quiet place where you can relax and sit comfortably

  2. Light your candle. Anoint each wrist with a drop of patchouli oil.

  3. Take one stone in each hand and close your eyes. Release any thoughts or feelings from the outside world. (for me I like to put o headphones).

  4. Focus first on your physical self. Feel the energy in your body from your toes all the way to the top of your head. Become aware of how youā€™re feeling at this moment.

  5. Take a large inhale, exhale, and let your body relax.

  6. Visualize yourself sitting cross-legged on a vast crystal floor, the blue sky above and the sunshine glittering down on you. In the center of you emanates a bright white light. All around there are rainbow prisms reflecting off the floor from the sunlight. These rainbow prisms are reflecting into your center light, each o ne feeding you something different: intuition, inner wisdom, calm, balance, resiliency, love, everything that makes up your true self. Think on these prisms.What are they reflecting into you? Eack reflection is a part of your true self that makes up your inner magic and light. As the rainbows help bring each part of you to light, imagine they are cultivating as a collective whole inside your center. This is where your true self and inner magic live. Hold on to these prisms and focus o the balance and peace they bring to your whole self.

  7. Stay in this visualization for at least 5 minutes. Use your intuition to trust when the exercise feels complete. You should feel centered and as light as air.

  8. Before finishing, recite the following:
    Inner magic, guide me strong,
    inner light where I belong
    Free me from thy ego self, and
    let me see things clear.
    My truest self fully formed.
    allowing me to transform.
    For now, I can fully see, as my will,
    so mote it be.

  9. Take a few deep breaths, curve your lips into a smile, and open your eyes. You may now extinguish your candle or let it burn down if safe to do so.

source: The Witchā€™s Guide to Wellness by Krystle L Jordan


This is my Weekly Witchy Challenge - Chaos Magick

I was given this Kitchen Witch as gift. I went to put it in a frame to hang, this just popped in my head to ADD BASIL and while putting all togetherā€¦say
Lavender and Basil is whatā€™s needed
to keep my Kitchen Witch her best.
Say it thrice
Make it so!
As I bent the last peg and closed the box frame