šŸ™ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Dealing in the Divine

Thereā€™s also a YouTube channel by the same name " Keeping Her Keys".
Thank you lovely, Iā€™m not a good artist with colors unfortunatelyā€¦lol


Youā€™re welcome @Rowan! And your colors were nice!

I think that the YouTube channel is by the same author who wrote the book. You never know who you are going to find on YouTube.


Thank you @Amethyst, I will put it on my list of books that I want to get.


I woke up last week with the name Cerridwen on my tongue. She is a Welsh crone goddess, keeper of the cauldron of knowledge and inspiration in the Underworld. She makes me laugh, because she became the mother of Talisin (Famous Welsh Poet/Bard) in an amusing way. Cerridwen had two children, a beautiful daughter an an ugly (maybe even evil)son named Morfan. to help her son she brews a potion in her cauldron. Because the brew took a year and a day, she enlists helpers to stir the potion and tend the fire. Gwion is one such person, as he stirs the potion 3 drops accidentally fall on him and blessed him with knowledge and inspiration. Cerridwen races after Gwion, each transforming from animal to animal to gain an advantage over the other. Finally, Gwion changed into a seed, and Cerridwen changed into a hen, and ate him up. Cerridwen became pregnant from this seed, giving birth to Taliesin. She couldnā€™t kill him so she set afloat in a leather boat. He was adopted by a Welsh couple. The chase is really humorous! I feel closer to crones as I age. It is a time of life for gaining wisdom and sharing it with others. These deities help others to the Otherworld to rest before they are reborn again.
My dreams over this last week have revolved being a nurse in a strange hospital where I gathered a patient in my arms and walked off with him. It took me time to find my way back to the hospital, but he woke without harm. Another dream involved talking to a patient and her family about death and dying, offering them comfort. You can see where crone goddesses apply.


Thank you so much for sharing all these great resources, @Amethyst! :hearts: I love the guided youtube meditation on Hecate- she has such a powerful and soothing voice, and the background music is heavenly :sparkles: Iā€™m so glad you had fun with your research and were able to connect with this very interesting goddess! :blush::two_hearts:

What a gorgeous entry in your Book, @Rowan! :heart_eyes: The page really came out lovely- your design is perfect, and I adore the decorations- especially that key! :old_key: Beautiful and informational, thanks so much for sharing! :pray::two_hearts:

Nice finds, @Susurrus! :clap: It seems that Hecate is calling your name, along with Brigid- I hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy the books you are finding! Happy learning :open_book::blush:

A very fascinating story- thank you for sharing this knowledge and also your own personal connection with Cerridwen, @wendy4! :hearts: It is clear that you embody the motherly, wise, and caring qualities of the crone- even in your dreams! :sleeping: I am glad that you kind heart carries through to the patients in your inner conscious- they are lucky to have such a loving nurse to care for them :two_hearts:


:heavy_heart_exclamation: This challenge is now CLOSED! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Thank you so much for everyone who joined in and shared their knowledge, stories, and connections with deities- I learned so much from all of you! :open_book::two_hearts:

A reward post with shout-outs and prize details is coming very soon- please keep an eye out in the forums!

Blessed Be :sparkling_heart:


Youā€™re welcome @Susurrus! If youā€™re like me you have a book list a mile long. LOL.


Youā€™re welcome! I figure if I was interested in them, others would be too! :grin:


@Amethyst I have a ton of books in my saved for later cart on Amazon. Iā€™m trying to only get them when I finish one or two, but sometimes I order one just because it is that intriguing to me. Lol


I keep mine on a wish list for me, @Susurrus. That way I donā€™t have to faff about in my cart. Of course Iā€™ve got other stuff on my list so itā€™s huge, but thatā€™s what wish lists are for! LOL


I agree. I try to remember to use wishlist but I started using save for later instead. I just go through it and see what I can get or need and select that one. Lolā€¦ If I had a written list though, it would be notebooks full.


Amazon has a wish list section so you can add an item to your list and keep an eye out to see if anything has gone on sale. Thatā€™s probably why Iā€™m so far behind on my reading, they had about five of my wish list on sale this past month. LOL :books:


Hi everyone, being new here, i never even saw this challenge until now LOLā€¦ Too busy reading everything elseā€¦ But i figured i would tell you about my experience with Hecate anywayā€¦ The other night i went into meditation just to be thankful to Hecate for all she does for me. What happened was so unexpected. She walked with me to her cave. There were many little openings that we walked passed. There were souls in each openingā€¦ Finally we stopped at one of the openings where there was a little girl sitting by a puddle of water. She was crying. Hecate told me to look at the child. The closer i looked, i realized that child was me. See i have been doing a lot of shadow work lately and Hecate has been guiding me to find all the parts of myself so i can be whole again. Coming from a traumatic childhood i had lost so much. I picked up the child and we walked back out of the cave. This is where we met my shadow self as well. Hecate gave me two keys which disappeared within me, along with the child and my shadow. We then walked back to the crossroad where i thanked herā€¦ We spoke about where i come from and i discovered that i have been with Hecate over many lifetimes. I feel so comfortable with her. I call her home.


This is a beautiful experience, @yolande! Better late than never- it sounds like you had a lovely meditation with Hecate and were able to deepen your bond with her- that it sounds like has lasted through many lifetimes! :two_hearts: Iā€™m glad you were able to collect the missing pieces of yourself- and the two keys sound very interesting! @SilverBear shared a wonderful post about the magickal and symbolic properties of keys- it is clear they are very important to you! :old_key:

Thank you for sharing, and I wish you a continued blessed and successful bond with Hecate! :heart:


Wow @yolande! Thatā€™s very beautiful.


Thank you @BryWisteria and @Amethystā€¦ Yes, Hecate does mean a lot to me. Receiving her keys to me represent my journeyā€¦ As i learn more about myself and as i grow spirituallyā€¦ As i remember more and more about where i came fromā€¦ The keys are like gateways to the realms i often visit. Like gateways to lost memoriesā€¦ I remember things about past lives i never would have dreamedā€¦
Thank you for your wordsā€¦ I cherish all you beautiful soulsā€¦


Like @Amethyst said, this is so beautiful! :old_key::two_hearts: I wish you continued peace and success on your journeys to past lives and memories- may Hecate continue to guide your way! Love and light to you, @yolande- Blessed Be! :sparkling_heart:


That was beautiful @yolande. I love that you call her home, she sounds like she has been with you for a very long time. Iā€™m happy that you have such a wonderful connection with her! Amazing.


O my wordā€¦ I have a piece of pyrite. I had no idea it had so many special qualities. Thank you so much @christine4 for sharing the information.


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