♨ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Energy Work

I haven’t named my house yet but I can see why it would be a good idea :thinking: we’re a multi-generational home so I’ve been playing around with some thoughts to help keep the peace in my home, so to speak. I’ll have to look at this some more. I did name my Jeep, though, but that’s a very common thing to do down here in Florida :laughing:

Thank you for sharing the graphs and the links, Marsha! Ever since you mentioned the Schumann Resonance during one of our group rituals, I had been interested! :pray: Yesterday was very hectic for me and I spent the majority of the day purging things in my home getting ready for a future change (no, not pregnant or anything but this is a more personal matter). I woke up this morning and just wanted to light a candle and do a simple spell for peace in my home and heart. It’s interesting that looking at it now, it says we’ve returned back to a time of almost total calm :thinking: I’ll have to keep an eye on it.

That’s wonderful! :partying_face: I’m glad you found a recipe for something you’ve wanted to make for a while. Good luck with it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This week I have been feeling very under the weather. As beautiful as Spring is and as energized as I get by the changing of a season, Spring and I are not always on the best terms. I cannot breathe, I itch head to toe, and my head feels like it’s going to explode.

When I finally felt well enough to focus on this weeks challenge, I came across the coffee spell! I drink coffee daily so I was pretty smitten with the idea that coffee had magikal properties. I added a new section to my BOS (magikal plants and herbs) and did the coffee spell!

I only did a small cup because I was concerned with how it would taste, but I’m not going to lie…. It wasn’t bad at all! I definitely feel like I have more energy this morning and I am feeling better. This might become my Monday morning beverage… at least until we make it to summer vacation!


This newbie here appreciates your wisdom and calm, reassuring spirit!


@martje, where do you get most of your herbs?


That ‘s nice to hear :kissing_heart:


I like to shop in Turkish, Arabic or Chinese shops, it s much cheaper there, and the herbs come in larger packages. If it s very specific I order them on the internet. And of course I try to grow them myself


Dear Siofra,
That ‘s a pity that you can’t do the things you like so much because your body says no. And very positive that you still can find things you can do. These are difficult lessons sometimes.
I hope you will find lots of ways to channel your creativity into!


Here is the link: https://www.disclosurenews.it/schumann-resonance-today-update/


One of the things I absolutely love is your beautiful and graceful presence here :infinite_roots: I am truly blessed by your comments.


Very cool challenge and the prompts really got me thinking!!

  • Can you use only your own energy, or can you use energy from your surroundings?
    I think you can use energy from the surrounding. I feel that all is connected on an energetic level and we can tap into the surroundings to harness other energies.

  • Is it possible to steal or drain energy from others- alive, dead, spirit, or otherwise?
    I never thought about this action as a way of stealing, but now that I hash out the thought in my head, I would say Yes - it is possible to steal energy. I’m usually the person who gets their energy drained and when that happens, it’s not because I wanted it to or because I gave permission. I think there are ways to be aware of when it is happening (or before it happens) that help us prevent it but in my personal experience, it my energy has definitely been stolen by others.

  • Is magickal energy the same thing as life energy?
    I think magickal energy and life energy are synonymous because the creation of life itself is magickal in my opinion.

  • Can energy be good or bad, or is it always neutral?
    Good question! Never thought about this in depth before. I’ve said the words “good energy” and “bad energy” before but never really thought about what makes it good vs bad. I think energy can be used to recharge, to shield, to invigorate, can be directed and can be manipulated or infused with intent. Sort of like a tool (my initial analogy was a weapon, but wanted to keep it on the lighter side!). Tools are neutral. Like a shovel, or the internet. They can be used for what is considered a good purpose or intent but they can also be used for “bad deeds or intent”.

  • It is a force like “chi” that flows throughout the body? Or is it something fixed in place?
    My inner Star Wars fangirl says yes! In all of the Star Wars movies, shows and books I am 100% persuaded that the Force is just Energy! It moves and flows through everything and is present when it’s not in a “thing”. I imagine it to be what the wind would look like or water in a stream. But I think it can get trapped or stuck and that’s when we can feel stagnant energy which I think is really heavy and draining because it is not able to freely flow.

  • Is it something that only living things have, or is it everywhere?
    I think that energy is everywhere. I don’t believe it can die, even when the body or thing it is in dies, it still is around because it is constantly flowing.

  • Where does energy come from? Can it be destroyed?
    I don’t know where energy comes from and I honestly don’t know if we can really make it. I think we can harness it and stir it up but it was already there so we didn’t make it. I also don’t think it can be destroyed. It can leave a vessel or move between spaces, it can be cleansed and recharged but not destroyed.

I gave myself an energy cleanse/renewal bath that incorporated lavender, chamomile, and rose along with some candles, amethyst and rose quartz crystals. I said some affirmations as I poured water over myself and let the words really sink in to me each team I said them. It was a great and necessary ritual and I did feel recharged and “level” afterwards.


You’ve said some wise words there!


Well done Miss Robin, well done, well done.


Great job @robin77! Wonderful emtry!


Speaking of energy my challenge formyself this week kinda follows from what i started last week. An individual or series of crystal grids that will look at holistic wellbeing… n one area will be looking at physicsl wrllbring n the issue of condtantly endung up barely able to stay conscious or move after seberal days at work. N combatting or protecting against negative energies in environment or from others both envirobmental but also that impact other aread of my wellbeing amd using and charging crystals for each area of wellbeing in the grid or grids .all arounf tge 8 areas of wellbeing. A holistic approach.

Physical wellbeing
Emotional wellbeing
Financial wellbeing
Mental wellbeing
environmenyal wellbeing
Spiritual wellbeing
Social wellbeing
Career /vocationsl wellbeing

Im going to decide an intention for each area n have it all wirk togetger n build energy towards a holistic approach to better balanace and welkbeing. Esp aftee athough week of working n yesterday i callapsed at work again. No one noticed, no one cared. I got up n kept going. . N another day after a series of days at work n ive stuggled to stay consciois n my whole body lead weight. Even writing this is such a struggle . So im going to create this holistic wellbeing crysyal grid/s as i acknowledged each area can impact on others and ill pick specific intentions and affirmations for each n charge the grid regularly to build on this goal andwork towards a better balance and better wellbeing. Cause this week ive been pushed too far i got to point id almost handed notice in right then n there, ive broken down again even though the attack towards me had just been their stress n anxiety n id just been helping everyonr n doijg what id been told to do. Ive callapsed in heap but not blacked out n again no one noticed or cared i was struggling. Or that again working over time not just expected because of low staff but more so because lots of kobs syill needed to be done n who knows wherethe otgers were… knowing i may not even get paid for the time was expected to stay back but definatly not tge time i had to stay back beyond thst but cause boss was gone by then she wouldn’t of seen but what can she do, shes not the one making that call if ppl get paid to stay back to do jobs. I have so much to do but im barely able to move. I have compkex situation that bot onky covers alot of areas of life but each impact on others n as id been looking at holistic wellbeing n wanting not only to help others with thid but also needed to work on it myself so thats my challenge this week working on the energy work through crystals. I even got some crystal grids, definition cards n affifmation cards to help me n looking at the 8 areas of wellbeing im hoing to look at what crysyals i neeed n how yo set up tge grid/s to utilise and work with the energies to improve each area with a spevific intent for each but also that works togeter to improve wellbeing overall. Ive been learning how the setup can help or hinder energy flow of crystals n i am both excitrd to work on this but also almost desperate becayse i know i need to do something to create a change. N soon. When ive got something decided on i can try upload photos of ptogress one thing i needd thougb is ink to print of resources id got. But that’s a walk to shops n energy im struggling to gather esp as body feels like lead. I need ink for work n study anyways n food but its taken so long just to get to a point i can stay conscious even with coffee. Now im struggling thougg gettinh moving. When i work i dont slack off im always on the go n helping everyone else because i see they are struggling. But it means by the time i get a day off work i can barely function. I need a change. I have Hope because unlike before, discoverinh magic i have found a sense of empowermwny that now i can do something to help create change, so thats my goal. Work with the energy of crysrals n sacred geometry n grids to bring aboyt positive change n hopefully not only for myself but for others around me.


It’s time for a friendly reminder!

Thank you so much to everyone who has jumped in and explored the world of magickal energy :bulb: If you want to enter the challenge but haven’t done so already, please know that you have one more day left to do so:

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: April 26th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

May the force be with you :wink: and blessed be! :hotsprings::sparkles:


To cleanse my energy, I did a dandelion tea meditation. Dandelions are seen as garden and lawn nuisance, but what many don’t understand is how beneficial they are! These “little suns”, as I like to call them, are a diuretic, which can aid your liver in removing toxins from the body, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, improve your immune system. They can even prevent UTI’s!
I picked some dandelions and put them on my altar. During my meditation, I invoked the Solar Dragon and then visualized a garden full of weeds and said, I weed out all energies in my spiritual garden that do not serve me, all thoughts and all fears that limit me, so mote it be
I then visualized them myself pulling all the weeds out and replacing them with dandelions.
After the petals dried out, I’m thinking of making some sun salts with them as an offering to the Solar Dragon.


I have been reading about ancient Egyptian magic and about Hermetism. The first law of Hermetism is the law of mentalism. That is ‘ the All is mind-the universe is mental’. The second is correspondence-as below, so above. As without so within (visa versa). I also use energy work in my massage business.


I’m happy I am able to catch this one!! As part of my exercises from reading Psychic Witch, I’ve been working with energy to build my psychic powers.

The very first step is learning to focus on a single mental task. This is very important for meditation as well as being able to willingly enter into what the author refers to as the Alpha state in which we are must receptive to the subtle energies around us that fuel our psychic abilities. Having mediated for several years, this was relatively easy for me.

The next major step is learning to ground. You either stand firmly with feet hip width apart or sit cross legged. You focus on the energy flowing through your body then bring your awareness to the top of your head and start to scan down to your feet. As you scan down, your energy is moving down with you. As you tech your legs, you fell that your energetic roots start to enter the earth. Then, with a firm but relaxed will power, you extend your power down these roots into the earth. These roots travel through the earth to the core and the heart of the earth. Imagine that the heart is made of beautiful white light. Any energy that you can not handle is released through these roots. You are now grounded.

Where I am at now is practicing raising terrestrial energy and drawing down celestial energy. This will allow me to pull on external energy that is already at my disposal without depleting my own. Ultimately, the goal is to create a circuit with these two energies so that they are continually running through me and I will not have to directly pull on them.

For both, you start with grounding yourself. After, you bring your awareness back to your roots, down through the soil, through the earth to the Earth’s heart. You then begin to soak up this white light through your energetic roots. Think of it as a plant soaks up water through it’s roots. As it travels back through the earth and back to your body, all the Earth’s energy to travel through your whole body, energizing every cell.

I’ve been somewhat successful in raising terrestrial energy. It defiantly has a distinct feeling to it. For me, it feels like going out after a rain shower when it’s cooled the hot Texas summer down several degrees. The air is fresh and crisp, the oppressive heat is gone, and I’m full of joy. As I’m doing this, I get images of waking barefoot through a lush forest that smells like rain and lavender (two of my favorite smells). Everything is so green and active. This energy is a very “active” and “do” energy for me. When I’m channeling this energy, I get very excited to “do the thing” and embrace my full power.

Terrestrial energy is the hardest of the two for me to pull on though. Pulling down celestial energy is much easier for me. In a similar fashion, you start with grounding. You then bring awareness to the crown of your head and feel your energy extend upward towards the stars. Imagine that your energy is now the branches of the trees, reaching out to the sun, moon, and stars above. The Musica Universalis, or music of the spheres, is the pure celestial energy and the song of harmonic resonance. Takes moment to meditate and feel this energy. Then you begin to soak the energy up through the leaves of your branches, drawing out down through the branches to your body, filling every cell.

I can pull down celestial energy every time I try. I’m not sure if this has to do with my Patron Goddess Selene or not. I’ve always been fascinated by the night sky with all the stars and the moon so I think I’m just inclined to be able to channel this energy more efficiently. This energy is more peaceful and relaxing than terrestrial energy for me. I receive images of calm beach waves on a pure white beach. The water is a memorizing teal color and gives off scents of sea water and honey chamomile tea. When I’m channeling this energy I am very relaxed, calm, and I’m able to see things clearly.

I’ve yet to attempt the two together as I’m trying to be more reliable with drawing up the terrestrial energy first.


Three cheers for delicious and :sparkles: magical :sparkles: coffee!

I love that you used the prompts as the challenge entry. These questions really tickle the brain :brain: and make me think, too! I loved reading your answers. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That sounds like a beautiful plan :pray: I hope it all works out well for you! :heart:

I’ve never had dandelion tea :thinking: is it any good?

It sounds like you’ve been busy!

Ohhh I remember doing those exercises! I even go back to the focus exercise, the very first one, when my mind is feeling scattered. For me, drawing down the celestial energy was simple enough but it always left me feeling like I had touched a wire and I was buzzing with energy. It’s wild that when I do that exercise I can literally feel the warmth and draw of the celestial energy. The terrestrial one is a bit more difficult for me when I’m meditating in my room because I’m on the second story. I kind of have to go through multiple layers to get down to the Earth and I feel more resistance, if that makes sense :laughing: That book definitely has some good exercises in it!


It’s hard to describe, but I’d say it has an earthly taste to it. I can tell it’s something that’s not for everyone though.