♨ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Energy Work

Oh yes crystal work sounds nice and auras well i am yet to experience different types besides ones i see through the colours white and more recently pulsing orange… Do you see auras through colours?

Thanks i will check out the website. Be nice to know if what i am experiencing is in fact the same as an empath… I have a book about empaths but since i am reading 4 different books (Hekate, This man confessed, House of earth and blood and Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban :woman_facepalming: :laughing: ) I tend to read one topic at a time as you can see (it gets a little too much adding a fifth) :laughing: :blush:


No worries @TheMuslimWitch… I had to do the same thing & narrow down what I am learning at one time. I find that Energy Work, Crystals, & Empathic gifts seem to go hand in hand, so it’s making each one easier to understand. I like it when things I’ve learned tie into something else I am learning about.

I can sense the color of an aura if I really focus on the person or they are giving off a strong “vibe”, but generally, I’ve got good energy & not so good energy & heavy energy is how I feel it most of the time. Auras… that’s a practice for after I am through the crystal courses. :smiling_face:


With this challenge, like to share my experiences. Talking about energy and how one may measure it, this entry will draw on the works of French physicist and dowser Antoine Bovis who created a dowsing scale to measure along (with a pendulum) and it has evolved since, others have added to it to the dowsing scales you’ll find now. Justin A. Bovis -- Biometer (“ The unit of the Bovis scale has no known definition and isn’t in any way based on physics.”)

There are four realms of energy life force (Chi) categorized: Negative, Positive, Spiritual, and Cosmic. Through the use of the pendulum coupled with a Bovis dowsing chart may get an energy reading on almost about anything regarding its energy level. Use it on foods, music, books, crystals/stones (if low energy then it needs to be charged up), activities, etc. At least for myself it has been pretty accurate. How it works? Have some ideas, compare it to a form of interface, like how a computer communicates with the end user. Though, it’s still a mystery to me, with time it may unfold itself.


Okay, so for my challenge entry I tried to practice something called the Tower of Light from Llewellyn’s Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being (I know, the title is a mouthful). The book was written in the '80s and you can definitely tell. Here’s a link to the book for anyone curious, and I’m going to include a paraphrasing of the exercise here.

The Tower of Light

  1. Breathe deeply and evenly.

  2. Slowly relax your whole body, starting from one end and moving to the other.

  3. Stand tall but not stiff with your arms at your sides. You could do this sitting down, just be sure that if possible, your feet are on the floor.

  4. Visualize a long ellipsoid of intense blue light all around you. It should extend about 9 inches beyond the surface of your body and about 16 inches above your head and below the floor where your feet are.

  5. When you can hold this visualization (or just be aware of the extended energy) around you, visualize a globe of bright brilliant white light within the shield slightly above your head but not touching.

  6. Focus on this globe so it becomes brighter, glowing white like burning metal. This is the image to represent the “Light of your Higher Self”.

  7. Be aware of these two things: the bright light above you and the blue light around you.

  8. Call in the highest good you can imagine. (This part of the instructions aren’t really clear so I just focused my intention on protecting myself and surrounding myself with positive energy.)

  9. When you feel ready, see the globe above you sending down glittering white light. This light floods your energy field and permeates you, coursing vibrantly through you.

  10. The outer shell of your blue light stays solid and sharply defined while the inner portion is flooded with bright white light from the globe above you. Hold this for a while and pay attention to how you feel.

  11. Let it fade from your consciousness but know that it has not faded from reality and you are protected.

Overall, this exercise was not for me. In the book, it keeps defining the white light above your head as your Divine Higher Self and that just doesn’t mesh with my personal beliefs. So instead of continuing on with this exercise, because honestly I found it a bit difficult to focus on it, I instead practiced my shielding.

I’m generally pretty good at building up my shield slowly so this time I wanted to practice doing it quickly. I sat and grounded myself after totally junking the above exercise. I gave my shield the command that when I say SHIELD either in my head or verbally, my shield would automatically and quickly pull itself up. Then I would slowly bring it back to myself. I did this for several minutes and it’s such a strange feeling when my shield goes up quickly. It’s like I can feel the energy peeling itself off my skin. However, after doing this over and over, I ended up so sweaty sitting on my floor that I had to stop :laughing: It sure does take a lot of out me when I have to do it repeatedly so hopefully I never have to use my shield like that too often.


Okay I just did an egg cleanse. I am very familiar with this since it’s been practiced in my family for generations lol but here’s a video Egg cleanse


I finally am done … This was my last step Break A Curse


I think right now I need to listen to my heart and intuition more than my mind. Especially as my mind is feeling burnt out from overuse :sweat_smile: So meditating, feeling my own energy, asking for volunteers… :blush:


Yes good idea indeed… I need to read more about this topic… Wonder if they have a good book on it? Sure there is one somewhere worth reading just like all the other topics in our practices.


Ha! I have said the same thing many times. I walk through the building and put salt in every corner and entry way I can, I also cleanse my office before anyone comes in. It really is draining working in these environments.


I am going to make a cleansing spray this weekend. I am usually the first person at work so I will spray it around the office before anyone gets there. I also have an essential oil diffuser on my desk and I always have something going it. People say our office smells like Hobby Lobby when they come in. I think I may just mix up a special oil for that too. I work in an old courthouse and I would cleanse the whole thing, but I would be on camera and the dispatchers at the Sheriff’s office would probably wonder what I was doing. You know what, I’m going to do it anyway! If they ask, I’ll say I’m disinfecting and that wouldn’t be a lie!


I think that’s a great idea :pray: I wish you all the best in this new journey you’re taking! :sparkles: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh geez :laughing: I think that’s a good idea! You’re not wrong at all!


Weekly Witchy Challenge - Energizing your home with a name…

For this challenge, I am going to focus on the energy of my home. No matter what happens in the external world, or what goes on inside my chaotic self, my home remains the one safe and secure constant, my refuge where I recharge.

Doing my spring cleaning and decluttering helped me feel like I was clearing out stale energy and making a fresh start, which had a great impact on my attitude and effectiveness. I keep crystals around, I use smudges, salt and spray but there is one I haven’t tried and that is

Naming my home.

When I come home, I definitely feel an almost tangible energy that makes me feel embraced and loved (I feelt this way about my car, too!) and what is really gratifying is that other people who have visited me have commented on it. It is definitely my happy place so, of course, it deserves a name!

This article suggested that naming your home imbues it with energy and helps you keep toxic energy OUT (Spirtuality and Heath Magazine). It also suggested keeping your home’s name a family secret.

But how to name your home? The article had some suggestions on a naming ceremony after you come up with a name, as well as how to use it. It didn’t mention greeting your home by name but honestly, if that isn’t too corny, well, I could honestly see me doing that quietly or silently after coming home from work (and by extension, when I get in my car).

But what is the right name? I thought about the feelings and positive associations I had with home, like comfort, safety, peace and creativity. I also thought about physical aspects about my home (it’s small, near pine trees, on a ground floor, etc.) Then I also considered aspects of my magickal practice, such as deities I like, tools I use, aspects of the moon, etc. I also thought about my favorite things to do at home. I also enjoy world languages and I may playfully use a Spanish, French or Italian word or set of words for my home. I do want it to be a fun name but it hasn’t come to me yet.

I am still brain-storming but I thnk I am getting closer to finding my home’s magical name and when I do, I wlll do the naming ritual described in the article above. Here’s a list of endings for combining into a name for a home.

  • home - haven - grove - wood - berth - view - cottage - hamlet - gate - clan - rest - hill - spot - stead - harbor - farm - nook - hold - point - warren - burrow - nest - wyck - side - ment - rancho - den - spot - hold - end - edge - place - casa - casita - maison - villa - berth

Some names I played with included

Candlewyck (LOL)
Casa Jones
Crystal Cottage
Pine View
Pentacle Nook
Hygge House
North End
Luna’s Rest
Broom Hill

Okay, so I am still working on it! I did name my car, though! My car was a lot easier to name! She’s little and red, so I named her Rosita. :red_car:

What about you? Have you named your house? Thank you for another interesting challenge.


This is an interesting concept, thank you so much for sharing @mary25 :heart:
So, now you have me thinking about names…


Oh wow, that is a great idea, I can completely understand the reasoning behind it from my own understanding & I have named my car, but not my home. I get a very freeing, peaceful, safe feeling like my car is an extension of myself feeling when I am in it… sounds weird I know, but I just “know” my car.

I will definitely have to brainstorm some names for my home. I feel like it’s as personal as naming something else special to me, such as my car. Who is “Suzie” to my daughter & me :smiling_face:


:hotsprings: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Energy Work - Entry

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was visited by an Ascended Master who told her that she was a healer and that great responsibility came with it. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. So, she began studying different energy healing techniques with many different teachers…

To make a long story short, that girl was me! Instead of talking about all the different energy healing techniques I’ve learned and used, I wanted to talk about a different type of energy that affects all of us here on Earth, the Schumann Resonance. I first heard of it from Elizabeth Peru, author of the Tip Off.

So, what is the Schumann Resonance?

“Schuman resonances are repeating extremely low-frequency (ELF) standing waves that are produced by thunder and lightning, although solar activity and seasonal variation can affect them too. These waves range from 7.8 to 33.8 Hertz.”

It is also called the Earth’s aura or the Earth’s heartbeat or rhythm.

The Schumann resonances (SR) were named after Winfried Otto Schumann (1952-1954) who studied the theoretical aspects.


I’m also a highly sensitive person and an empath, so I can tell you I have seen a correlation between the resonances and how I’m feeling. For example, yesterday I was feeling stressed and the energy felt chaotic to me.

SR Today 23 April 2022

The image above shows that the energy was very high yesterday and much calmer today. I feel much more peaceful and much calmer today! So yes, I am a believer.



That is so interesting. Where did that last image come from? I would be curious to know what the energy is from day to day. I am definitely going to learn more about this. There have been some intense solar flares lately, I think the 17th was the really big one that knocked out radio frequencies for a minute, and I had the same experience, yesterday was off the charts edgy for me and I noticed people were a bit more reactive than usual.


I made the blessing oil for witches I found on spells 8 and added it to my ritual! It makes me so happy to play with oils and herbs, and making things myself, it also smells delicious :yum: I used ceder oil instead of sandal.


I also found a recipe for Florida water. Always wanted to make this myself! It s in the making now, the herbs are infusing with the alcohol.


I have made the Florida Water simmer pot & the essential oil blend. One of my favorites. I have some in an amber spray bottle too that I use in my space. I could probably use it in the car too :thinking:

I like to make my own things too. I haven’t been able to do much this past year because of my hands. I think it was around this time of year last year that I had to stop because… they aren’t steady enough for some things that I used to be able to do with ease… but, I can make up oils, sprays, simmer pots, essential oil blends, incense :hugs:

I made some keychains last year by casting crystals in resin. I used dyed agate & orange kyanite mostly. My daughter would make her own things too. I have some molds for witchy items which were my favorite things to make for a time. I wish I could do it again, maybe I’ll try it out after I get my house stuff done today. :smiling_face:


One of the things I absolutely love is Newbee’s and their new ideas.
Being an older witch, I tend to get Hide-Bound (leather bound books).
I Lost my creativity there, for a while but with new ideas, I am stimulated into new spells, new papers to write.
Thanks all the Newbees (and we all were Newbees, once)
Blessed be
Please stay free
And remember, I love you