♨ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Energy Work

@Garnet Thank you so much for your kind comments :blush: :star:. I think the doily is beautiful too! My grandmother made it for me. I’ll ask her if she still has the pattern, not sure if she will I’ve had it for years.


I couldn’t have said it better myself! :clap: I’m glad you’re getting better at reading the energy of others. You’re absolutley right. It’s super draining to be around people who either have negative energy or who are energy vampires, whether they know it or not! :vampire:

I’m gonna say all of the above! :laughing:

How interesting! I’ve never heard of a school like this. :thinking: It sounds like it was very helpful for you in overcoming the obstacles you were faced with. I am right there with you on the neutral energy thing. Energy itself isn’t harmful or “negative”. It’s only when it’s been tampered with that it becomes something else.

This is always an option! :o: If you don’t want to get that detailed, you could charm a piece of jewerly or a trinket you keep at your desk that allows you to be in a protected circle. You can have a little mudra (hand movement) or word that you say when you approach your desk that sort of “cuts a door” in the circle so it stays up the way it should be. :thinking: I think you can play around with that idea a lot!

Aww, thank you! The issue I’m having is that the only person around that doesn’t look at me like I’m crazy is my daughter. Sometimes she doesn’t want to sit with me and let me test it out! :laughing: But that’s okay, I’ll survive!

Good luck!

This is always a great reminder. Thank you for sharing this ritual from the book :heart: and for sharing the title of the book as well!

This is an interesting question! In Irish mythology, there is a place called Tech Duinn (the House of Dunn) that is basically a place where the souls of the dead gather. However, Irish myth also teaches us that the soul doesn’t stay put for long. This is called Transmigration of the Soul, a type of thought almost like reincarnation. What we see and feel isn’t always the only thing that’s out there. While we may have this energy and matter here on Earth, there are Otherworldly places that also have energy and matter! :heart: You’re right, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but oftentimes the Otherworldly energy gets forgotten about in these equations.

I’m glad your spell went well! :sparkles:

I think that’s a great idea! Do you have a specific system of energy healing in mind? Or just energy healing in general?

With more practice, you should be able to contain the energy for longer periods of time :blush:

I’d be careful about doing a cord-cutting involving your husband, but for your situation it might be a good idea to do a good clearing and banishing and a spell to bring in good luck :blush:


You are right……where is the justices . Thank you so much . :heart:


Thank you lol


Challenge Entry

I have made a ritual for myself with information and rituals from here. I just adapted it a bit to my own situation and experience.
A few days ago I got a symbol in an image in meditation of a spiral and I knew I had to work with that. I t’s about going deep and close to me, and outside in my environment again but still close to me.
I casted a circle and invited the elements, a big circle. And asked Brigid as the godess , she helps me to be me and authentic, and Hern as god who helps me to regulate my emotions and energy.
And then I circled counterclockwise in a spiral within this circle closer to me while I say I come closer to me , even closer to me. When I can t go any further I stand still and cast my spell which I wrote myself in dutch, it s a bit difficult to translate, but I wanted it to be close to me, it s about owning my soul in my body.
And then I go the other way clockwise, making the spiral bigger and bigger saying I create more and more space for being me in the outside world.

It feels strong and powerful. When I am done I feel strong and full of energy. I also notice that I can feel even more vulnerable at certain moments. It goes both ways.
I want to do this ritual for 21 days. Because I have heard that this is what it takes to make a real change at all levels.

This is my challenge . I don’t know if this suits the weekly witchy challenge but this is what came to me as a reaction, so thank you


Have you heard of Linda Keen? She is an American woman. She wrote several books Linda Keen — KEEN INTUITION about intuition development. She lived in the Netherlands for a few years and there she started this school. It was realy wonderful. I never enjoyed going to school this much😊


And thank you for your reply


Thank you​:heart::pray:t2:


Thank you, you are sweet :kissing_heart:


@martje absolutely that counts as a challenge entry! It sounds like it was a great experience to have during & afterward! :smiling_face:


It was :blush::heart:


I have not heard of Linda Keen before but I’ll definitely look her up! Thank you! :blush:


I am so eager to do some reading on this! I’ve actually already been thinking and journaling on spells and energy work and how that might be similar and different than prayer across several different religions.

All of this to ask… does anyone have any books, articles, websites, or other resources regarding energy that you might like to share? :heart:


Awww, thank you @Phoenix_Fire. On one of weekly challenges we made sigils and I made one that said I am protected and put it on a black stone. I carried it around in my pocket for weeks, but a few weeks ago, I accidentally washed it so I have to make a new one. I wear a lot of amethyst jewelry (I’m in the closet at work), and I know that has protective properties.


Thank you @MeganB that’s a great idea. I am up and down a lot at work so that’s why I haven’t cast a circle. Can you imagine me opening the circle with my finger every time I left my desk. That would give them something to talk about. Lol!


Challenge Entry – Energy Work :zap:

I’m going to start by saying that the reason I started learning how to sense energy & feel the energy within crystals is in part due to @christina4 & @Missa & the information that they have shared since I have been with Spells8. I have always loved crystals, but I couldn’t always feel their energy especially if I tried too hard.

So, I enrolled in classes at the Love & Light School :school: There is a whole section on the energy of crystals. I wanted to be able to effectively work with my crystals & their energies on my own. Being able to understand the science :woman_scientist: metaphysics, & then use the energy that I am feeling in the best way possible, is what I ultimately want to do with them.

Something that I learned about feeling the energy vibrations from crystals is that your hands :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: are actually very sensitive to energy, feeling, & sensations. One way to work with your own energy before working with crystals is to give your hands a good rub together for a few seconds. Then with the palms of your hands facing each other move them closer to each other & then away a few inches. Between your hands, energy is building & everyone will feel it differently.

Warmth, coolness, tingles, almost electric feeling, heavy, a feeling that your hands are repelling almost.

For some people, this can be easily done & with others, it may be more difficult to sense. You do have to keep your mind open & focused on what you are doing & being aware of changes in your hands & between your hands. If after practice, it still seems difficult, you can try putting clear quartz between the thumb & forefinger of one of your hands while doing the same exercise & then putting the crystal down to feel the changes after practice with it.

All of that being said while reading through this week’s challenge thread & the video information shared by @MeganB & @Amethyst, a conversation started before this entry about working with energy aside from feeling it, when it dawned on me, I have done this before! I have said that I can decipher what kind of energy I’m feeling when it builds up inside & where I feel it, to a couple of people within the last three months, more than once! :exploding_head:

While I was going through the shadows this last time, one of the releasing things we (it was guided) did was build up my energy that was not helping the other situations, but it was the energy associated with the topic we were discussing. I could feel it, racing through my arms, across my chest to the other side, going up through my throat & then racing down towards my hands tingling, getting warmer, faster, feeling like it was stuck & it needed to get through… it wanted out. I managed to release it by directing the type of energy it was at what caused it & letting it go the way it needed to for what it was reacting to. At the time, I thought this was something that happens to everyone.

As I mentioned I have also had exciting energy that’s tingly & fast, but comfortable & light & it goes across my chest & down my arms to my hands & stays between them. Sometimes I can get my hands really close in the form of holding a ball & there have been times that it is larger & at the same time I can feel my arms & hands getting warmer. But I could never keep it there very long.

My husband & his friend have seen me do it, I doubt my boys remember it, but I would almost throw the ball forward away from me or push it or my hands would come apart like I opened up my arms when I couldn’t hold it anymore & the energy was gone from between my hands.

Learned something new about myself! :tada: The course in the school about sensing energy from a crystal with my hands made more sense to me because I have always used my arms & hands to hold or release energy within me on my own.

Only in the last year has it started going from side to side by way of my chest area or up into my throat area. It’s when I let it build up that’s the problem, especially when it’s mixed energies being held inside.

Currently, I’m really working on grounding techniques. I like to find different ways because sometimes the same way doesn’t work for every situation that I am going through or feeling. I have found a few different ways that I enjoy & work during nicer weather. Plus I have other things to try that can settle my mind when I do them.


You could tie the opening and closing of the circle to your energy even. This would mean that any time you are X distance from the circle “anchor”, the circle drops and the energy dissipates. Then you could touch the trinket to activate it again lol Or if you just charm a necklace to be your circle you don’t have to worry about anything besides recharging the jewelry.


I did 30 minutes of meditation and I decided to clear my energy cords instead of cutting I did the 3rd one I feel a lot better…… 3 ways to clear energy cords


Wow thanks i will be sure to check it out :blush:


Yes it is pretty bad… I have cut down in the past but when i do i tend to eat way to much and put on weight so i tend to have a coffee usually on good days around 2-3 days 80% of the time however days like the previous one it can get a little carried away trying to keep up with life and family.