⚪ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Full Moon Magick

Thank you. I was sad and happy at the same time as well. I cried a lot and not sure if it was joy or sadness. Probably some of both.


Challenge Entry:

Hello Lovelies,

I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend!

For this weeks entry, I had wanted to make moon water and the full moon anointing oil but with a teething 7 month old who been rather fussy I ended up needing to think out of the box and go about the challenge the best way I could. I ended up reviewing the different ways to honor the moon, what you can do during the full moon and ways to get myself organized as I transition into the next phases of the moon. Leading up to the full moon I cleaned my home and did some choir magic then when I finally laid my head down for the evening (while I waited for my L/O to inevitably wake up :joy:) I did a full moon, connecting to the moon meditation.

Not sure :sweat_smile: if this counts towards this weeks challenge, if not I totally get it lol :joy: life with a small human is a new challenge and the fact I squeezed something productive in and tried to still work with the moon for this challenge is enough for me.

Sending love and light to everyone.


For the full Moon
I’m activating my runes. I used one rune called

I didn’t do a very good job, but it’s OK. I used Henna Art to magnify its power since it is like a tattoo.

I did some energy work clearing out negative beliefs! Some blockages and trying to bring in positive energy and letting go of negative thought patterns and checking myself for comparing myself being small and not taking up space I’m just letting the light and not being low & not submitting to fears.

This is Beth root which is a potent aid in turning back any hexes of black magic. Use around the perimeter of your property to repel negative en energy as well as negative entities. Is also known to symbolize the cycle of life, renewal, and transformation, reminding us to embrace change and live purposefully in the present moment, this is For, protection, love, promotes harmony, repels, negativity, and goddess magic . I got it in Lake Tahoe and Also use some :sun_with_face: :purple_heart:Jasmine :peace_symbol:chamomile

My new Boline knife
It is made out of bone and represents the moon :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :full_moon::first_quarter_moon_with_face:

Here is a picture of the moon! Not a very great view!


Challenge entry

Well I completed my spell with my brush. I charged it under the sun during the day and the full moon at night. I also charged the lavender oil at the time.

I anointed the crush and charged it chanting the following spell.


Amethyst- thank you for the full moon meditation!

That’s really great you did good taking care of that spiritual miasma!

I like that you enchanted your jewelry it’s always great magicI really appreciate the reminder. I have my pendulum and I should concentrate
May oh your wishes come true dear one!
I need to do a road opener too! I’m sorry you didn’t feel well get better soon! :people_hugging:
Your alter space didn’t look bad at all for not feeling well. Sending you lots of love
Hi hon I am so sorry about your son and I know how hard my cousin had losing her son. It’s very painful. I have a video you should check out. I learned about letting go of my pain into mother Gaia she recycles all that and send it to earth. Try using a rune and tattoo it like I did with a rune that calls to you! I’m sending you my love and mighty Hecate is guardian of children, gate keeper and guide. Hold your torch of high and allow spirit to help heal your pain in your soul.
Sending you lots of love to your heart :green_heart: center! May you always have your child close in spirit!
Heart :green_heart: activation with Rune with Sane Witch
Sending you love I hope you feel better :bouquet:

Hi and thank you for your playlist that was really sweet!
That’s great I love moon water!
Sorry if I missed anybody on this Challenge I love all of your entries and thank you for sharing your journey and your magic with me. You guys are all such a blessing.
Blessed be!


Entry Week July 23rd 2024
FuLL MooN Magic they say ….

I believe in the MooN’ & in A Month of Progress !
I want the Moon and the Sun shining down on me!
So every day I look to the Sun (full breath)
Like- give to me
Give me the Strength of the Sun &
The Bravery of the Moon - @ night
And every Crescent Moon I’m wanting and I’m Yearning to achieve! And by that Full Moon and every single Sun in Between- I AM HOPING TO ACHIEVE
my Dreams - cuz we all look up
But what is it - that we look up to :wink::cupid:


This space is amazing- Glad to have you here :cupid:


Buck full moon


Such a beautiful entry😍 I am so glad you got in touch with him. And got what you needed. May this bring you peace and the closure you have been seeking. Sending you hugs🫂


Challenge Entry
I just realized i didn’t get any pictures :confused: oh well… thisnfull moon i havv4 been practicing letting go. I have put three grocery bags full of stuff into the garge cause we’re gonna have a yard sale in couple of weeks.
On Thursday i did rhe moon tea ritual, I forgot to post something…
I charged some full moon water
I did the Money Manifestation Silver Moon Spell in my cauldron cause I was riding my bike this past week and my keys fel, out of the basket and they were next to a rqndom quarter…
Then yesterday i was wandering through lone for cemetery and i saw a family of cooper hawks with my friend. It was amazing.
Then this evening i pit all my crystals and jewelry i have been using and needed to enchant with the moonlight and rechage them.
Thanks @BryWisteria for all your hard work and helping me to continue with my craft even when i don’t feel like it. ( the grief has been making it hard.)


Challenge entry

For this one I did something very simple, I sat in the balcony and light some candles and incence and prayed to Selene and burnd some papers that I have written my wishes for this full moon. Also I did the ful moon spread from my Moonology oracle
I will edit to add the pictures and more info later as I have them at my other phone. :face_holding_back_tears:


Thank you @Jeannie1 just getting some answers to how he had his car accident helped heal my heart some. And knowing I can speak to him is a big help. Thank you for the video and the healing :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

@steph beautiful pictures!

Amazing moon pictures @john1 !

@celineelise thank you :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:. It did help give me some closure. Nobody ever knew why he hit his brakes so hard and had his fatal accident. I now know the truth and it helps immensely.


Challenge entry- I did the Money Manifesting Silver Moon Spell I took out my cauldron filled it with water put a quarter inside then I said the chant and let it sit out to soak up the full moon light.:full_moon: This morning I took the quarter out and placed it in my wallet so mote it be. :witch_pentacle:

:cauldron: :full_moon: :sparkles:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :white_circle: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Award Post for the Full Moon Magick Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


Anytime I want to send you a new Rune
Laguz and Lagus is water, intuition, dream, imagination, healing, instinct. Along with
Winju Four pleasure, joy, feasting, celebrations, festivities, and success! I wish you have joy and a zest to life!


This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit Activities to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (And if you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)