⚪ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Full Moon Magick

My spell failed in a big way, this evening. Back to the drawing board.


challenge entry
Recovering from chest infesction and with asthma its knocked me round a bit so i decidec to keep it simple this week. I chose one of my lunar theme tarot decks ( well it says lunar tarot but its avtually an oracle deck) and did a 3 card spread. I wanted to do more but my fibro also on the fritz but despite all this i actually was able to draw some wisdom from the cards i drew


Challenge Entry – Full Moon Magick

Full Moon Magick Guilt Spell

The Full Moon is a good time to try out various forms of divination, and to reflect on your feelings and goals. It is also a good time for transformation, and working on strength and power.
This spell uses the tarot card The Moon to get rid of old negative emotions.
You will need:
the three tarot cards - The Moon, Judgement, and The World
a white candle
a piece of paper and a pen
and a cauldron or fire proof dish.

Light the candle. Write down on the paper all the emotions, negative thoughts and old guilt issues that are holding you down.
When you are finished, lay down The Moon card.
Think about all the pain the issues have caused you and how heavy they make your energy. You cannot change what happened in the past and these energies serve you no good now.
When you feel the need to release these negative energies, fold up the paper, light it in the candle flame and drop it into the cauldron to burn away. As you watch it burn, say:
By the flame of destruction and transformation,
I am strengthened and set free.
May the flame of inspiration and wisdom,
Burn within and stay with me.

Lay down the Judgement card to signify your transformation and rebirth. Allow the power of fire to cleanse, release and restore.

Lay down The World card to represent taking back your own power, being renewed and transformed with positive energy.
Visualize your new life without the guilt and pain. What will you do with your new strength and power?

When you are ready, snuff the candle, and bury or flush any remaining ashes of the paper.

Sources for the inspiration, structure, and chant:
Pagan Portals – Moon Magic, 2014, by Rachel Patterson. and
A Year of ritual: Sabats and Esbats for solitaries and covens, 2004, by Sandra Kynes.

Always practice fire safety. Have a source of water close by. Don’t burn the cards, just the paper!


Challenge Entry
I love this challenge!
Too often, I know the Full Moon is coming, but I have nothing planned, so nothing really gets done. This challenge has inspired me to make a plan.
Thank you, @BryWisteria, for getting me thinking about the Moonrise and Moonset times. Yes, the peak illumination is at 3:17 a.m. in my time zone, but I am not getting up that early by choice. According to my weather app, the Moonrise is at 8:07 p.m., and the Moonset is at 4:12 a.m. That means I am going to let my family know I will be unavailable after 8:00 p.m tonight.
Here is my plan:
First, I will brew some tea :tea:, then set up my altar :purple_spell_candle: and enjoy the Group Ritual “Success by Moonlight.” I will meditate with the Spells 8 Lunar Spell.
I am done for the night. Here is my altar space.

(edit: it is late so I will do the next step tomorrow morning.) Then, I will follow The Thunder Moon yoga flow I recommended earlier.
(I am not a spell writer, but one line in the recommended ritual bothers me, and I wonder how I can fix it. “You light my path and shine like a thunder.” Thunder does not shine.)
With Leo :leo: season starting July 23, I want to charge my Leo-inspired crystals by this full moon.
I love using my Crystalyze app! ‎Crystalyze: Crystals & Stones on the App Store
With Crystalyze, I can see crystals sorted by Zodiac association and properties. After comparing crystals associated with Leo, crystals that increase motivation and boost strength, I will be charging my bumble bee jasper, carnelian, citrine, garnet, and sunstone.
I will also set some moon water to charge overnight.

After writing this out, I realize I may be overly ambitious. I will let you know how my plans adapt tomorrow. I think I will save the “Strength & Power Full Moon Spell” for tomorrow night. The full moon has a three-night window.
Let’s see how my plan goes.


I love this ritual! I am going to see if I can connect it to our group tea ritual.


Hi Starborn…I have not been “around much lately” but I am a firm believer that the key to success is “organization” and you just reminded me of that when you mentioned making a short plan in order to achieve what you want.

Hopefully I can get this challenge done. Thank you for the reminder,

Blessed Be


These cards are beautiful and they really resonated with me. I also have Fibro and some days can really be trying.

Anyway, Blessed Be


Challenge Entry

Merry Meet and Happy Full Moon today, Sunday, July 21, 2024! Each month the Full Moon goes by many names. The most popular name for July seems to be Buck Moon. So Happy Buck Moon! Male deer/elk/moose antlers reach full growth this month. All are common to Maine.

Yesterday was the 55th anniversary of the first moon landing, July 20th 1969. I was 10 years old!

I’m not sure if a Spotify playlist can count as an entry?! I started it during the pandemic and periodically add to it. The latest track was added just this morning. I knew the peak full moon was around then so when I was done adding the track I pressed shuffle and play.

The playlist is nearly 8 hours so it’s just about finished… So I hope honoring the Moon most of the day, a cup of Lemon Balm tea, and reading Moon Magic is enough for a Challenge Entry?! :slightly_smiling_face:


I hope you can achieve what you set out to. :partying_face: :black_heart:


Challenge Entry Continued

Tonight, I followed the “Strength & Power Full Moon Spell”.
I am sick (high probability it is COVID), and so I am thankful this spell was quick. I used the Virtual Altar which saved my energy as well.

The check-off list feature is really convenient. I have my moon water I created last night, plus a number of black crystal friends and my new moonstone bracelet.

Blessed Be!


Beautiful :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


Good challenge entry. I hope you’re COVID passes quickly and younget lots of rest :sleeping: sending healing :purple_heart:


Welcome :pray: :hugs: we’re so glad that you have joimed your first challenge. Good work. We’re so glad thayou are here.



Today marks the 9 year anniversary of my sons death. When I woke up, I saw a beautiful full moon out my bedroom window. My son and I would always lay out under the stars and look at the stars and moon.

So for my entry. I used my pendulum board and asked to speak to my son. This is the first time doing this. I thought with this being the date of his car accident and the full moon it was perfect timing.

I could feel his presence strong with me. I asked him several questions about where his spirit is but the pendulum just went in circles. I asked if he was happy it went to yes. I asked if he had pain during his car accident it went to no. I asked a couple more question regarding his accident and got the answers we’ve all been looking for. Before telling him goodbye and closing my session I asked if he would prefer the spirit board next time and he said yes.

I told my son I love him to the moon and back and told him goodbye. I released all spirits that may have come through and closed my session.


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience by the deadline:

Tuesday, July 22 at 7:00 AM ET (Eastern US Time)

The light of the full July moon shines upon the coven! Thank you so much to all those who have shared their moon magick so far - whether your work is complete, you’re still preparing, it’s time for research, you’re awaiting spell results, or otherwise, thank you for sharing your challenge entry :full_moon_with_face:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have time left to do so.

Blessed Be! :white_circle: :sparkles:


Challenge entry

So, this did not go as planned… I made a plan, and then food poisoning or viral gastroenteritis or something set in and knocked me out the entire weekend. Fortunately, I did manage to get something done before I felt too unwell to continue.

I made the full moon lunar elixir as closely as I could from here: Full Moon Lunar Elixir – Spells8

And enjoyed some time with the moon.

My plan was to follow up with the full moon spell for motivation, energy, and strength as closely as I can, from here: Full Moon Spell for Motivation, Energy & Strength – Spells8

I only managed to get this done tonight.

I started with making moon water and used an altar cleansing spray on the space I was going to use. I did this on a table in the living room that I’ve used a few times before. The main reason is so that I can do it right by the window, in the view of the moonlight. But also, this time, I’m partly motivated by my partner and I both being unwell in two different ways and keeping the incense away from them.

Fortunately, there’s a communal garden right below my balcony, so I can pour things like water into it.

Anyway, I’m glad that I finally got around to doing this one. And since I’ve done it on a Monday, too, that also makes me happy.

Next will be the elemental road opener spell: ▶️ Elemental Road Opener Spell: Wiccan Prayer to Unlock Paths – Spells8

And I’ll finish off with the full moon wish spell from here: Spells and Things To Do on a Full Moon – Spells8

The last two will probably not be done until tomorrow night. I’ll see how my energy goes tonight.

Being sick has put a two-day gap between the first step and the second. But even if I don’t get around to the rest, I’m glad that I was able to do anything at all. :pray: :black_heart: :silver_heart:

Update: I definitely feel more energised and stronger. But I’m not going to push it. I’ll get some rest soon.


Challenge Entry

I hummed and hawed about what i wanted to do for this full moon. At first i was thinking a candle wish spell, but while surfing through spells8 i came across this jewelry enchantment spell from @MeganB and knew that this is what calls to me tonight. :heart:

Time to enchant my favorite pendant!:blush:


Challenge Entry :full_moon: 🜄🜃

I’m doing a 2 night full moon ritual. Since the skies were very cloudy on the first night of the full moon due to a rain storm, I really wanted to feel the moon light as I gaze upon it, but instead, I did a full moon cleansing bath🛀🏻 with Epsom salt. Along with other elements to guide my cleanse. I wrote down my intention for the rest of the month and repeated it in my mind to manifest a sense of release. I did struggle at the end when I fully washed myself and strands of hair kept tickling my body and it was frustrating but I’m learning to acknowledge my frustrations in that absolute moment, and quickly reset my mind by taking 3 long deep breaths🧘🏻‍♀️.
Tonight, I’ll complete my ritual with a Buck Moon spell and charge my crystals :zap::crystal_ball: I honestly feel like something is missing but not sure how or what to add. Maybe close with drinking my favorite tea? Write down my negative thoughts and burn them away?


Beautiful! I’m sad and happy for you at the same time.


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

Wish I had some amazing spell or something this week, but I just haven’t had the energy. I did do my usual Full Moon Meditation and it was awesome, so I thought I’d share that.

I hope y’all like!