šŸ«¶ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - HandCrafting

Okay, when I am in my space tomorrow I will look through the recipe cards :smiling_face:

@martje & @Phoenix_Rose I am making Chakra oils in roller bottles. I use Grapeseed Oil as the carrier but you could use coconut too. I use them for all kinds of things! I have a few on my altar space that I have made & then a couple that I received in a subscription box. I like to use them for anointing, simmer pots, diffusers for mental health & remedies for sinuses & such.

@crystal5 that is a really nice sigil hanging that you made, I love the yellow & how brightening it is :hugs:

I love mandalas, like to color them & draw them.

Oh! Today I was driving home & saw a bright green storage container with bright yellow on the handles & hinges! Images of runes are drawn all over the doors. The ones I remember seeing are Othala :othalan:, Laguz :laukaz:, Gebo :gebo:, & Ingwaz :ingwaz: ā€¦ so now Iā€™m so curious about why itā€™s there. The yard itā€™s in isnā€™t usedā€¦ they are unused properties. So itā€™s very curious. :face_with_monocle:


@Amaris_Bane ha ha ha ha herbal queen huh. Now thats funny. Im glad u like the tea. Hope its helping and making u feel better. I have an elderberry syrup too lol, @MeganB


They are lots of fun


Where do you get the recipe for the oils?


Appreciate It! And thank you for the warm welcome. Definitely happy to be here. :hugs:


Thank you! I started with the loom also and still bounce between loom and peyote. Seed beads are beautiful, delicate as they are and I Take such a confort working with them! I only wish I Could Find the time to do it more often.


@MeganB thank you for the kind words and welcome! LOVE to see all the amazing things shared here!


@Amaris_Bane hey love did u see the migraine oil recipe i tagged u in?


@MeganB i found it i found it. I was looking everywhere for my elderberry syrup recipe. And i finally found it. @Susurrus is probably alot better. And she is totally right if properly stored it can last years. This bottle is 2 yrs old. And still just as effective as when i first made it.


Yes! My roller bottles just arrived yesterday so I plan to make some today. Thank you for all the help you have offered!!!


Love it!! This looks so awesome. Great job on creating something beautiful out of things so small and fiddly. I know how it can be working with beads. This looks amazing :heart_eyes:


Ok an update on my attempt at tgus entry the other one kinda not got to yet. But i dud manage to make an abundance altar space as im working a variety of projects that include being an independant consultant and starting a buisness while working part time. So i decided to reorganize one of spaces into an abundance altar. I didnt habe a big green candle but bought a number 8 green bday candle to put at base of a long white candle to use for abundance candle. I got range of materials to help and also a white board to create a vision board amd my cryatal affirmation cards to side so i can yse them as well.

On another side just by coincidence ( ran out of food so had to run to shop for food) i made some protein muffins and slice and bulk rice meal all using herbs to help both health and wellbeing including moringa and cinnamon. I added pears to the protein muffins ( going with rhe green rheme :joy: they didnt have tinned apple. Ok its not fresh fruit but was going in muffins so needed to be soft.). My guardiand been wayching over me as i had a few near miss on ober flowing sinks or other things as was cooking seversl things at once, washing dishes ( lots) and washing abs then setting up alrar. :joy:its been a crazy few hours but i feel protected and even cleansed space with sandle wood (Fenrir) and lit my Brigid candle as i was in kirchen using herbs. I feel they are all watching over me. Granted my activity i was going to do this week isnt what i ended up doing, ( if i can ill try but craziness continues, and me lack of sleep and coffee, but considering this doing alright i think) but despite change of plans i feel encouraged and feel ive fully dived right into my practice even drinking herbal teas ( lotsā€‹:joy:some slightky annoying side affects on that one but i feel they are still helping so i accrpt the side affect of drinking ALOT of tea :joy:and at least hydrated i guessā€‹:joy:.
Anyways ill put photo of altar up below


@Phoenix_Fire Thank you so much, I believe that is probably the beauty, when something is not a bit challenging, if there is no sweat put into It, the satisfaction is not that filling at the end


That s wonderful Siofra! I wish I could smell them here :blush: I did this once and it really worked, scents can do so much for us sentient beings


Also @Susurrus I made these once of pipe cleaners one for each chakra. Made me think about you just now so Iā€™de like to share them. They are very easy to make and easy to bend.


@martje I like making the oils into something I can wear on my wrists or neckā€¦ whereverā€¦ I found roller bottles that came in the different colors for Chakras too, so that is fun too!

@Mistress_Of_Herbs & @MeganB since I had time this morning, I went through my cards & found the elderberry syrup recipe. I used an amber flask type of bottle & then after itā€™s cooled, store it in the refrigerator.

Elderberry Syrup

  • 1 tbsp of dried elderberries
  • 1 tbsp of dried ginger pieces
  • 1 tbsp of cinnamon chips
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 honey sticks

Optional: vodka or brandy to increase shelf life

Directions: Fill a small soup pot with water & add the elderberry syrup ingredients (no honey yet) & bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to a simmer & simmer uncovered for 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat & allow the concoction to steep for a minimum of 30 minutes.

When it has reached room temperature, pour the brew through a double layer of cheesecloth, into a pourable container. Squeeze all liquid our of the herbs. Add honey & stir until completely dissolved. Pour the liquid into a small clean bottle with lid. Label the bottle & store in the fridge.

Recipe from: Tamed Wild: Wild Recipes for a Medicinal & Magickal Kitchen. Elderberry syrup recipe adapted from Mountain Rose Herbs


@martjeā€¦ you get meā€¦ I love them! Such a great idea! Iā€™m going to have to go find some chakra-colored pipe cleaners to do so! What a great idea for working with Brighid & Chakras! Thank for sharing, I actually just found my materials for making a corn husk doll too. Maybe I can make the little crosses & the doll for a gratitude ritual of some kind.

Creative juices are now doing their thing about what I can make :heart:

@Phoenix_Rose the ones for the Chakras I use the scents that correspond with the chakra then add a carrier oil to them. I put in 40 drops of one of the essential oil scents corresponding to the chakra & then the rest of the 10 ml bottle is the carrier oil (Grapeseed Oil) & shake!

The blends for the diffusers I have found in my Pinterest travels & Etsy travels, the forum or come up with on my own. I also will find recipes for incense or oils & kind of interchange them. I like the oils because I can keep the roller bottle on me throughout the day. Honestly, I usually find the recipe & tweak it based on what I have or what I am using it for after itā€™s made.


I love your enthusiasm, thank you itā€™s contagious :smile::star_struck::+1:t2:


My st Johns oil


Thatā€™s a beautiful color! I donā€™t know much about St. Johnā€™s Oil, but I have worked with St. Johnā€™s Wort :herb: in the past. I think Iā€™m making it a project to go through what I have inside & figure out what I have in my yardā€¦ so many things have come up this year to match what didnā€™t flourish this yearā€¦

I will say that the aviation wildlife :bird: is quite active in my backyard along with the bunnies & squirrels, so I think we need to tweak the fencing again. The bunnies :rabbit2: & chipmunks :chipmunk: found a way into the main garden from the greenhouse that we need to replace next year