🫶 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - HandCrafting

Lit the candle and rralised the whiteboard behind could double for some candle scrying :joy:


Good idea! Must be wonderful to have a big garden and wildlife in it I only have a small backyard with some pots, but I do have birds, and insects, and ofcourse my cat who loves to sit in this yard. In ‘ her’ chair :blush:


Ooo she’s beautiful! I miss having a cat, I grew up & we always had at least 1 cat & a dog. Then when I moved out on my own, we started with a dog & a cat. The cat passed & then we had 2 dogs. Now we have 1 dog & he is my sidekick during the day mostly. I mean a day with anywhere from 1 to umpteen naps is a tough life when it’s climate controlled in the summer :rofl:


Where do you get your Elderberries down here?


@Phoenix_Fire oh wow hon u have been thru alot. Thank the Goddess u are ok. And things seem to be looking better. Just remember u are amazing. But also to breathe. Lol. Many blessings to u


@martje hey she looks like my cat, Dobby


@Susurrus yeah yours is definitely more planned put than mine. Mine is only written down bc a friend asked me for a recipe. And i was like i dont have one. Oops. I have a really bad tendency of making things and not writing them down.


I do that too! I always think “I will remember this”. Wrong, I have to write it down. Lol!


They look like brother and sister :heart_eyes:


@Ostara yep same here. Or i dont know if it will work. So i make hubby play guinea pig. And then it does work. And I’m like what was it i put in it again. Lol. Or its 6 mo later and someone will ask for an oil i randomly made them. I did that once for a person with lupus. Well i never heard anything. And i thought i wrote it down. Well come to find out nope


@martje yes they do. Thats what u thought when i saw her. Does her eyes change color? Dobby’s eyes change from yellow to green depending on his mood


@Mistress_Of_Herbs & @Ostara the only reason the Elderberry Syrup is so “thought” out is that it’s from Tamed Wild Recipe Book. I didn’t come up with that one on my own :laughing: My husband plays guinea pig for me too sometimes my daughter depending on what it is I’m doing. Usually, I have a bad habit of doing things as they feel right & then totally forgetting to record or make notes or write it down… so nothing is ever done twice the same way… or at least not exactly the same.

The roller bottles for Chakras required me to figure out how many “drops” to carrier oil I needed for a 10ml bottle. Thank goodness for online conversion calculators :joy: For my diffusers, I usually do 10 drops per oil for every 100 ml of water. If I’m using multiple then I will break it down by the recipe on hand or how strong the oils are by themselves. My diffusers are between 250 & somewhere near 500 ml (the smaller of the diffusers is in my bedroom). Then if it needs to be stronger then I add 3 drops per oil at a time depending on which ones are lacking. I kind of bounce between actual recipes & tweaking them or other directions for things to how it feels right to me.

I love the Florida Water diffuser blend we have: What is Florida Water and Why Do We Want It? :green_heart: there are actually multiple ways to make the water within this post. I like to make it fresh with vodka & I like the diffuser blend for overall good vibes in my room or house…sometimes both diffusers have the same recipes sometimes I do them differently for each room.


I need to make some more Florida water. I let it sit for a full moon cycle before I strain it so it takes a while, but it turns out beautiful and smells beautiful too. My grown son says it tastes pretty good too. Lol!


Ooohhh… I never thought of doing that! Great idea :bulb: I may try that the next time I make some.


@Mistress_Of_Herbs and @Ostara y’all sound like me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I wrote things on a scratch pad or sticky note as I’m making things with the intention of adding it to my BoS if it works but then never do, lol. It took me 30 minutes to find my elderberry tincture note lol. I think I’m going to get a spiral notebook to use moving forward so at least they are all in way place. Let’s see if I actually used it. :joy:


No not really but she has very clear expressions in her eyes so I can see what mood she is in :blush:


She is just gorgeous😍


@Anjelique I enjoyed loom beading in high school. I once gave a “how-to” lesson in Speech. Seeing your work and reading the discussion inspires me what to start loom beading again.


This reminds me that they have these like, pocket sized note pads with a cover & a cord to keep it shut made of parchment paper or another type that you can refill. I got one for a gift & I believe the person that gave it to me found it either on Amazon or Etsy. I’ll have to see if I can find out when I see her later today.


Hello, beautiful! I will guess the kitty is curious or ready for mischief.