💎 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Heed the Call of Crystals

That’s a beautiful crystal :sparkling_heart::heart_eyes: and p.s. you’re awesome :sweat_smile:


Thanks! I was bored, so I thought I’d make something fun to do.


Aw, thanks love! :wink::pray: Glad ya liked it!


Thank you Nadialuna, it’s my first one. I’m so happy to see your progress as I can tell you are very gifted!I practice my craft everyday! I can’t imagine what my collection will look like later! Just being able to see what everyone else is doing helps!
Thank you :blush:



Hope the headaches have gone away or at least decreased, @Susurrus! And ohhh your blue lace agate sounds beautiful :blue_heart:

Such a gorgeous Hematite, @Nadialuna- a lovely choice for a favorite stone :two_hearts: And look at your beautiful collection :heart_eyes: You have so many lovely crystals- and I just adore how you arranged them. Your setups are really nice to look at! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics of your treasures :sparkles:

Wonderful, @Jeannie1! You chose a lovely crystal grid, and I cannot stop staring at your display! The glowing moon, candle, and crystals look so enchanting :star_struck: Really well done- bravo! :clap:

Beautiful obsidian, @laura6 :black_heart: Sending good thoughts and blessings to your mother- I wish her a speedy recovery! May your obsidian protect her and bring her back to health :pray:

Great work with lithomancy, @Christina4! :+1: I hope the crystals gave you some helpful advice and pointed you in the direction you need to go. Thanks for sharing! :two_hearts:

Amethyst is such a wonderful stone with so many soothing and nostalgic properties- and you have such a lovely piece, @Amethyst! :purple_heart: May your beautiful Amethyst bring you much good luck and many blessings. Let it watch over you while your write your masterpieces! :writing_hand::two_hearts:


With cold days and a nip in the air, I decided to bring out my Carnelion stones in combination with a little Kitchen Witchery to make a body-boosting brew :woman_cook:

This is kind of a pumped-up version of the Thunderstorm Panacea :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:- now enhanced with crystals! :gem:


  • :garlic: Garlic [anti-inflamatory, fights infection, good for heart]
  • :yellow_heart: Ginger [warming, heals stomach, fights indigestion]
  • :orange_heart: Turmeric [good for heart, anti-depressent, anti-inflamatory]
  • :black_circle: Black Pepper [warming, increases absorption of nutrients]
  • :herb: Basil [anti-inflamatory, brings good luck]
  • :bowl_with_spoon: Broth (:leafy_green: Veggie and/or :chicken: Chicken) [loaded with nutrients, traditional healing remedy]

And, for a little extra magick touch:

Carnelion: I usually use Carnelion for the emotional benefits of creativity and motivation. But traditionally, Carneleion is also a stone of the flesh. The warm colors and darker veins are reminiscent of the body and this stone can be used to improve circulation and strengthen the body :drop_of_blood:

Body-Boosting Brew should be mixed while holding/wearing the carnelian and while wishing for a strengthened immune system and strong body to keep out the winter blues- physically and emotionally! :grin:

Wishing everyone good health! :pray: Blessed be :two_hearts:


Really well done to all the crystal enthusiasts who have shared their magick and treasures so far- it’s been a pleasure to see your wonderful collections! :sparkles:

A friendly heads up that this challenge will close: TOMORROW!

For anyone who would like to participate but has not done so already, please share your crystal magick by the deadline: Tuesday, November 24th at 7:00AM CET(Central European Time)

Blessed be!


Crystals are starting to grow on me a little. The way I see it, any way to boost a spell is a worthwhile endeavor. I’ve only used crystals a couple times in my spell work. A couple nights ago I was wanting to do a spell so I looked at the lunar spell generator on the site. It happened to have the perfect spell for me at the time. It was a prosperity spell involving a green candle and a paper. I won’t get into the details of the spell but it was an option to boost the spell by placing a piece of quartz beside the burning candle on the altar while visualizing. I found some quartz in my closet that seemed just the right size. After using the quartz for the spell, I placed in on the North side of my altar to help symbolize the Earth element. Now I’ve got a small bowl of course salt and this crystal to represent Earth! I can safely say my altar is getting quite full of items but I do organize and switch things around quite often. Something a little bit more dramatic would suit me well though I think. I wouldn’t mind getting a larger decorative crystal for my living room, although I’m not sure how much space I have for something like that. I’d like to have some larger crystals. I definitely want a crystal ball too, but that will come in time. Thanks for reading.


Sounds like the quartz came in handy. And maybe you’ll incorporate more crystals in spells in the future :wink:


Thank you, hon! And I think we’re both awesome! LOL. :kissing_heart:

~pouts~ I’ve had writer’s block the past two weeks. I’ve gotten to an important bit and am second-guessing myself. I sent it to a friend to look over. Hopefully, she’ll have it back soon and I’ll get back on track. Thanks again for the good wishes! I’ll get there yet!

WOW. This sounds like it would kick any virus out of your body! Very nice use of a crystal!


Yay crystals!
So here’s my little collection:

And here’s my crystal jewellery collection:

Each day I’ll pick out my corresponding crystals to wear and they’ll end up on my altar by a candle when I go to bed at night - so I’m constantly re-organising this box! :joy:

My crystal plan for tonight is to charge up my new Selenite necklace (the giant white one) using the gorgeous Spells8 Moonlight Happiness Activation :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
One of my absolute favourite crystals has to be fluorite! I’ve been wearing my fluorite bracelet pretty much daily recently and I just got this new tumblestone… isn’t it beautiful :heart_eyes:

Fluorite is used for balance, calm, strength, well-being and spiritual healing. It’s also great for learning, communication, concentration, creativity, mental power and luck! It’s such a beautiful, happy and helpful stone. The first time I used it was for Anti-AnxieTea and I’ve loved it ever since :heart: Fluorite4eva :heart:


So pretty crystals and good information here! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have a few ones too that have called out to me and I feel a special connection to. After my move they’ve been biding their time in the dark for a while and this challenge was perfect to bring them out again!

Besides the selenite which I know to be gypsum thanks to you lovelies, I’m pretty sure all of these stones are quartz! There’s a citrine to promote success and self-esteem, an amethyst to bring peace and mental clarity and boost intuition, a smoky quartz for grounding and maintaining a link to the practical and physical world, and then there’s the mystery stone I found in northern Finland when I was a child :smiley_cat:

Judging from the hardness and texture I’m pretty sure it’s milky quartz. It feels like a tough yet gentle crystal, but I haven’t been able to form a closer connection to it yet. I’d be grateful for any insights! :grin:

The selenite I’ve had on my nightstand / altar to Selene for a while and it’s helped bring a calm and relaxing atmosphere in the room :relaxed:
I feel very thankful to have the Moon shine right through my bedroom window, so I’ve used the opportunity to charge it whenever there’s been a clear sky :white_heart: Today I’ve kept it on my desk to cleanse the other crystals, especially the mystery one gave off some pretty negative energy. It feels much better now, but I might still give it a good smudging just to be safe :smile_cat:


@Limeberry, what a great collection! Especially jewelry. Impressive! And those fluorites are beautiful!

What a nice little collection! I have a selenite wand and a tower beside my bed, as well as a plate I can clear crystals on. I love the way it feels.


Thanks! Most of the rings were my Grandmother’s - she had such a collection :heart_eyes:
Oh I’m desperate for a selenite plate or bowl - I’ve been eyeing them up for months now haha I may need to gift myself one for xmas :roll_eyes: :joy:


The selenite plate I got is very handy, but it’s small. Like coaster small. So watch how big it is, I was a wee bit disappointed when it came, I can only put like two crystals on it at a time.


Ooh good tip! I’ll make sure I check the measurements :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good luck finding the one you need!


@Limeberry some etsy shops are starting to run sales so this would be a great time to shop for your selenite bowl. They are priced all over the place so you might find a good deal. They do come in handy for charging your stones.


Ahh! I have been waiting for a crystal challenge! :sparkles: I have lots and tend to buy crystals frequently :sweat_smile: but these are the ones I have been working with lately and consider to be my favorites at the moment!

(These are in no particular order!)

  • Lapis Lazuli - 5th & 6th Chakra
    • protective, higher mind, psychic abilities, students, calming, headaches, creativity, intuition, pain relief, hearing, etc

  • Labradorite AKA Spectrolite - All Chakras
    • psychic abilities, intuition, transformation/change, anxiety, creativity, strength, habits, stomach problems, spirit realm connection, metabolism, etc.

  • Moss Agate - 1st, 4th Chakra
    • new beginnings, healing, intuition, wisdom, life path, anxiety, insight, emotional understanding, strength, protection, etc

  • Lodolite AKA Garden/Inclusion Quartz, etc - All Chakras
    • pain relief, emotion balance, harmony, spirit guides, connect to higher realms, memory, past lives, communication, thyroid, manifestation, etc

  • Mahogany Obsidian - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Chakra
    • strength, grounding, protection, growth, expression, release blockages, trauma, psychic attacks, focus/clarity, stress, etc.

Disclaimer: Im not a medical professional. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.


I love this! Its giving me tranquil vibes :heart_eyes: