🔍 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Interpreting Signs & Messages

Great message!


This is my Weekly Challenge Entry
I decided to do a 5 card reading Using Spells8 format.
I did have a specific question and wanted some guidance on it, as many of you know my husband had lung cancer. Gone through all the treatments and is now on the recovery treatments to replace his immunity. So that is where we are at the moment, 5 replacement treatments are done, and 7 more to go ( with only 1 treatment a month). This reading was for the two of us.

These Oracle Cards are The Healing Spirits by Gordon Smith :dizzy:
Card 1 - Earth - Time to move forwards
Card 2 - Water - you have the ability to affect your own destiny
Card 3 - Air - Life Lessons Again
Card 4 - Fire - Ask your Spirit guide
Card 5 - Spirit - Courage arrives when you step over fear

I decided to add Cards 6 & 7 to complete the reading
Card 6 - Outcome - There is so much more to you than you think
Card 7 - Closure - Spirit healers & helpers are with you.

From this reading, I conclude that we were moving forward quite well, even though I have the ability in me to forge our destiny, then we are hit with a Life Lesson (Cancer) that knocks us back some. Then I meditate and call on my spirit guides for guidance, and then we step over our fear and go through what we have to for him to get better and for me to accept this life lesson. I am realizing now that there is so much more to me than what I thought about myself. I found my strength and the spirit healers and helpers are with us.
I love this new Oracle deck The Healing Spirits by Gordon Smith.

Blessed Be :dizzy:


@debra2 It’s a beautiful deck :green_heart:


Fabulous @debra2 ! I’m so glad he is on the mend and your spirit healers are with you both. Blessed be :purple_heart::purple_heart:


thank you @Mystique it’s been a hard road, :orange_heart:


Challenge Entry

I have a hard time interpreting signs and messages, but one time, when I had to do a return to sender spell, the piece of paper smelled really sweet as it burned. As far as I knew, the paper smelled like… paper, so I took that as a sign that the spell would work in my favor and it did.


Yes, just above the tip of the flame is her waist! x


I think Imma play the skip card on this challenge. Wait till I can properly assess and complete it.



For me, animals seem to be a sign that appears regularly. This can be in dreams, during meditation, during reiki sessions and in my daily life. Four animals are more prominent than others:

Wolfs regularly appear during my reiki sessions, normally in the same manner. I see its face looking straight at me. The face fills my minds eye and its own eyes are a piercing blue colour. I take it as a sign of guardianship and loyalty. It is also a reminder for me to bring order to my own life, the way a wolf would in the pack. Use my resources and dont waste, again like the pack would. Finally, i see the wolf as a reminder to listen to my own thoughts and be willing to embark on a new jotuney, be it phusical or spiritual.

OK i will admit that I was always frightened of cats but they always seemed drawn to me and would rub across my leg. This put the fear in me until I realised that they actually liked me. This changed my opinion the point where I now have two of my own and I am convinced that they know when i need nurturing because they will sit with me and purr almost in an attempt to calm and soothe me. My reiki healer also told me to pay attention to my cats actions as my brothers spirit sots on my sofa with them…they actually do sit and purr at “nothing” on the sofa. I see cats as a sign to take time out, relax and recharge.

The humble pigeon. It gets a lot of flack but a pigeon is always in my back garden feeding from my bird feeders. One word comes to mind with pigeons…home. they always find their way back and huddle together for security. This is a sign to spend more time with the family and to weather my storms with them because they will be there for me when I need them. More personally, I grew up around pigeons because my gran and grandpa raced them. So now when two are in my garden, i see it as them. Very often, a pigeon flies alongside my car or across my windscreen. This, for me, is my grandparents making their presence known.

I have always had an affection for turtles. I dont know why. I have never seen on in “real life” but they have appeared in dreams and more recently in reiki. Iin my reiki last week, i was literally standing in water with turtles swimming around me. It was a total state of calm and relaxation. They are a sign to remain grounded and maintaining a slow and steady but determined pace (a bit like my sun sign Taurus). They are a sign of logevity, survival and ultimately charting my own course. Coincidently i recieved a gift for my birthday to go swimming with turtles when I go on holday to Mexico in July. Needless to say I cannot wait!

Image created using Canva

Signs and messages from Family TW death and suicide

Signs also seem to come to me at night. I have been awoken from my sleep hearing my brother or grandparents speak to me. What they say makes complete sense to me rather than a random phrase with no logical meaning. I have saw my grandpa in my dreams many times but it is like he interrupts it. Its like the dream gets paused and he walks on “stage” to tell me something then leaves and the dream restarts. It feels very different and much more “real” than the dream that was occuring.

After my grandpa passed, i was sitting reading an astronomy magazine (before i had any interest in astrolgy). There was what I can only describe as a guat of wind in my living room, even though the door and windows were closed. The magazine pages flupped to a two page spread about venus. I knew this eas my grandpa as we had veen lookong at venus through my telescope the night before he died.

On my birthday a few weeks ago, my mother and sister had came with presents. It wasnt a great birthday as it was rhe day before my grans funeral and we were talking about her. There was a pinging noise like someone pinging paper and a photo me me and her fell from the shelf and landed on top of the presents. That photo has sat in place for a long time without ever moving. My gran was wishing me happy birthday!

When my brother died, I beleive he talked to me through my tarot cards. I was aking auestions, almost in a state of desperation for answers. I asked what was wrong and got the 5 of cups…this made total.sense due to the nature of his relationship. I asked what was going on in jis head and the 2 of swords came out…again made total sense. What did you choose…the hanged man came out…this is how my brother took his life. I know this isnt the meaning but seeing that image was, for me, a sure sign from my brother. How are you now…4 of swords…at peace. I definitely beleive my brother spoke through those cards.

Animals, words, objects, cards…i beleive these are all ways that i have been given signs in an attempt to both comfort and guide me.

Blessed be



@Cosmic_Curiosity Sensitive and beautiful. Thankyou :heartpulse:


I got this same book


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

Since the New Moon I’ve been working with the crystal ball I got for Yule. Mostly I’ve been getting eye strain, LOL, but I did think I see something momentarily just twice and I thought I’d share that and my interpretations of what I saw.

Today I saw either a path or a train track. Either way I’m interpreting that as I’m on the right path, keep going.

But the other morning, before a doctor’s appointment, I thought I saw and ear for a second which I took to mean for me to listen to the doctor and make sure he listens to me. Good message.

And then, just for a second I saw a face. Don’t laugh too much y’all, but it was Commander Riker from Star Trek:TNG.

Sigh. I know. Weird, right? I took that to mean that I have to take command over my own health and not be so passive with the doctors.

Each of these images was just a second in the crystal. Blink and you’d miss them type of thing. But I do feel confident that I’m learning and am getting somewhere so that is great!

Just, don’t hurt yourself laughing over the Riker thing, okay?



It’s a great book! I love it


That sounds amazing! I’m so glad you have connected to your crystal ball!


My ancestors that have passed our people I e known Are my spirit guides. my grandmother passed away, but she was more like my mother and the other day. I had a dream that she was in a creek and she was with my aunt and she moved away from the middle of the creek and then went to the bench, and my aunt asked if they could get a ride and she said that she wanted to go home, and she could give her a ride home .:house: of course, I said yes I am more than willing to give you guys both a ride home and they after I found out that my aunt moved and she was in the middle of a move and I had no idea, but I think my grandmother is trying to tell me that my aunt needs help or guidance. That is what I interpreted from the dream. I know that water is healing, and I don’t know what else to think of it, but I speak to my loved ones through my dreams.
I also have.Hecate as my guide and the gatekeeper and she is also a guardian and I also have the plant kingdom, the and animal kingdom and the mineral kingdom and I often speak to my guides through numbers. I always see 1111. I also use a pendulum and I try to receive messages through the pendulum for my health, I also practice meditation so I can better myself and better myself in the spirit world!
Not too many Days ago, I had a bluebird in my house and so I wanted to find the meaning It was very frantic In my window seal and I helped it out. I saw it really just fly away and it was awesome I seen it fly away and lift of and land on a tree :evergreen_tree: across the way! :smiling_face:
Blue bird
Then I went to a garage sale and I saw the same bluebird in a picture and I really feel like like it’s my grandmother trying to speak to me like leaving me a message to keep soaring! A spiritual connection that is profound :face_with_monocle:

Today in the adventure that I had today, I saw a lot of mystical things and I thought I would leave you guys some pictures!

The pic above shows a Great Egret it has a s like neck meaning for me was interpreted as a backwards 8 infinite :infinity: or a snake :snake: for transformation! I knew it was so beautiful and I felt a perfect peace in the garden

Great Egret Bird

in many Native Americans and invokes qualities like peacefulness, nobility, perseverance, and patience. Which I do need to have patience right now. I still have court proceedings! The egret is a special and meaningful symbol to many Native American tribes. A representation of divine power, dignity, and grace, the elegant white bird is seen as a symbol of harmony with nature or the wonder of life itself.

It is said that those who dream of a Great Egret should prepare for surprising events that could bring great blessings into one’s life. To many Native Americans, the natural beauty of the egret bird symbolizes the interconnectedness between humans and nature.

The majestic beauty of the Egret bird has been captivating people across cultures for centuries. In the Eastern world, egrets are seen as symbols of peace, purity, and natural beauty. To ancient Chinese, who believed in a spiritual connection between humans and nature, certain white birds, including the egret, were associated with luck and fortune.
:crystal_ball: Me and my history went to eat and received a message

Also I just think messages to me come through synchronicities like a confirmation.


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience by the deadline:

Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 AM ET (Eastern US Time)

From thoughtful explorations of signs, to insightful divination work, exploration of sign meanings, shared experiences and more - I see a lot of talent on display this week! It’s always a delight to see the many powers and wisdom of the coven. Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their interpreting magick with the coven so far! :raised_hands: :heart:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have time left to do so.

Blessed Be! :mag: :sparkles:


Challenge entry

I had no idea what to write for this challenge until it came up to me and yelled in my face! But first, I suppose I should start with a disclaimer… More for my own sake of working through my beliefs than anything else, but that’s what I’m doing this challenge for, anyway. :smile:

Signs and messages can be very difficult for me. I tend to think along the lines of what @Artemisia quoted, and I think that not everything is a symbol or sign. Or perhaps, to go even further, nothing is a symbol or sign from the universe—it’s entirely up to me to decide that I want to look more into something and get meaning out of it. So, basically, when I engage in practices like these, I’m using them as prompts to be introspective, think more about the world around me, or dive into studies.

But that’s just the background of how I personally see these things at the moment. Chances are, this perception will continue to swing back and forth like a pendulum until I find the right spot that’s best for me. After all, from what I’ve gathered so far on this journey, it seems that what we get out of our practice is ultimately what matters. So, I’m not worrying about wrong or right; I’m just thinking about what helps me get through life and evolve into a better person along the way.

Without any further digressing…


I know I’ve talked about ravens and crows at some point in the recent past, but they’re such beautiful birds that I’m happy to take any excuse to dive back into them as a topic.


The Australian raven (Corvus coronoides) is one of the six members of the Corvid family found in Australia. They live in eastern and southern Australia and have distinct features that set them apart from their crow cousins.

(For reference, Sydney is on the south-east coast.)

In comparison with our species of crows, the Australian ravens have a more robust, thicker beak and longer, more shaggy throat feathers—a feature particularly noticeable when they call or when the wind ruffles their necks.


Their calls are perhaps the most definitive way to distinguish between the two: Australian ravens have a deep, resonant call that sounds like a slow, drawn-out “aah-aaah,” often described as a wailing or mournful sound. It’s pretty distinct from the typical “caw” of crows.

(This is a familiar morning sound for many of us.)

In terms of behaviour, both Australian ravens and crows are incredibly intelligent and can use tools, solve problems, and even mimic sounds. They’re often patrolling the skies in groups, searching for food—insects, fruits, small animals, and, regrettably, garbage.

Anyway, as I am often visited by ravens, I thought I could explore their symbolism. Ravens, with their mysterious aura and dark feathers, have fascinated cultures worldwide for centuries. I mean, how could they not, right?

In Norse mythology, ravens are seen as wise and knowledgeable creatures. Odin, the god of war and wisdom, had two ravens, Huginn and Muninn (“thought” and “memory”), who flew around the world to gather secrets and knowledge for him. In this context, ravens are revered as messengers and guardians of knowledge, representing a connection between the known and the mystical unknown.

[Huginn and Muninn | Odin’s Ravens “Thought” and “Memory”]

Native American cultures often portray the raven as a trickster or a creator deity, highlighting its role in creation myths and its associations with transformation, intelligence, and adaptability. This suggests that a raven’s visit might signal a time of change or encourage me to look at things from a new perspective.

[White Wolf : Symbolic Meaning of the Raven in Native American Culture (Video)]

In contrast, Western traditions, especially those influenced by Christianity, often depict ravens as omens of evil tidings or death, likely due to their scavenging nature and presence in grim settings like battlefields. This darker view has permeated popular culture, where ravens frequently symbolise foreboding and mystery.

[The Raven - Wikipedia]

Lastly, the raven’s intelligence and observant nature remind me that there might be important details in my life that I’m overlooking, or opportunities to perceive deeper truths about my surroundings.


Since we’re also in autumn, a season of change, maturity, and reflection, I thought the season and weather might also be interesting to explore in terms of symbolism. As the leaves slowly change colour (due to the abundance of sunlight and warmth delaying them), we also slowly move from the vibrancy of summer to the quietude of winter.

This season reminds me of the importance of embracing change, even when it signifies the end of something. Just as the trees shed their leaves in preparation for the winter, I am reminded to let go of past burdens and prepare for new challenges and opportunities.

(Credits for this photo go to me. I have really been enjoying taking photos from my balcony since moving. But anyway, you can see that the trees look almost as green as they would in summer here, and I took this a mere 10 hours ago.)

Autumn is also the season when crops are traditionally gathered and stored, representing the fruition of efforts put forth throughout the year. While I live in an area that is much too urban for this to have any visible impact on my life, it can still prompt me to reflect on my own achievements and the fruits of my labour. Kind of like a reminder for me to consider what I have accomplished and to be thankful for, whether that’s the abundance in my life, personal growth, relationships, or professional successes.

(This is an older photo, but probably my best storm/rain photo yet, so here it is again because I will talk about the autumn weather in just a moment…)

I think autumn has a reflective quality outside of the harvesting symbolism, too, as the shorter days and longer nights provide a wonderful setting for introspection and contemplation. As nature slows down, so can I, finding more time to think about my direction and choices. The cool, often overcast weather of autumn is such a great setting for encouraging a slower pace and a deeper connection with my inner thoughts and feelings.

Storms & Rain

Storms, with their formidable power and dramatic presence, have been revered and feared in many cultures, and are a prominent feature of this season of autumn. It feels as though there has been some degree of precipitation every single day for the past month or so, so let’s dive into that.

In Norse mythology, storms are closely associated with Thor, the god of thunder, lightning, and storms. Thor wields Mjölnir, a mighty hammer that can create thunder and lightning, and he rides a chariot pulled by goats that cause the rumbling of thunder across the skies. In this context, a storm could symbolise not only physical power but also the power of the divine to influence our lives, suggesting themes of protection and strength.

[The Hammer of Thor: A Weather Folklore - Farmers' Almanac - Plan Your Day. Grow Your Life.]

In Hellenic mythology, storms are often linked to Zeus, the king of the gods, who is also the god of the sky, thunder, and lightning. Zeus uses thunderbolts as his weapon, and he sends storms to display his displeasure or to assert his divine will over the world of mortals. These expressions of Zeus’s will bring to mind themes of authority, justice, the ethical balance of the universe, and the consequences of human actions that might provoke divine reactions.

[Deities & Gods of Weather: Exploring Ancient Mythology & Beliefs]

Storms also reflect the tumultuous, unpredictable aspects of life. Just as storms can suddenly alter the landscape, so too can certain events change the course of our lives, often dramatically and without warning. The storm serves as a powerful reminder of change, sometimes violent and unsettling but always part of a larger cycle of renewal and transformation.

But what is a storm without rain? The rain itself holds its own symbolism—that of renewal and cleansing. This natural cleansing acts as a metaphor for emotional and spiritual renewal. Whenever it rains, it seems as though the world is being washed clean of its prior troubles and sorrows, offering a fresh slate to start anew.

[APPROACHING STORM. Outback South Australia. Wall Art Print]

Historically and in various cultural narratives, rain has been seen as a blessing. It’s essential for crops and, by extension, for sustaining communities. This communal aspect of rain reflects the interconnectedness of life. A good rain benefits not just individual plants or people, but entire ecosystems. It fosters a sense of community and shared relief, especially in arid regions where rain is a rare and much-celebrated event.

Speaking of rain, the red Australian deserts look pretty fascinating to me when they’ve been hit by heavy rain. I remember seeing really interesting clips of the flash floods in documentaries years ago, but I can’t find them now, so we’ll have to settle for whatever I can find.


Okay, it’s time for a bonus round… As though I hadn’t already rambled for too long. But I had a nap in the afternoon and dreamt about pythons.

First of all, I was not only born in the year of the female brown earth snake, but my month and hour of birth are also associated with the snake.

[Children's Python - Backyard Buddies]

Pythons symbolise transformation and renewal. This connection primarily stems from the way snakes shed their skin. Watching a python shed its old skin to reveal a new, shiny layer beneath is a powerful visual metaphor for personal growth and the shedding of past limitations or old habits. Sometimes, this goes further, such as in some Aboriginal Australian cultures’ mythology and totemic systems. Here, they are often viewed as ancestral beings that shaped the landscape and created important cultural sites. The Rainbow Serpent, for example, is sometimes depicted as a python and represents the cycle of seasons and the connection between life and water.


Also, snakes are sometimes seen as guardians of sacred places and are often associated with healing and magic. The python’s calm, observant nature, silently coiled and ready, speaks to a deep, inherent wisdom. For example, in Indonesia and the Philippines, pythons are often associated with spiritual guardianship and are sometimes believed to possess spirits, symbolising the link between the physical and spiritual worlds.

[Bali Temple Guide: Temples you Should Visit]

There’s also a primal aspect to pythons that connects them to the earth and protective qualities. Their close association with the ground and their rhythmic, flowing movements are evocative of the life force and energy that flows through all living things. For example, the Fon people of Benin venerate and protect the python as a sacred animal in the python temple in Ouidah. The python is considered a symbol of fertility and is closely associated with their vodun (voodoo) practices.


Speaking of which, it seems the Vodun religion, practised across various West and Central African countries like Ghana, Togo, and Benin, has also influenced religions in the New World, such as Louisiana Voodoo and Haitian Vodou, following the African diaspora.

And… You know what? I’ve long since forgotten about the original point of this post, if any! I think I’ll leave it here and go reflect on life in general through journalling.

:black_heart: :heart: :silver_heart:


Thank you for sharing Starborn fascinating information About snakes :snake: and idea that they had a temple for pythons, but I did actually own a python. Snakes like me !


Challenge Entey

I did the Egg Cleansing to detect a curse. I did this during the Mercury Retrograde that just past. My energy, luck and over all mood was in the gutter! I could not tell if I was cursed, hexed, or just bad luck? So I look through the Spells8 Rituals when I found this cleansing introduced by a member in the form. I did the cleanse and found I am experiencing negative energy around me that is affecting me.
I did an Aura cleanse with lemons to remove any negative energy within. Must say it worked! I felt instant relief, lighter.

Well the feeling is back and the signs are too and it is telling me to do the work and remove the negative influences around me. I pulled the Citrine which calls for joyful expressiveness, exuberance, happiness, and letting go of any an all negativity. Well that’s a hard one (the remove any an all negativity) cause they both live with me! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:So as @Satans_Helper suggested CORD CUTTING time! :wind_face::electric_plug::scissors::raised_hands:t4:

Deck: Crystal Spirit Orcale by Colette Baron-Reid


I completely agree with you. I’m a detail kinda gal so I notice a lot of things, It’s generally only on reflection or by active choice do I take what I see to be a sign. I think that helps my sanity :joy: not having to look up every flower, leaf, number, color, song, bird, and whatnot all the time - just when I need guidance.

Very cool, enjoyed hearing the raven call in the video. It’s so different from the ravens in North America. On a side note, I am sad that North Carolina doesn’t have a larger raven population outside of the mountainous parts of the state. They are awe-inspiring birds. :raven:

I loved all the information you [ur together on ravens in general and on the Australian raven.

Ahhhhh autumn, :fallen_leaf: My favorite of the seasons. :smiling_face: