šŸŒ¾ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Inviting Abundance

@kira-marie thank you so much!


Great speech! Loved all the Rockyā€™s!


Have you seen the creed ones too?

I love rocky so inspirational


Yes I have! Were really good as well! I like how Rocky, never changed, he remained humble and kind through out all the movies. Like you said, ā€œinspirationalā€
Thank you for sharing

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These are my top favorite crystals to use for Inviting Abundance! I use them in my spell work for prosperity, good luck, money, manifestation, motivation, high energy.

  • Sunstone
  • Pyrite
  • Clear Quartz
  • Citrine


Beautiful setup- Iā€™m so glad to hear that the interview went well, @Abs53! :heart: And youā€™ve got a 2nd interview lined up too- you go girl, amazing! :clap:

This is a great discussion to bring up! There is definitely something important to consider about the ethical aspect of trying to influence someone else with magick. While love, marriage, and relationship spells have been used throughout history in magickal practices, it is true that even very innocent spells may have negative consequences and bring someone harm. Before practicing magick that influences others, it is important to assess your own beliefs and any potential outcomes.

Iā€™ll add a note beneath the love spells about considering Safety and Ethics. Thanks for bringing this up, Marissa! :blush:

It sounds like youā€™ve got some romance choices ahead of you, Kira-Marie! :blush: @Susurrus shared the same advice I usually give to friends who are tempted to get back together with their exs- youā€™ll have to take a close look at the reason it didnā€™t work out the first time! :face_with_monocle: Did you both change and grow as people? Take a hard look and see if maybe it wasnā€™t meant to be at that time, or if it just wasnā€™t meant to be at all.

Iā€™ve got my fingers crossed you can find the way forward to love, and find someone worthy of how awesome you are! :heart:

Absolutely, @Susurrus! :grin: Please feel free to do as many as you wish- I highly suggest remembering to do some self-care in between and take time to rest and recover afterward to avoid spell fatigue! I hope both the Good Luck and Road Opener spell are successful- best of luck with the casting! :sparkling_heart:

It looks like Mrs, Francisco, and Kira-Marie have all given some great advice and guidance about this- yes! :blush: Youā€™ve got it right on- the magick is within you, so always do what you feel is best :+1:

If you are very strongly connected with the moon phases, then you can save attainment spells for the waxing moon. For the waning moon, you could consider the removal of negative forces (hindrances or set-backs in your life) to lead to clearing the path forward- setting the stage for new gifts and blessings to come your way soon! :sparkles: Your example with the debt/bills is right on, yes!

Stick with spells in tune with the moon if thatā€™s your preference for magic. Otherwise, Mrs had some great advice about trying spellwork during the day, or also doing non-moon related magick. You may want to try out a few different methods and spells, and see what works best for you! :grin: No matter how you choose to approach the challenge, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find something that suits your practice- good luck, Iā€™m cheering for you! :heart:

Woohoo, congrats on the interview @haley! Iā€™m sending tons of good vibes and well wishes your way- I hope it went well :hearts: Stick with it- I hope youā€™ll find a great job very soon! :pray:

Iā€™m excited that youā€™re excited, @ashlynn! :grin::two_hearts: Yes, please- feel free to do whichever and as many spells as youā€™d like! Just a reminder for anyone doing multiple to rest and recover between spells in order to avoid burnout! Take good care of both your magick abilities and yourself :sparkling_heart:

Beautiful crystals, @Missa! :heart_eyes: And thank you for the helpful resources for related crystals for prosperity and attraction- so many beautiful ones to work with! :gem::sparkles: Thanks for sharing your crystal wisdom :grin:


@BryWisteria Yea my ex dumped me back in February 2 days before i was to start my new job and just when COVID started here in Melbourne talk about savage lol. He did reunite briefly he still loves me but he wonā€™t commit he just wants all the perks but without the commitment. Strangely enough, i felt like i was having a telepathic heart connection with him last night never had that before it was so strange. I actually have a feeling he and i have some odd connection because he literally mirrors whatever shit in my head itā€™s kinda spooky. This is why the everyone is you pushed out the theory by Neville Goddard kinda makes sense to me somewhat.

In regards to ethics not sure how it differs to scripting or law of attraction principles about parallel universes and drawing those experiences into our 3d experience. Im a bit of a nerd burger im afraid and i find watching videos on the law of attraction fascinating although i just canā€™t get into Abraham hicks i think shes so rude how she cuts people off when their talking drives me nuts lol. Sorry i digress

Anyway back on topic, i do really want to find a partner i can connect with and respects this path. If i could find a fellow Wiccan id be over the moon but Iā€™ve yet to meet another Wiccan in passing. We seem to be a pretty rare bunch but i guess thatā€™s my own limiting belief.

Anyway im thinking ill do a cord cutting to remove my ex-husband energy. I strangley dreamt about him the other day. Hes a horrible person so long overdue i think.


I agree. Any spell can be cast at any time. Casting according to the correct moon phase gives it a boost.


Ooh you know I was going to love your post! You had to mention crystals. Lol great info!!!


@BryWisteriaā€¦ I actually wrote my own jar spell way early this morning. Itā€™s kind of a combination of 2 spells, road opening and protection. So I am going to prepare for that today after my appointments because I am very prone to the spell fatigue when I do them. I thought about it & didnā€™t want to be keeled over after doing two of them.


Im gonna have to do another ritual tomorrow as I just re read the challenge and realised the themes prosperity I got so caught up in the waning energy I ended up doing a releasing ritual oops. Sorry about that, guess I was just called to work on this area in my life. Hopefully this will help clear the path a little so that old energy is gone so that new can come in. So Iā€™ll try again tomorrow this time sticking to the theme. How embarassing :see_no_evil:

Iā€™ll still share my experience though.

So I choose 2 rituals as I thought they complimented each other the spells 8 lunar spell generator and the spells 8 for cord cutting.

I cast my circle and started the cord cutting Iā€™m not sure how I went I felt rather clunky so Iā€™ll probs need to do a few times to feel confident it worked.

The lunar spell called for a fire ritual so I set the piece of paper alight in my cauldron and watched it burn the whole time anxious that the smoke alarm was gonna go off so I had to wafting the smoke with my hand just in case. Would that affect me anyway or am I just being paranoid and neurotic as usual?

I always find fire rituals satisfying and a bit hypnotic to be fair.

Ive done this one before so all she be good I think.

What do you do with the left over candles? I still have half a candle left and it seems a waste to just toss it in the bin

Also I seem to struggle with visualisation and breath work any suggestions how I can get better with it. I just find it hard to breathe when I have to do breath work


Haha thanks! :laughing:


@Missa, that is some great information! Thank you so much!


I did the road opener yesterday! It felt really good!


@BryWisteria Here is my abundance altar. I have my money cup, some incense that reminds me of a time I got to go to one of my favorite store and spend a bunch of money on witchy books, a candle Iā€™ve dedicated to Vesta, my favorite incense burner that I got for my birthday last year, a Chinese dragon, a wooden knife from India that has elephants painted on the blade, my crystal ball, my mirror to represent the water element, my affirmation card for the day (I made those), my Apollo wand, my rose quartz angel, a box for petitions, and stones for prosperity (clear quartz, emerald, citrine, aventurine, turquoise, carnelian, copper, and pyrite).


What a lovely altar. I love the stand for your crystal ball! Very nice!


Beautifully said @kira-marie!:wink:


I agree with you! The breathing in the videos seems to long for me! (" Iā€™m like ok, canā€™t hold the breath this long lol")
Also, had same question about candles. Apparently, from what I understand, you throw away the candles if they are designated to a spell? I also wonder about the candles used to light the altar. (East, South,west and north.) I also have left over. Do you Chuck those as well or can you reuse them?

Thank you.
Blessed be


This is so neat! Very nice :slight_smile:


I did a protection road opener spell that I wrote for myself, for the first time. It was basically for protection through the roads that open for me and to keep me safe while the roads clear for my path. I felt so good doing this jar spell. I was in a great place. I sealed the jar with black and white wax for good energy and banishing negative energy. I put a tiger eye and a black tourmaline in the jar with marjoram, cinnamon, ginger, rice, and salt. Oh and Oats. Then released the elements and put the jar in a safe place.