💡 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Light Magick

:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

→ Tuesday, Dec 26th at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

The bright lights and warm energy of the Coven do a wonderful job at chasing away the cold and the dark- thank you so much to everyone who has lit up the forum with their beautiful light magick! :sparkles:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :bulb: :sparkles:


Challenge Entry

I went about this completely differently than I had originally intended. I had mentioned in another discussion how, over the last week, the clear skies we were having after the storm that came through let the moonlight shine for what seemed to me brighter than I had ever noticed, minus a full moon or a super moon.

I was troubled for a few days, and I realized that each night, I had been going to the side of my house to plug in our ‘Christmas Lights’ but then, by the light of the moon, was able to walk to the back of my home to the fire :fire: pit area, find a seat (which is actually my favorite one back there) and sit to think, just be, but also gaze up at the moon wherever it may have been in the sky about then notice how brightly my yard was lit up. I could see things I had never noticed after dark, almost like there was a dim light on so you could find your way through the house in the middle of the night without tripping or getting caught up in anything else.

There were 2 nights that I could see Jupiter :ringer_planet: off to the moon’s right. Each night, it was getting fuller, and it also was getting brighter. I could see where I needed to go safely without any concerns about running into something.

Yesterday, I was in a weird place; I had already taken over 3 hours to myself by wrapping gifts in my room with the windows open but also connected to my speaker playing my playlist loudly… it was a great excuse to be by myself for a while without anyone bothering me :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I did have to go out though, my daughter has been sick, so I did do that, I took some time afterward and just needed… Something. But I wasn’t exactly sure what it was at the time. It was well after dark, and I had already turned on the lights earlier in the afternoon. So, I wandered and looked up at the sky to find the moon. Since it was cloudy, I wanted to see what I could see through the clouds and if I could, and I was actually very surprised when I looked up into the sky!

(This isn’t last night’s moon, but this is an almost identical image to what the way it looked last night)

It lit up the entire side and backyard. I returned and sat next to my fire :fire: pit. Gazing up at the sky, I took in the serenity of it all. How quiet it was, calm, and the air was crisp. I spoke to my deities about my days recently. I sat in the quiet and listened for what I needed to hear. I knew when I had heard what I needed to; then I got up with a weight lifted off of me. I could go into my house and relax for what felt like months since the last time I had been able to do this.

If it hadn’t been for the light of the moon, I never would have had the pull to go back and sit by the fire pit to take in what I could and hear what I so badly needed to hear.


That sounds so beautiful! :full_moon:


Well, unbeknownst to me, I actually did this challenge before knowing what it was for the week! As most of you know, I have spent the last week and a half moving from one side of the country to another - well, from the bottom to the top, but that still counts, right? :joy: Anyway, all of my things are still packed away as we wait to find furniture and shelving that we like. I didn’t have any tools or idea for how I was going to honor the Solstice.

The morning after the Solstice was a beautiful one. The sun was shining brightly through my window and I was being called outside. Fittingly, I had a new coffee mug in my hand that had a sun symbol on it.

Up until that point, everything had been going wrong. Our move was a nightmare, getting into this house was a mission, and everything had just been lining up inadequately. It wasn’t until I was standing there on my porch with my coffee and the sun that things clicked for me. That’s the Solstice. This is how the Solstice was playing out for me and my family.

It wasn’t just the Sun coming back for the light half of the year. It wasn’t just light coming back into our lives. The Solstice brought rebirth and transformation to my family in more ways than one. It’s like we were shedding parts of our lives that were holding us back - growth is never easy, especially when it’s burdened with the emotions and situations from the past that were painful. This growth, though, is going to be so good for us. So, on the morning of the Solstice, I stood on my porch and spoke with the Sun :sun: enjoying my coffee and toasting to a new beginning.


Challenge Entry for Amethyst

This challenge came right on time since I’ve been sending Healing Energy to my friend Evon who’s been in hospital the last two weeks.

She’s been very ill and from what my cards say she’s also facing a Dark Night of the Soul so I’m trying to send her light and love to lead her out of it if possible. Or to at least let her know I care.

Hopefully, it will help her. She’s waiting to be sent to a nursing home for more care. I hope she gets into one locally so I can visit her, she always sounds tired or depressed on the phone. Hopefully, a bit of healing light will do her good!


Challenge Entry :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign: :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign:

So I ended up using the winter solstice spell for renewal.

I didn’t have any holy, evergreen, sun/moon trinkets, nor did I have any ribbons. I drew the sun and moon. I also drew some holy berries n evergreen. While I listened to this drumming.

I thought about this last year and all I’ve overcome and accomplished. Thanking for the lesson I’ve learned this last year. I thought about what id like to accomplish before the next winter solstice. I thanked for opportunity to come.


@MeganB I think it’s really awesome how you already did this without knowing of the challenge. Your so intuned. Coincidence I think not. Love that mug.

@Amethyst I’m sorry that your friend Evon is having a rough time. I’m glad she has you ! I hope she feels better very soon and has a smooth transition into a lovely facility. Hoping she is filled with love and light and happiness. Xoxoxo much love hon.

@Susurrus That sounds like a beautiful time. I’d like to go outside but I really don’t enjoy the cold lol :laughing: I can’t wait to move somewhere warm. I love the moon so much :full_moon: I love the sun so much also :sun_with_face:

@BlueAngelite No need to apologize you did wonderful! Also reminded me I need to collect moon water tonight. I’m glad you had such success. :kissing_heart:

@Ostara I love what you did there! It really looks like the sun. Super sun vibes :sunglasses:

@Kasandra That was so nice of you. :heart:

@georgia Thankyou for this information.

@Cosmic_Curiosity Love the spell jar it’s gorgeous :star_struck:


@MeganB Moving is always a nightmare! I’ve moved many times and have done cross-country too. It was not fun. But a moment of hot coffee and sunshine can bring at least a moment of peace to the day, right? Right? It will get better day by day and box by box. Just take it one small space at a time. :peace_symbol:


I think you’re probably right :joy: sometimes it seems like the mod team has one hive mind. We’re on the same wavelength a lot of the time!

Thank you very much :heart: This is my motto right now - one day at a time, one box at a time, one sleep at a time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Challenge Entry
full moon water
Today was a double success
I went to the countryside
I lit the candle of Hekate and the incense
I put it in a bowl of water outside on the Moon
I read the Orphic Hymn
Enodian Ekati I close the Triodite Erranin Uranian chthonia te and Enalian crokopeplon…
the light from the moon and the candle was falling into the bowl of water…
the Orphic hymn continued
Tymvidian souls married after Bacchaeus…
the dog next to me was looking me straight in the eye…
persoian phileremon agalomeni after deer…nocturnal dogs bloodless vassals beast-eaters azoton uncombatant kind ehuaia tauropolon of the whole world key-keepers anssan ruler nymph curo-nurturer uresophite lissomena kurein rites osiais parinai bukolons eumaineusan ai keke Happy birthday
The ceremony ended under the full moon… the water is ready full of the power of Hekati and the full moon…
Hi Ekati!


Thank you, @Devenne! I hope she’s moved to a good facility this week. We’ll see.


Challenge Entry

Bless this Coven with Light. With a white candle and a feather I perform this Sacred Blessing spell for all of the wonderful witches of the Infinite Roots Coven. May we all receive these blessings in this blessed time of year.I inserted 'Infinite Roots Coven" where it says name.

I never liked this time of year because it always was a time of layoffs in the construction field. A hard time financially for many and a time of increasing pantry size not spending funds you don’t have. But gratitude is not seasonal and sometimes one just has to let some of the Light seep in through the cracks and brighten others lives. :sparkling_heart:

Hail Father Sun. :pray: May you bring the life we so sorely need in the following months and enrich our lives and the lives of all the children of our Great Mother. Hail Father Sun. :pray:



Alright, I’m just popping by quickly for this challenge. But after this, it’s back to alternating between organising the new place and relaxing. :smile:

Challenge entry

I took photos of sunrise and sunset on the same day to commemorate moving to the new place.


The light at around 05:45, before it rained all day.


The fading light and clearing sky at the end of a day of rain, at about 20:05. (The sun sets so late in summer. I miss winter. :laughing:)

I haven’t been able to set up an altar or burn any candles yet, but I took those moments to appreciate the light and the new place. :black_heart:

This weather is both warm (25°C is about 77°F) and wet, with both storm warnings and high UV warnings. What a rollercoaster.

I appreciate this. We had to do this yesterday and it came with some guilt over disappointing others who put lots of effort into setting things up for gatherings, but we know it was right for us to just not.

Your first entry is wonderful! No need to worry – we do as much or as little as we can or desire. :smile:

That’s so beautiful. :black_heart:

I’m glad everything has turned out well.



You are welcome. Take it slow.

Thanks for the light-filled Sacred Blessing for the coven.


It seems like you just moved too! If so, continue to take that time to relax too.


Thank you for the blessing, @Shadeweaver .

@starborn , your pics look very nice. I’m glad the weather wasn’t too hot for the move. Welcome home.

@BlueAngelite Good job on your first challenge.

@MeganB Welcome home. Your altar is beautiful. With ancestors in France, did they pass down your crocheting? I was guessing at the crocheting code in my book of codes. Do you have any clues as to how they wrote in crocheting in Marie Antoinette’s day? I’m not sure the Cagots did much crocheting, and I have no idea where the Boeuf family may have been, so I learned to crochet as a relative outsider.


Beautiful I love it


I love this and, as one of those people this year, i tgnaknyoy for your prayer :heart:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Beautiful and bright, the lights of the Coven shine, spreading blessings far and wide :sparkles: It has been so wonderful to see everyone’s light magick this week! I know it is a busy time of year for many, so an extra big thank you to all those who stopped by to share some light and love with everyone :heart: :pray: :blush:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :bulb: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)