As we wait for the USA to reopen to the EU, my partner and I haven’t been doing too much traveling lately. But we have been enjoying our weekly adventures into the woods!
So for anyone who can’t go adventuring at the moment, here are some pictures so you can come along with us in spirit
Wild boar tracks in the morning woods
Heather in a woody field
The heather is currently in full bloom- full of happy bees buzzing in the more open parts of the woodlands. In Poland, the month of September is named after heather, it’s a very popular plant around these parts!
If anyone is interested, I wrote a piece last year on the Magickal and Medicinal Properties of Heather- it’s a lovely plant
Strange shrooms- NOT EDIBLE
We found lots of mushrooms- many of which are not edible, but several of which are!
I am still a very low-level student in mushroom foraging (you can read more about it in: Into the Woods for Shrooms and Blues) so everything I forage needs to be double-checked by two mushrooms experts before it’s given the okay to eat
Edible mushrooms- boletes and a few rare porcini
Mandatory mushroom/foraging note : There are many deadly mushrooms and plants out there- many varieties can be difficult to identify. If you go foraging, always forage with an expert and never EVER eat mushrooms or other plants if you are not 110% sure that they are safe.
Before heading into the woods, I’ve been saying a quick prayer to Artemis- Deity of the Woods and the Wild. I’ve been working with Her a bit since coming to the countryside, and She has really become a go-to deity of the woods for me
As we head into the woods, I say a mental prayer. It’s different everytime, but goes something like this:
Oh, Artemis- Lady of the Woods
Watch over us as we walk your paths
So that we may return home again safe.
Guide us through burrough and brush
Over hill and riverbed and field
And should the Lady like,
Fill our basket with forest bounty
So far we haven’t come home empty-handed yet!
Forest floor
Blessings to all from the countryside and woodlands of Poland.
Love and Light!