šŸš Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Of Seas, Sands, and Tides


Oh my goodness how funny! My sister and her fiancƩ actually did that with tea lights the night they got engaged! All that time you were worried over not lighting it! Oops!!


I had to light incense to get rid of the burnt plastic smell! Fire safety tip, never try to burn a fake candle. Smh.


I love the beach chair candle holders! So neat!


Thank you @Amethyst. I got them at Dollar General about 10 years ago on clearance.


For a second, I thought that was a beach themed cake! :laughing: Still, a lovely display of candles and seashells. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow, great deal! Thatā€™s one thing I miss about it being difficult going shopping, rummaging through the dollar store.


Thank you @mary25 :heart:


Just had a thoughtā€¦ was thinking bout how wasnt able to get to beach, what could i do is wanted to do something that could act like sand for beach ( since couldnt go to beach ) but still connected to beach then i though wait could use sea salt. Its not same colour as beach sand, at least i dont recall going ti any beach lately with white sand but still its similar texture and connectef to ocean. I know im really studying divination at the moment and id been doing the ocean themed decks for tgis xhalkenge but i thought id just add this idea incase anyone wanted to have something to act as beach sand but couldnt get to beach. Like even using sea salt in a tray with shells. Could evrn draw symbols in salt or runes etc. Even if cant get to beach and dismt habe any ocean related items. Sea salt is eady enough to get from supermatket if dont alreafy have. I definatly think id like to try it. So i thought id share incase anyone else might find the idea useful or helpful


@jessica72 posted this book on her challenge entry and when I saw it I decided I had to look it up. That, of course, led to purchasing it. I bought it on Kindle but I like it so much I think I might have to buy the hardcover. Iā€™m such an ocean girl at heart! Iā€™ll add this book to the post in just a little bit and let everyone know how it is soon!!


I wasnā€™t quite sure what to do for this challenge, Iā€™m a mountain girl. Not only that but Iā€™m landlocked and havenā€™t been to the beach in AGES. I have some sand in a bag I bought from Amazon just in case I ever needed it but thatā€™s about it.

Then I realized that my brain isnā€™t as landlocked as my body and I found this lovely little guided meditation on YouTube, and I was relaxing on the beach! I hope yā€™all like it too!


Hello Witches
I made a cute box and listed the things I want and it was a long list !

  1. List item
    Good paying job
    (Surrender)audio meditation
    Take no shit

I want to be a stoic so I am reading a book to help me with that based on ancient myth!
[Stoicism ](Iā€™m listening to Stoicism by Jeremy Bolton, narrated by Sam Isaacson on my Audible app. Try Audible and get it here: https://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B07N8GT9HR&source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=player_overflow)


I am glad I put this dream into the universe and I am trusting that a good thing will happen just as long as I put it on there! I want to start applying for a new job.!
Overall I had an opportunity to make a good ritual and I am happy itā€™s a full moon and with the power of the moon! So more it be!
It took a while I made like four different charms to wear to remember that money is coming my way!


Im literally a 5 minute walk to the beach and a river same distance. So tomorrow doing the ocean challenge! Exciting xx


Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder!

What a delight to sea everyoneā€™s Sea Magick! :wink: :ocean: Thank you to everyone who has jumped into the theme so far- if you want to join the challenge but havenā€™t done so already, you still have some time!

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: June 14th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

Blessed be! :shell: :sparkles:


You go girl!
PS: Psst your charm is showing. :blush: :kissing_closed_eyes:


Iā€™m so sorry everyone Iā€™ve been so slack in my responding, I promise Iā€™m not ignoring anyone on purpose, things are just crazy busy the point of just almost like sheer nonsense, but just wanted to pop in like a jack rabbit super quickly to share this little one from ā€˜The Little Book of earth Magic: Connect to the Magic of the World Around Youā€™ by Sarah Bartlett.

ā€˜Beach Charm to Feel Good About Yourselfā€™

If you can go for a walk on a sandy beach, that will help this charm to work its magic. But if thatā€™s not possible, then visualise a beach you have visited before and imagine yourself there . . .

1. Stand on your beach and wiggle your toes in the sand, or bend down to run your fingers through it to show youā€™re in contact with its energy.

2. Now call in the elements and Psamatheā€™s help to empower you. Turn to the north and say: ā€˜I call in the element of Earth and Psamathe to empower me with good feelings.ā€™

3. Next, turn to the west and say: ā€˜I call in the element of Water and Psamatheā€™s protection to empower me with good feelings.ā€™

4. Face south and say: ā€˜I call in the element of Fire and Psamatheā€™s strength to empower me with good feelings.ā€™

5. Then turn to the east and say: ā€˜I call in the element of Air and Psamatheā€™s wisdom to empower me with good feelings.ā€™

6. Now stand still, turn to face the sea and repeat the following charm:

ā€˜The empty beach, it lies in wait
For lonely souls who seek their fate,
Where silver sailors packed with mead
Have turned their minds to eat seaweed
With shells and cockles, and samphire too,
A salted seabird sings the blues
When combing surf with dowsing hands
We find the secret in the sands.ā€™

7. Conclude by saying: ā€˜Thank you Psamathe, for empowering me with the positive energy of the beach, , ocean, stars and sky.ā€™ Leave the beach and you will feel vitalised and inspired.


Iā€™m mesmerized @Ostara :heart_eyes: your Sea Altar is so beautiful!!!


Iā€™m so impressed with everyoneā€™s entries! The artwork, altars, stories, experiences, and magick the sea bestows upon us are amazing, really :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
For my weekly entry, I read up on Cunninghamā€™s Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Specifically the Water element and the Sea Magic chapter. Iā€™ve been thinking about a trip I will be taking in July to Maine, staying at Old Orchard Beach with friends, and Iā€™m inspired to create a new ritual and chant for the occasion. The great thing is the beach has everything you need! I wonā€™t have to lug a portable altar through the sand :rofl:
Iā€™m heading to Copalis Beach in 4 weeks and want to bring a little something with me as an offering. My brother and fur baby who is passed LOVED going to the ocean. It has always been a place we frequented several times a year throughout my life. So many lovely memories with friends and family; Iā€™m so grateful for those times. From the beaches in Washington state to the shores of Newfoundland, pricelessā¤ļø
For my offering to be buried deep in the sand
I made a spell jar this eve on the full moon. I included thank you notes to the ocean for giving my brother peace and serenity when he visited throughout his life and a thank you from my puppers for the freedom she felt with no boundaries on those days we went. I included sea salt, shells for each, a bit of fur, and my brotherā€™s ashes, with a drop of moon water. I sealed it with a seashell and blue candle wax, giving thanks to the oceans and sea, where my loved ones yearned to be :heart: Blessed Be

(Picture Source Facebook)


I absolutely love this challenge and love the power and energy of the ocean! So much so I have a huge shell on my altar which you can hear the sound of waves in it. Wish I could get to the beach again soon itā€™s been freezing here even with the sun out in winter.
Thank you for such a great idea for the challenge! You always seem to surprise me with all the ideas you findā€¦:blush::sparkling_heart:


Hello and thank you, I know I had so much fun with the energy the sea :ocean: land and sky brings! It just puts the that nice fiery sunshine in my life that brings some relaxation. I would not mind going camping so I can lay in a donut :doughnut: and read :open_book: a good book!
I really like the :mermaid: Mermaids, sea horses and Silkes! Being a sea witch artist can be very fascinating! I had a fish tank and I was going to get plants but my fish tank got really dirty and quite frankly I just like to look at the beauty of the fish and explore there world! Going into the sea you find so many different levels of life. I really enjoyed learning more about the ocean and I am going to plan a trip someday and visit a lake or the ocean.


This is a great way to honor the elements! Thank you for all your information and inspiration!