šŸŒŠ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Of the Element Water

WOW. The glacier is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! And you look cute in the beach pic!


Wow! Berta
So beautiful, I think that is a beautiful scenery!
I never been there I bet itā€™s cold :cold_face:
Blessed be


Thank you Jeannie, I recently moved here from Tennessee, a little over 2 years ago. I had never been to the ocean until our vacation to Myrtle Beach in 2016, fell in love with South Carolina. Moved here 2018 and I still am in awe everytime I see it.


So beautiful pictures and experiences here! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And an amazing challenge, I donā€™t have an idea what to do for it yet but Iā€™d love to share some related things! :blue_heart:

My favorite way to enjoy water is sauna, and other elements are present in a nice way too - throwing water on rocks (earth) that have been heated up with fire, so that the water diffuses in the air, carrying the fire along to the skin, lungs and beyond. Water from inside the body rises to the surface as sweat, carrying toxins and metabolic waste products out of the body, which are then washed off of the skin with more water either in shower or in a lake.

I love swimming too but not in deep waters, Iā€™ve almost drowned twiceā€¦ I would so love to be able to breathe water! :grin: My Sun sign is Cancer, also a water sign, which does make sense in many waysā€¦ hard outside, soft inside, ruled by the moonā€¦ practically a catā€¦ :smile_cat:


Since my sun sign is a Scorpio, I decided to use that as my place to start for this challenge.

The Water Signs of the Zodiac

I read this article and it actually goes into the Water signs and how they would do with the Fire, Earth, and Air signs. ā€œWater signs can soften Earth and take them into the deeper emotional layers of intimacy.ā€

I think this is my favorite part of the article because it resonates with me right now.

"Water is a formless element on its own, and thatā€™s why those with this sign are so quickly shaped by their relationships to others. They need time alone to remember where they end and others begin. And to let whatā€™s been stirred up by life find its way to a quiet calm again. These are people who need people, but also need the restoring space of solitude. "

Right now I am going through finding my calm because things are about to be stirred up a bit and I will need to know the difference between acting for my best interest and the other persons. The other thing is that 2 of my children are water signs and I need to do for myself and be ready for what they are going through also. My 2nd son is a Cancer and my daughter is a Pisces. My house is full of emotion and feeling at times. It can get pretty intense in the house if someone is having an off day. People here take everything personally and anxiety and overthinking run rampant.

This was a very helpful article because I do a lot with the Aries sign for some reason, I seem to drawn to them whether they are Aries or an Aries Cusp. I think I want to learn a little more about the Aries Cusp because I have never had such a close relationship with one before & it seems to be going well.

I hope this brings a lot of good information to you as well about the Water signs, I love learning more about my sign and layers of my birth chart. I have a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, and Capricorn Rising. So Iā€™m pretty complex as it is.

I wanted to see how my sun sign relates to my moon & rising signs & there is a page that you click on each & they relate them with each other. If any of that makes sense. I love this because it really explains them with just enough depth.

Your Astrology Profile


I can relate with this too. How are these always so accurate?! :laughing: From the profile of Cancer Sun sign behind your second link

Home is the natural domain for those with the Sun in Cancer, for it is here that they are in their strength. Home life is especially important, and Cancerians often need to feel safe and secure within a loving home environment in order to feel at ease.

Therefore, the home needs to be as calm and serene as possible, for the home environment acts almost like the shell of the crab, protecting what is soft and vulnerable on the inside from the harshness of the outer world.

For this reason, Cancerians will spend a lot of time getting the home ā€˜just rightā€™.A calm home life is necessary for emotional equilibrium. From this foundation, they can then project themselves out into the world.

Definitelyā€¦ I love adventure (Sagittarius Rising), change and socializing (Gemini Moon) but home is where I come to charge my batteries, process my experiences and untangle my sense of self from all the people Iā€™ve been with and energies Iā€™ve absorbedā€¦ being denied that for a long time can make me an anxious mess!

Yeah, exactly like that! :sweat_smile:
Also water doesnā€™t mix well with hunger or tiredness, but Iā€™m sure you know that all too wellā€¦ sending all of you some cold and analytical Air energy from my Moon sign (hopefully filtering out most of the fickle and flirtatious parts!)


Loving the Sea Witch Aesthetic, @Missa- and thanks for the helpful water correspondence crystals as well! :droplet::gem:

Beautiful and soothing- a lovely water ritual, @Silverbear! I have to admit the spellwork with roses is a favorite. The petals look so enchanting on the water :rose::blush:

Look at that glacier, @berta! :heart_eyes: Iā€™m in AWE- itā€™s so powerful to see. I bet it was a very memorable experience to have- Iā€™d love to visit Alaska someday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You look so happy and relaxed on the beach- gorgeous picture!

Ohhh you make me miss the saunas and steam rooms, @CelestiaMoon! :relaxed: Itā€™s so relaxing to let your worries seep out of your skin and disappear into the steam- shame I could never stay in them for very long, the temperatures were always too hot for me! :joy: Cheers to wanting to be able to breathe underwater- that would be a talent Iā€™d love to have too! :mermaid:

Wonderful information about Scorpio and the horoscopesā€™ watery qualities, @Susurrus! As a fellow scorpion, I really loved reading this :scorpius::blush: Thanks for sharing!


I dug out my shells and drew on my longing for the ocean for this challenge. I miss living by the beach every day, but focusing on water magick (and seeing everyoneā€™s gorgeous pictures and spellwork) really brought back that connection! :ocean:

I had a lovely bath meditation without candles- just the darkness, sounds of the water in the tub, and my crystals nearby.

:gem: Sea glass, Citrine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Green Aventurine
:blue_heart: Blue Cornflower Petals
:salt: Sea Salt

Although I do love my bath rituals and try to do at least one a week, I havenā€™t been working with a focus on water much. My Scorpio energy seemed to like delving into this wonderful element- it does feel like home :beach_umbrella::two_hearts:


Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :grey_exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your water magick experience by the deadline: Tomorrow: January 19th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time Zone)

Blessed be! :blue_heart::ocean:


It all makes sense why we are all so highly emotional about the most random things. I had never really thought of anyone elseā€™s sign as in-depth as my own, but I guess that was my oversight. I mean it didnā€™t dawn on me really, until yesterday that I have 3 water signs in my house & that we are each sign so similar but so different.

My son the Cancer, if he is hungry then forget it and my daughter if she is tired, she gets well right now, whiney because she is younger, but they act out in their own ways. Usually when I get tired & Iā€™m hungry Iā€™m no fun to be around. More the tired than the hungry.

Itā€™s like light bulbs were bursting over my head while I was reading about them.


Iā€™m a Cancerā™‹ļø So water is my element and @SilverBear you inspired my yet again. I did your rose water rite with my first batch of moon water and I took it a step further and did a self love bath :bath: Meditation with some bath salts I made with rose petals and a heart :two_hearts:shaped rose quartz. I gave each of my girls some for Christmas and had enough left over for myself. Iā€™m ready to tackle this new year and get back where I belong!


@Rowan and @berta, thank you for the lovely photos. :camera: Tamera, I always enjoy seeing photos from near your idyllic home. Berta, Alaska is on my bucket list. Looks awe-inspiring.

@Haley, a warm bath in salt sounds like the perfect way to refresh and reset. While not the same, I enjoy the sensory depravation tanks in my town. They are filled with body temperature salt water and I can float in them for an hour or more as time just passes by.

Thank you for sharing the infographic, @Missa. The artist that made it is certainly talented.

@SilverBear, your videos never cease to impress and inform me. Thank you.

@BryWisteria, my friends from Japan :japan: have sent beautiful photos from the cherry blossom festivals they attend. Still jealous you lived in such a wonderful land with rich history and culture. :cherry_blossom:

Your meditation sounds perfect for the occasion. I might need to try that myself.

@Jeannie1, scrying with wax and water? :candle: So interesting. Thank you for sharing. Self love is incredibly important and it will indeed help you reach your full potential.

As a cancer :cancer:, I am drawn to my water sign. It certainly gets the most love when Circle Casting. Because the worship of my Goddess replaced my Christianity, I visualize a river flowing from her. This river can be refreshing and nourishing bringing abundance to my life and the lives of my loved ones, or it can be a roaring rapids that sweeps away the negative and dead in my life.

Before Allah, before Yahweh, before Baā€™al, Ancient Near Eastern peoples worshiped El. El was the creator of creatures and the head of a pantheon of Gods. El lived on a holy mountain :mountain: from which two rivers flowed. These rivers were the source of all fresh water in the world. Religions based on, or borrowing from, ANE beliefs would eventually run with the idea of a river(s) running from a mountain of God.

(Later, the sea and the river were thought of signs of Chaos, also known as Yam - a dragon/god for Baā€™al to defeat on his path to becoming king. This is all part of the Baā€™al Cycle. As an aside, the Baā€™al Cycle is seen as either a seasonal cycle predating cycle of The Lord or as the infertility and fertility of the land. If you are at all interested in any of the ANE beliefs, I strongly reccomend the YouTube channel Digital Hammurabi and any of the books from Mark S. Smith as a start.)

Knowing even a shred of this information led me to the beliefs I hold today. I see my Goddess on her holy mountain providing the kind of river I need in each moment of life. (Imagine the Himalayas at night, a full moon shining brightly above them as she starts to ascend into the sky. A river flows down the mountains you are looking at and you realize this water can either sweep you away or it can provide everything you need to survive. Which will it be? Only she can tell.)

I donā€™t know if this qualifies for the weekly witchy challenge, but this is what I think of when I think of my water sign.


This week, I had a relaxing, bath with my tumbled rose quartz :heartpulse: for self love, amethyst and lavender :purple_heart: for anxiety and rose petals :wilted_flower:, which also represent love. I light a pink and purple candle. I had to add some seashells :shell: Then, I lowered myself in and all my stress melted away. I meditated and I easily fell asleep last night!! I havenā€™t slept well lately, so that was helpful.

Thank you @BryWisteria :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I needed this weekā€™s activity!! Wonder what the next one will be???


Your pictures are beautiful :heart_eyes::heart: youā€™re so lovely and look like you had a wonderful time!!


awww thank you for the kind words!


I decided to make the most of the Moon being in Pisces :pisces: on Sunday for the Water Challenge and indulged in a meditative bath :droplet: I added Himalayan Pink Salt and surrounded the tub with blue and purple candles. I added some Jade, Amethyst and Clear Quartz crystals and relaxed to the Spells8 Moon in Pisces mediation :sparkles: - I would definitely recommend it to everyone! It was lovely :heart:


@Abs53 that sounds lovely. I should try doing the guided meditations when I am in the shower doing my rituals. That sounds amazing!


This is very Beautiful and calming. :cupid: Love the sea :shell: shell.


They really are very lovely and they are a great length in my opinion! The perfect amount of time for some mindfulness but not too long that my mind gets restless! :smile:


Thought Iā€™d make a (personal) map of correspondences for waterā€¦ I could keep going but eventually Iā€™m going to run out of dimensionsā€¦ water is patient and persistent, just give it enough time and itā€™ll escape any container you might throw at it! :sweat_smile: