Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Props and Presents (Blessed and Grateful) 💖

Well done to everyone who joined in on our Tenth Weekly Witchy Challenge!

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To all those who joined the challenge by looking back on the many blessings in their life and shared the love in their heart in an expression of gratitude, here is a special shout-out just for you! :mega:

In addition to new experiences and recipes, everyone who participated has received the small prize of a shiny new title!

:sparkling_heart::bowing_woman: Blessed and Grateful :pray::relaxed:

You worked hard for your fancy new title- wear it with honor! :star2:

To set your new title:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site- click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the gear symbol (:gear:)
  3. Next, click on the gear symbol (:gear:) /“Preferences”"
  4. Scroll down the page until you see “Title”. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing.
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page.

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section “Badges” .

Enjoy- this is a trophy of your accomplishments! :trophy:

What a pleasure it was to read everyone’s posts and share in your love and appreciation! I am always inspired by the kindness and warmth of everyone- thank you, each and every one of you, for jumping in on this challenge and practicing gratitude magick, reflection, and expression this week :sparkling_heart:

While giving gratitude is an act of selflessness, it is proven to have many health benefits. Showing appreciation to others and savoring the gifts of your life can help to lift your own sense of well-being and happiness! :relaxed:

I hope that pracitcing gratitude helped to fill you with joy and light as the season changes- especially for those in the Northern Hemisphere who are now moving into darker months :candle:

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this week’s challenge- no fear! There will be another challenge coming very soon ! Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums for an announcement :mega:

Once again- thank you all! And Blessed Be :sparkling_heart:


Congratulations everyone! I’m sorry that I missed it, I was a ball of anxiety last week. I am going to try to be around more this week since I can’t really go anywhere due to my hand. It woke me up this morning around 3:30 and I haven’t been able to go back to sleep.

I hope to participate more in the forum for the activity and tea time. Looking forward to talking to everyone again.


No worries at all, @Susurrus- hope you are feeling much better now, and were able to get some sleep! :heart: The next challenge is in the works and will be posted today, and yes! I am also looking forward to the Thursday tea time group ritual :coffee:

Blessed Be! :two_hearts:


I wasn’t on much yesterday because I spent most of my day as naptime. I think it’s the medicine they gave me for my hand. It’s making me drowsy. I feel a little bit better today than I did yesterday. Sept 30 I got back for my follow up appointment and then later that same day I have another surgical consult for my left piriformis and my right hip. I’m hoping I have some time before either of those surgeries happen.


This post is for a closed challenge- but no fear! Visit Activities to join in on current challenges and other fun happenings.