Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Props and Presents (Connoisseur Witch) ๐Ÿ˜‹

I found your entry, @RyuWyn! :+1: Although it was in a different thread, I can see that you posted before the deadline and mentioned it was for a challenge, so I am happy to count it :grin::+1:

(Just a note that it is absolutely fine to post challenge entries in a new or different thread if you so choose! It just needs a hyperlink linking it back to the challenge thread- otherwise itโ€™s lost in the labryinth of the forum and I canโ€™t find it :sweat_smile:)

Youโ€™ve been added to the list here and Iโ€™ve sent you a badge! Congrats, and thanks again for joining in! :partying_face: :heart: