Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Props and Presents (Deific Witch) 🙏

A hearty congratulations to all who participated in the Seventh Weekly Witchy Challenge!


To all those who delved deeper into the divine, strengthening connections and learning more about higher powers- here is a shout-out for your efforts! :loudspeaker:

In addition to new experiences and recipes, everyone who participated has received the small prize of a shiny new title!

:milky_way::pray: Deific Witch :dove::sun_with_face:

:sparkles: Deific: /diːˈɪfɪk,deɪˈɪfɪk/ :sparkles:

  1. resembling a god in qualities such as power or beauty; divine.

[Definition from Oxford Languages]

You worked hard for your fancy new title- wear it with honor! :medal_military:

To set your new title:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site- click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on your username
  3. Next, click on “Preferences”
  4. Scroll down the page until you see “Title”. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing.
  5. Click “Save”

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section “Badges” .

Enjoy them- they are a trophy of your accomplishments! :trophy:

A big thank you to everyone who jumped in and tried some divine magick this week! :sparkles:

Some of you have spent a long time strengthening your bond with your deities while others discovered a deity for the very first time! It was a pleasure to read through your notes, see your pictures, admire your artwork, and hear your stories and opinions- thank you so much for sharing! :books:

From the serene Selene, to the mysterious Hekate, the firey Horned God, and so many more- it has been a pleasure to learn about your deites through your eyes :heart_eyes:

Hopefully everyone had fun, learned a bit more about deities, and enjoyed further deepening and diversifying their magickal practice this week! May your magick continue to be blessed and bountiful- whether you work with your own magick or in the presence of the divine :pray:

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this week’s challenge- no fear! There will be another challenge coming very soon ! Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums for an announcement :mega:

Blessed Be to All! :hearts:


Thank you @BryWisteria I had fun with this challenge. As I do with them all!


Thank you @BryWisteria. This was great!


thank you so much! I love the weekly challenges! I’m looking forward to the next one!


You are very welcome @christina4, @Rowan, and @Susurrus! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am so happy to hear you are having fun with the challenges!

For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, this week’s challenge is up and running! In line with the Full Corn Moon, it’s high time for a little Moon Magick~! :full_moon::sparkling_heart:

Blessed be and happy practicing to all! :pray:


I’m definitely waiting for the full moon :full_moon_with_face:


I have my things for the full moon all set up, from what I am doing during the day to what I will have going on in the evening. I’m also going to charge my crystals, I just have to get a table onto my back porch so they don’t fall off like last time!

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This post is for a closed challenge- but no fear! Visit Activities to join in on current challenges and other fun happenings.