Weekly Witchy Challenge - Props and Presents (Trailblazer) 🚪

Thanks again to everyone who joined in for the 75th Weekly Witchy Challenge :door:

Witchy Challenge New Year Passage

To all those who explored moving forward into the new year, here is a special shout-out for you! :mega:

A couple of people had an issue with replying to the challenge post this week- apologies, again! If you were unable to share your challenge entry due to technical reasons, please send me a message and I will be happy to add you in! :blush:

In addition to new experiences, everyone who participated has also received the prize of a shiny new title:

:star2: :door: Trailblazer :mantelpiece_clock: :palms_up_together:

You worked hard for your new title- wear it with honor! :star2:

How to put your new title on display:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site and click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the person (:mens:)
  3. Then, click on the next gear symbol (:gear:) /“Preferences”"
  4. Scroll down the page until you see “Title”. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section “Badges” .

Enjoy- the badges you earn are trophies of your magickal accomplishments! :trophy:

Picture from Pixabay

Congrats to the Trailblazers of the forum! You set your sights on a bright point ahead and took that big first step towards where you want to be. May the door to 2022 open to a year full of possibilities and great potential for you! :blush:

Whether it is or isn’t something you normally focus on in your practice, I hope you enjoyed the theme this week! By trying new things and exploring the entries of fellow coven members, the hope is that this challenge helped you to enrich your Craft :sparkles:

Thanks again for participating! :tada::blush:

Picture from Pixabay

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this week’s challenge- no fear! There will be another challenge coming very soon . Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums for an announcement :speaking_head:

Blessed be and Happy New Year! :door::heart:


Thank you for my first new badge of the year! It’s great!


Thanks for the wonderful new title.
Garnet, Trailblazer
PS, love the road of nothing leading to the road to something :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :mask:


Thank you for the new badge! I will wear it with pride :smiley: and it will remind me that the New Year is just beginning and I have lots of possibilities waiting for me. :partying_face:

Thank you @BryWisteria



Thank you and way to go friends :heart::sparkles::herb:


Thank you! I hope everyone had a great new year’s and will have a blessed 2022. :grin:


Thank you for the new badge. Its a great reminder for all the new things to come this year and that I do hold the power to make these things happen. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for the new badge of 2022!


Thank you for the badge!


Thank you very much for my first badge of 2022! I love the name Trailblazer by the way!


Thank you @BryWisteria & I hope my entry continued to inspire @LadyAuld.ofChico to do something similar for her situation.

I love the badge name! I can’t wait to do the next one starting tomorrow.


Actually yes my dear (@Susurrus) Tomorrow is the first day of my weekend, the kids are back to school this week also, I will have time to myself. I think it will be very healing to write a letter and then burn it. It will be my plan in the afternoon to do so :slight_smile:

I am excited I have been looking for a way to release some of this energy I’ve been holding onto for her.


You’re very welcome, everyone! :partying_face: :heart: May you all find success on your road through 2022- whether you charge ahead or take things bit by bit this year! Go on and blaze those trails- you can do it! :railway_track: :muscle: :sparkles:

Thanks again for everyone for joining in! :blush::infinite_roots:


Thank you all for this Weekly Witchy Challenge

As always, a challenge of learning new things and remember past lessons. @BryWisteria, I adore your creativity, sense of design style (read lots of visuals, lol) and compassionate replies that you sprinkle on us one and all.

Please know that participating weekly with everyone here (yes, i mean you :revolving_hearts: ) helps me stretch my practise in ways I wouldn’t have imaged with all our brilliant ideas and shares. :face_with_monocle: :speech_balloon: :pen:

Writing has always been a laborious challenge for me and I’m trying to find a way to express myself with words without being overwhelmed by it. I’m so glad that I have the freedom here to choose how much or little I participate.

I just wish that I could share all my responses to posts telepathically, but you intuitives knew that already :wink:.

With love,
Janis :triskele:


You are so kind, Janis- thank you! :heart: And I’m really happy you like my style! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: If a picture is worth a thousand words and a thousand words can paint many pictures, then imagine what can be done when we combine words and pictures! Or at least that’s what I tell myself when I load up the pictures and pour on the emojis like a child putting chocolate sauce on their ice cream :joy: I think the colors and images help add an extra touch of life and energy that is carried across to everyone’s computer screens :blush:

I’m glad the challenges have helped you stretch your practice in new ways and that you’ve been able to find ways to express yourself comfortably! That really makes me so happy to hear. Not to mention that I think you are a very eloquent writer- your responses are always very thoughtful and well-worded. There is no pressure at all, and on top of that, I don’t think you need to worry- as far as I can tell, I think you are very talented with your words and writing, Janis! :heart:

Many blessings back to you- thanks again for joining in! :sparkles:


I Know this is kinda late but I’m still grateful for the badge! Thank you Bry!!! (✿ :heart:‿:heart:)


You’re very welcome, Christina- thanks so much for joining in! :heart::blush:


This post is for a closed challenge- but no fear! Visit Activities to join current challenges and other fun forum happenings.