🛁 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Scrub-a-dub, Magick in the Tub!

Doctor visits are icky- but I hope it goes well and they can help your legs, @Amethyst! Wishing you good luck :pray:

That is a STUNNING moon bath, @Limeberry! :full_moon::bathtub: Your tub looks like it’s right out of a magazine- it looks so relaxing and beautiful :heart_eyes: And I love your chant too- thanks so much for sharing!

You are very welcome, @praecog29! It is a good time of year to take respite from the holiday craze. You have such a wonderful song for the shower :cloud_with_rain: And omg I love your showerhead- that is so cool! :rainbow::star_struck: As a fellow water sign (:scorpius:) who grew up by the ocean, I share your passion and love for water. May the adaptive, creative, and ever-flowing nature of our element continue to guide and bless you :blush: Very well done!

You are so welcome, @Jeannie1- same to you! Have a blessed day :raised_hands:


:exclamation: This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

Well done to everyone who participated! :partying_face:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and your new title. Keep an eye on the main page of the forum :eyes:

This discussion will remain open for the next week to allow replies. However, no additional prizes will be given out after today.

Blessed be! :sparkling_heart:


LOL! It looks like you can disco in your shower! Too cool!

Thanks, love! They’re giving me more medicine yesterday. I’m not gonna have any good bacteria left in my system if this keeps up.


Bad bacteria go away, good bacteria have to stay! :raised_hands:

Yogurt, girl! Eat that yogurt! :milk_glass: The heavy-duty ones like Greek or Icelandic yogurt are awesome, but hey- even those Danimals Drinkable yogurts are better than no pro-biotics!

Yogurt is the yummiest option imo, but pickled things, kombucha, and apple cider vinegar also give the good-guys a boost! :star2:

Sending more blessings your way, @Amethyst- be well! :hugs:


I take oral pro-biotics and they’ve got me on a triple dose as well as yogurt. But yeah, not going near kombucha with a ten foot pole! LOL. I’ve heard about that stuff. LOL.

Thanks for the good vibes!


Blessings my friends,

I am so excited to share my bath/ shower ritual. This is something that just came to me years ago. It just felt right. I keep a bag of snake shedding I find by the trails I run next to me while I bathe. I fill my bath with all kinds of goodies… Whatever feels right… Flowers, oils, Florida water, salts, stones, etc…I love to just soak and submerge and envision all that is dark and unwelcome in my life pouring out of me, into the tub so it will eventually go down the drain. As though the salts in the water are leeching all that is no longer serving me from my body. After I have done this, I stand up, I rinse off all the suds from my body scrubbing myself down. This is when the bag of snakeskin comes in handy. I will grab a handful of my snakeskin, rub it very vigorously in my hands in a forward and back motion… Until it begins to ball up, it feels hot, and I drop it into the tub; as I’m doing this, I am chanting thrice with a voice of authority, “Like a snake I shed my skin and I will be renewed again So mote it be.” I look down into my water envisioning that the water has now turned black; that everything that comes from the faucet above me is silver light pouring into my head and only the darkness falls to the floor and only the silver light stays inside of me. I open the drain and all the darkness goes down into “Yesterday”. This is to be done at least weekly (this ritual is for my maintenance) It is a ritual to be done for a better “Me”.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this community. Although I don’t have a lot of time to commit online, I just want to express my gratitude to the whole community. Thank you




Great ritual, Sheena! Thanks for sharing it!

I love that attitude of filling the bath with whatever feels right. That’s the perfect approach: Finding what feels right at the moment.


@Amethyst take some probiotics/prebiotics preferably at least 30 Billion CFU (I always refrigerate after opening)…I take them every day along with folic acid. This was the greatest discovery I ever made like 7 years ago. A true miracle for feminine health. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thanks for the idea! They’ve already got me on yogurt and three times the amount of probiotics, but not the drinkable kind. I may have to look into that too.


This milk bath was very lovely :slight_smile:
I wrote this in my BOS
I never thought to put milk in the bath :bath: :laughing:
It just flowed really well!
Thanks :blush:


Hahaha I feel you, @Amethyst! Kombucha is pretty… fierce :joy: I’m still trying to get myself to drink kefir which is along similar lines (a very pungent and strong but healthy drink- it’s kind of yogurt-y) with not much luck :sweat_smile: Hopefully the drinkable yogurt is a good fit for you!

This is so beautiful, @sheena! :heart_eyes: I especially love the power in your chant :snake::two_hearts: Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous cleansing ritual :bathtub:


I have only found one Kombucha brand I like and even then, only two flavors. It’s GTS Kombucha and I like their Trilogy and their Watermelon flavors. Still strong like kombucha is, but not as bitter.


Wishing you much luck and sending my thoughts and my prayers for your comfort.

Many blessings to you @Amethyst


Thank you @sheena! I appreciate it!


Merry Meet
I really do appreciate the authority in your chant! I like how creative you are! I can feel the renewed strength that comes within! I do like the symbolism of the snake! Your transformation is eye :eye: opening for me!
Merry Part
So mote it be!!!



You said “ I am ready to face the storm” with that you will face the storm! I love this line gives me goose bumps! since you said it with great conviction it will prevail!


We should call that “SHEENA’S SNAKE BATH” - I love it… and not just a little impressed by your possession of a shedded snake skin… WOW… :heart_eyes:


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