🌞 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Solar Magick

Solar Plexus Healing

I decided to focus on healing my solar plexus for this challenge. I thought that I’d do a simple grid as my energy has been really low. So, I started working with full chakra grid and it didn’t feel right. I was going to use the sanskrit image but was drawn to this celtic sun knot image. :sunny:

Solar Plexus grid.pdf (345.3 KB)

celtic sun knot

(10:10 am) While drinking my coffee with Rio, our sweet dog I remembered a somatic technique to relax your kidneys and adrenal glands. I plan on doing this later on today. :raised_hands:t4:

(2:00pm) After a beautiful walk in the sun collecting some falling cedar branches it was time for some deep healing. :relieved: With a warm compress on my mid back and my hand under one kidney at a time to support them and let them relax and plump up again. This was exactly what I needed. Thank you Solar Magick challenge for shining a light in this direction. :orange_heart:

How to heal adrenal fatigue by working with stress organs - Irene Lyon. The technique starts at the 8:30 mark.