🫙 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Spell Jars & Witch Bottles

I made an intuition jar. Ive been going through some clairs and it’s so clear and I want to stay atop of this blessing.


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

So many beautiful jars, bottles, containers and more on display this week- I think it is a real talent to take a lovely vessel and turn it into an even more gorgeous magickal item! :jar::heart_eyes: Great work to all of the Spell Jar Specialists this week :heart:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :jar::sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in! :sparkles:

This topic is reopening for any continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!) :speaking_head:

The Props and Presents Post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Props and Presents for the Spell Jar Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional prizes will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


Thanks @Jeannie1, I am starting to get the hang of just figuring out how to do things regardless of the circumstance and keep on keeping on! It’s empowering.

There’s always excuses I figured out, so here I am doing these challenges again, excuse free and loving them again. So much love to you xo


I really love these bottles @Artemisia - and I love your new witch name - there are a few that changed while I was out. Your bottle turned out reallly nice!!! I love all the bottles with the candle melt on top!


That be is so beautiful!!!


Thank you Lisa !!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I have to say I’m still all-a-twitter about claiming the name. It’s one of those things that when you look back, it was obvious the whole time! It makes me surprisingly so happy! I even changed my username on my computer to it as well.


Thank you so much! :heart: :herb: :deer: :full_moon:


I may have a problem. I was at the store yesterday and was in the bulk aisle trying to talk myself out of buying the giant jar of pickles just for the jar!!! :laughing: I did not buy it and walked away!


A post was merged into an existing topic: :clock12: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit the Activities Category to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (If you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)