Thank you! I was trying to make it way more complicated than I needed it to be!
We have had so much conversation on necromancy lately, I feel that this is right for this weeks challenge and we have a full moon coming up.
Challenge Entry
Ghost Water (used for hexing and necromancy)
Place a bottle of spring water on a grave before midnight, during a full moon. Whose grave is not important; what is crucial is that the water be exposed to full moonlight. Remove the bottle sometime after midnight and before daybreak.
Iâm going to do this on Saturday, but Iâm not going to be running around cemeteryâs in the middle of the night. Lol! Iâm going to put the water on a beloved petâs grave.
@john1 as a Pisces woman (waving my Pisces flag over here ), I wholeheartedly LOVE your entry and completely agree
! Thank you for sharing!
@Kajsa im glad you love it. We are very powerful
Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Splish Splash Spellwork Entry
SoâŚas a Pisces woman, a Reiki practitioner, an Empath this is MY season I love the water and use it in its many forms. I do use water magick regularly in my practice. Just to give you a glimpse into my household
Iâm a Pisces, my husband (of almost 19 years
) is a Cancer, and our 18 year old son is a Scorpio. We are all water signs with some very intuitive/empathetic/intense personalities. We flow very well together and make a fantastic team when weâre all on the same page, which eventually happens 99.999% of the time.
One of the FANTASTIC aspects about water is, water mimics whatever it comes in contact with. You can drink it, cook with it, bathe in it, swim in it, make love in it, have babies in it, bless with it, curse with it ( not condoning that here , but it is a possibility. Itâs all about your energy and intention ), you grow with it, you can destroy with it, you do pretty much everything with it in one form or another because itâs EVERYWHERE! About 71% of the Earthâs surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5% of all Earthâs water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you ( the human body is made of up to 83% water btw ) and your dog or cat. You can charge it with whatever intention you like. Use Moon Water or Sun Water if you like. Put crystals, herbs, flowers, and vegetables in your water if you so desire. Write on your containers with words, symbols, and sigils or just work with the energy itself and your intentions if your spirit pulls you in that direction. Whatever resonates with your spirit works for you. Water is mutable so it flows and changes. It will go where YOU go and do what YOU want it to do. Hereâs some neat stuff to listen to too.
I added this one as an afterthought. This one is short, so it just gives you an idea. Definitely get out there by the water or in the water and dance. Move to the music and rhythm that vibrates inside you and bring that energy into your workings. It will be powerful
As above, so below. Blessed Be!
I have decided to go slightly out and focus on Neptune. This planet rules watery Pisces and is named after the Roman God of the Seas. Even the planetâs appearance resembles vast, deep blue ocean:
EDIT Jan 2025: Updated video link here:
Neptune Rituals
Fill the bath with warm water and add a few drops of lavender and/or chamomile essential oil (mix with some carrier). These are linked to healing and relaxation. I found some blue bubble bath and used this instead. I had a candle oil burner so put water in it with essential oils to make a Neptune blend:
I actually have thus in oil burners in my bathroom, kitchen and front hallway just now, as well as my diffuser in the livng room. Neptune overload!
Light some blue or white candles around the bathroom to create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere.
Step into the bath and soak in the water, feeling its calming and cleansing effects.
Close your eyes and visualise the blue energy of Neptune swirling around you. Imagine the water washing away any emotional or physical pain.
Recite âI am cleansed and healed, body, mind, and spiritâ during your visualisation and feel the energy of Neptune relax and cleanse you.
Stay in the bath for as long as you want. When leaving, thabk Neptune for the healing energy.
Before going to bed, create a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere in your bedroom. I put on my light projector, setting it to blue.
Place a small bowl of water on your bedside table. Take some time to calm your mind and say your intention to enhance dream recall with Neptuneâs guidance while placing an index finger in the water. Remove and repeat the intention, running the finger across your forehead.
Place a few drops of lavender onto a piece of fabric and put inside your pillow case.
Lie down, close your eyes and visualise the blue swirling energy of Neptune surrounding you again. Imagine diving into a deep ocean
Repeat an affirmation, such as âI am open to receiving guidance from my dreams and intuition.â
Drift off to sleep, trusting that Neptuneâs energy will support you. Sleep
When you wake up, write down any dreams you remember.
This will be even more effective just now because it is Pisces season
Neptune rules Pisces.
Blessed be
Beautiful post
Love this! Thank you
Thank you @john1 I love working with water
Such beautiful entries. I love them
Excellent entry! I have a beautiful stream out behind my house that I use water from frequently and an old cemetery
near by that I like to go to for such rituals and others.
That is so cool!
My challenge entry is here
Challenge entry!
I decided to make celestial water! Got my jar with my written intentions under neath it in my window awaiting the moon. Normally i would set it outside, but decided on inside this time since im also cleansing my new tarot cards.
I was going to share pictures of my book of shadows entry for celestial water but i cant figure out how to upload pictures
Edit: figured it out! Thank you!
Itâs the button in the right bottom corner when ur typing looks like an arrow then make sure it loads all the way. Wait till the link no longer says uploading. And put space between your words and the picture link. Hope it helps
I wasnât sure what to do with this weekâs challenge but I found a lovely meditation that takes you to a beach and focuses on the waves. It was quite calming!
I absolutely love this! I love listening to waves and the sound of seagulls to help me relax and fall asleep.
Itâs been a long time since Iâve done this, but I knew exactly what I needed to do for this weekâs challenge. The energy of this Full Moon in Virgo is exactly what I need to harness for my personal goals. It is grounded and stable, yet the axis it posed with Pisces meant it was also emotional and intuitive. This quote from Cafe Astrology really summed up the way I felt for this Full Moon.
A crisis of sorts (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.
Anyway, with all that in mind, I decided to make some Moon Water enhanced with the energy of this Virgo-Pisces Axis Full Moon.
I left it on my windowsill overnight and grabbed it this morning. I added some to my tea for the group ritual and I will continue adding it to my coffee once a week (or daily when needed) as an additive to help me achieve the goals I have.
Thank you for sharing this one. Itâs long but it looks beneficial - Iâm saving it for later!
What a great idea! I love it!
I hope cleansing is easy for you I know youâve been going through a rather difficult time lately. May the cleansing water bring you peace
Ohh I love a good deprivation tank float Iâve only done it once but it was the best thing I had done in a long time.
Oh my Gods, what a beautiful bottle!
This is my first post and challenge. The Virgo Snow Full Moon was in the perfect aligment with my goals. Sooo exciting! I did a ritual for each day of the full moon. Starting out with an orcale card spread. Then I did the Snow Moon Ritual and meditation from Spells8 along with creating Moon Water and Moon Oil. Today I will be doing a crystal grid for my home n family for peace, prosperity, protection, love and harmony and the 7 day money spell. (Figure I can get full use from all the extra energy available) My snow moon meditation was so amazing and journaling right after showed me signs in the form of angel numbers. It was amazing, the inspiration from here is beyond words for me right now!
I would share photos, but I donât know how?
Ok so after some wonderful instructions here are my pics