🎯 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Tactical Magick

Challenge Entry

Things have been a bit of a jumble traveling for my half marathon, running it, and now recovering from it.

I did take some time this morning to figure out my entry for this challenge. Scrolling thru the suggested options, unsurprisingly my eye was caught by the Crea-tarot-ivity : A Motivational Card Spell which works well for me as it uses cards for the spell, is about motivation, requires some journaling and helps me work towards the success of my goal!

I chose my Grimalkin Tarot cleared my mind and shuffled the deck. I picked my card and said “This is the card I need to see, What is revealed is that I should be. Colors and shapes, symbols and art; my new path is about to start!”

I drew the Ten of Wands. Boy, is that ever me!! I have a tendency to do things the hard way to the point of frustration and giving up. This card is about pushing through and staying strong to achieve a goal, yes, but it does ask… Am I making this harder than it needs to be? What other creative ways can I accomplish this goal without being overwhelmed?

I took some time to think about my situation and journaled some to think through it further.

I happened to pick up my Seed & Sickle Oracle deck as well and thought I’d draw a card to finish the ritual. I ended up with two cards, “stuck” to each other. Verbena (the top card) and Lavender (the card I saw first).