🪢 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - The Eclectic Witch: Interdisciplinary Magick

Challenge Entry

I had all intents on doing something new for this challenge but on Saturday i found out that one of the leopards that I work with, passed away overnight. Ramsey was the goodest, goofinest, bestest leopard and I’m heartbroken at his passing :broken_heart:.

That knocked the wind out of my sails a bit and i admit I’m rather “phoning this in”

I chose to share photos of my space to share my variety of practice.

My interests and practice vary from reading Tarot, oracle & Lenormand, growing house plants & herbs, being a devotee of Artemis, being in the service of cats both at home & work, following the moon’s cycles and being ever fascinated, ever in awe of nature both big and small.

My bookcase with the majority of my supplies for my practice along with staues of Isis, Ganesh, Buddha and a New Mexican Indian idol.

My newest shelf has my tarot, oracle and Lenormand decks, my herbalism and herbal magic books, my altar to Diana (though a few pieces are missing as they are on the windowsill to charge in the moonlight), and my new ancestor altar.

My altar cloths live in one of the cat baskets in the bottom of the shelves.

![20230126_120343|375x500, 75%]
A tiny flower in moss

Donut in a basket.


Challenge Entry

To me the word “eclectic” feels like a warm, welcoming hug. I love the idea of being able to engage in different areas to explore my craft. I prefer to let my intuition guide me in as much of my life as possible, so being eclectic fits me to a “t.” Life and our experiences in it are fluid, so being able to lean into what feels right in the moment really resonates with me.
I love crafting in the kitchen with herbs and other ingredients. I am currently studying crystal properties and how to use them magickally. I printed out dozens of identification cards to help me learn and remember while practicing daily.
Keeping an open mind ensures that interdisciplinary magick evolves for my practice. At first I didn’t think that I’d be interested in exploring various deities. But I let go of any expectations and enjoy reading and learning about them. I also look forward to water/sea witchcraft because I feel a strong connection to the ocean and bodies of water.
And I am so grateful for the inspiration and knowledge I have gained here on Spells8. It feels amazing to be surrounded by so many wonderful beings sharing their experience and wisdom. Thank you to everyone. :sparkling_heart:


I just lost my cat two weeks ago that seems like a beautiful ceremony to do thanks for sharing.


Challenge Entry

  • :open_book: Philosophies: “Live now. Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” -Captain Picard
    “Now, I don’t pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love, when every day is a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive, because the days and the years ahead are worth living for.” -Edith Keeler
    (Yes, both Star Trek characters…)
  • :older_woman: Heritage and Family: I have a lot of English and Irish ancestry and I feel drawn to Celtic dieties, customs, artwork, etc. I tend to avoid practices outside of my heritage.
  • :map: Locations and Local Traditions/Culture: I do my best to practice with my local habitat in mind. I plant non invasive species and source as locally as possible.
  • :angel: Deities - I feel drawn to Celtic deities and recently realized there have been signs of their presence much longer than I realized. I named my firstborn what I didn’t realize was the tree month I was born in, and also a tree associated with Brigid. I wanted to name my second another tree associated with Brigid but was talked out of it and chose a flower instead. In my readings this flower has also been associated with Brigid. I also constantly find clovers - 4, 5, sometimes 6 leaves. When I was questioning worshiping Brigid alongside Aine (I started to work with Aine before making these connections about Brigid) I was met with two swans swimming together peacefully which I took as a positive sign.
  • :spirit_element: Elements: I enjoy working with the elements. I have jars representing each and often invoke them when I cast my circle. Recently my Earth jar fell on its own on two separate days. Then it moved back further away from the edge then I had placed it. I got the memo and stopped procrastinating sowing my indoor seeds and finalizing my garden bed layout.
  • :heart: Favorite Areas of Magick: Divination (Tarot, Oracle, crystal ball scrying) and anything to do with plants (healing recipes, salves, offerings to deities, etc)

Celestial Moon,
I would have to say you did some really great work! I agree with all of your comments and appreciate your input! I actually did the test and so glad for my challenge I did this test so thank you :blush: I aligned with the Hindu religion
My religious or religious influences
Raised Catholic and yes it impacted my views, I thought that I was gonna go to hell because I’ve got into drugs and then I converted to Christianity however I learned that I was not the greatest Christian in the world, and I was already into divining earlier in my childhood, and I’ve felt like learning more about the craft. Since I came to the craft, I do not believe that I am not going to be going to hell for my sins. I believe in reincarnation, I believe in the cycles of life death birth, rebirth! I love listening to near death experiences and communicating with my ancestors. I have a voice now, and I am not spiritually programmed anymore!
Nature is sacred and I can manifest my desires, and hopes and dreams!
I can transform my pain into being in self acceptance transforming into a queen! Queen of swords :dagger: Queen of :magic_wand:Wands Queen of Cups Queen of pentacles :pentacle_tarot: This is the elements through the tarot! I can live a magical life. It is important to be mindful of of others.
If you want to create change , you could start by looking in the mirror! That’s why I incorporated a book of Mirrors :mirror: so I could be a product of change! I look to the cards they are a source of therapy for me so I can dive into a deeper understanding of self and interpret my thoughts and feelings and emotions!
It would be nice to have more but honestly, it’s hard to define success. I just want to love myself to the core! I really love the craft and wish I could find some thing. I am really good at and share with others so success to me is reaching my highest self in the purest form, being able to be a part of something much bigger, reaching self actualization, from my moslows hierarchy.
Heritage and family
I come from a Mexican background my family came from Mexico on my dad side and they had the tendency to be really a strict Catholic family. They raised me in a church and we always prayed to Jesus and mother Mary! We ate a lot of food. We valued family and friends. I didn’t know my mom’s side only my dad’s side I was adopted. My grandparents would shit a brick if they knew I were Wiccan and knew I worshipped other Dieties! They were not open at all to polytheism. They are both deceased.
Locations and Local Traditions
I like to take my dog :dog2: out for a walk a lot I like to be in nature, and I am attending rituals :magic_wand:for the Sabbats at a local druid pagan community. For fun I like to go to the :crystal_ball:metaphysical stores and I try to have fun in the garden. I just planted some Yarrow and I went to the dollar store and got many different :green_salad:vegetables for my flowerbeds. I like to go to pagan festivals or music :notes: festivals and I also like to go to the local :bread:farmers market and support the vendors I live in Citrus Heights, and I like focusing on rebirth in the cycles of new beginnings. Happy Full Moon
Self taught our, herbalism, Reiki, healing, since I have a degree in criminal justice I am trying to get a job working with disturbed adolescents since when I was a kid I was very disturbed and I got into gangs and drugs and now I’m trying to give back to my community by being a advocate for youth!
Ra sun God
I really had a good time learning more about myself and diving deep thank you celestial moon for helping me in my journe. I took a long test

Earth :earth_africa: North
Fire :fire:
Water :droplet:
Favorite Areas of Magic
Art :framed_picture:
Meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: Chakras
Essential Oils
Divination Tarot Reading
Astral Travels
Spiritualism Learning about the craft
Reading :open_book:
Drinking Tea :tea: with my other friends and family here on Infinite Roots! Love :heart: u all!


Aww soo cute @Artemisia :heart_eyes: :heart: Hey there lil blossom! :cherry_blossom:

Awwww hiii cutie piee! :face_holding_back_tears: Hope you get better and better each passing day Donut! :doughnut: :two_hearts:


What a bundle of joy :star_struck:
I love cats :black_cat: and I would be a cat I think I have cat eyes! Cute cat! Meow :heart_eyes_cat: I love cats !
I luv the flower :cherry_blossom: it’s so pretty my pretty!


Awww you’re welcome Jeannie, I’m happy I could help you discover more of yourself! :blush: You did well with listing your influences too! :heart:

For a long time when I thought of religion or spirituality, Christianity was the only thing brought to my field of vision too… I wasn’t terribly interested. It felt very alien for me from the very beginning. We’re not above nature, we’re part of her :seedling: and in nature things happen in cycles, that’s what my heart’s always told me. And that love is gentle and shares its power, and never acts through fear and intimidation.

This is my goal too, to embody love :sparkling_heart:

Love you too beautiful soul! :sparkling_heart:


Awww… :crying_cat_face: Sending you warm hugs… I love everything that you’re doing for the kitties, big and small :cat: :heart:


Awww, you’re a pretty kitty too! :smile_cat: :two_hearts:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

What a challenge! Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful collage of magickal talents, interests, and wisdom that make you and your practice your own- each of these traits and abilities shine brightly not only in the constellation that is you :star2: but also in the galaxy that is the coven! :milky_way: Great job to all entrants- thank you so much for joining in the challenge! :heart::pray:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :knot::sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in! :sparkles:

This topic is reopening for any continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents Post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Props and Presents for the Eclectic Witch Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional prizes will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


Loooooove this! May I ask what brand/type of grow lights you are using? I’m looking to do something similar to supplement my outside herb gardens.


@Artemisia, absolutely!

I got them from Amazon. The brand is Barrina I believe. I got a smart-plug timer so that I could set the time for them to come on/off each day. :blush:

Barrina T5 Grow Lights, Full Spectrum, 2ft 80W (8 x 10W, 500W Equivalent), LED Grow Light Strip for Greenhouse, Plant Grow Shelf, Plug and Play Easy Installation, Yellow, 8-Pack https://a.co/d/j8IzsIC


Ramsey :leopard: looks amazing! I am so very sorry for your loss, dear @Artemisia
Big hugs :people_hugging: and lots of love :heart:


There are so many great entries in this challenge! :clap: I’ve read through them all, and I love every one of them. We have so many talented witches and magickal people here that I’m always amazed at the challenge entries. You all rock! :rock: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I always forget about RhymeZone :laughing: back when I was a teen – in my depressed before being diagnosed era – I used RhymeZone to help me with my poetry a lot. I wish I still had some of those poems, but they were probably very dark :sweat_smile: Your chants and poems at the end of these challenges always make me smile and feel all warm inside! :sun:

haha there’s nothing wrong with that! :laughing: If you give this a shot, I hope you’ll let us know how it goes!

And warm hugs back to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s a long road for sure, but I’m sure we’ll both be just fine eventually!

It was very lovely and I felt nice and relaxed afterward. I’m hopeful it had the intended effect and will continue to do so any time I use it!


Thank you I am as just as happy to also have you here :blush::people_hugging:


This challenge and its discussion period have closed- but no worries! You can visit the Activities Category to find and join the current challenge :trophy: (If you’d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)