šŸŽ° Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - The Fortune Teller's Game

@kimberly57 try one more time. You should be all set now.


I will give it a try. I did already use the other method and am super excited about #4 the protection spell but I will check to see if my discobot is fixed. Thank you so much!


@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 8


Perfect! You rolled an 8! Have fun exploring Hedge Magic @kimberly57! It seems to be a popular number this week! You may want to check out:

:cloud: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Hedge Magick: Into Other Realms

You can see how others approached the topic in past challenges! :smiling_face:


This challenge has been fun! How can you not want to roll the dice? Lol! The entryā€™s have been awesome!


Challenge Entry #3 - The Fortune Tellerā€™s Game (Potions)
ā€œOh What a Relief it is!ā€

  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1 chamomile tea bag
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ginger root
  • 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  1. Place the chamomile tea bag in a cup and pour the boiling water over it.
  2. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes.
  3. In a separate tea infuser or strainer, combine the fennel seeds, ginger root, and peppermint.
  4. Place the tea infuser or strainer in the cup of chamomile tea and let it steep for an additional 5-10 minutes.
  5. Remove the tea infuser or strainer and add the honey to the tea.
  6. Stir well to dissolve the honey.
  7. Drink the potion while itā€™s still warm.

This magical potion will help aid digestion and soothe your stomach, thanks to the digestive properties of fennel seeds and ginger root, as well as the calming properties of chamomile and peppermint. The honey will add a touch of sweetness to the potion, making it even more enjoyable to drink. Enjoy!


@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 2


It is so great to see so many participating that are new to the forum or challenges & so many great entries & enthusiasm for this weekā€™s challenge! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Youā€™ve disabled me in your preferences. You need to allow new user onboarding tips to interact with me.


Challenge entry-potion brewer :sparkles: **I made a protection potion using moon water, Amythst and a white daisey. I grinded Rosemary, lavender,rose petals, and thorns with the mortar and pestle then I used witch balls/witches burr to cover in wax and roll in the protection herbs. Witch balls are some of my favorite ingredients to use In spells and it was the first spell I ever did so they hold a special place in my heart. :heart:Then I waited for the full moon said my affirmations and dropped my witch balls into the potion. So mote it be.:crystal_ball:

Sorry itā€™s alittle blurry


@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 5


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

ā†’ Tuesday, March 14 at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

It is so much fun to see everyone stepping up to roll the dice- thank you to everyone who has given it a roll so far! :blush: If you havenā€™t already received your number or jumped in to pursue your chosen theme, know that you still have a little time left to do so! :mantelpiece_clock:

If you havenā€™t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :slot_machine: :sparkles:


:gear: :grey_exclamation: For anyone who is seeing the following error message when they roll:

All this means is that you have turned off Discobot/forum onboarding in your user settings- if you wish, it is easy to switch the setting back to default and he will work for you again :+1:

In order to re-set it back to the default, @Wysteria_Norn kindly already shared some helpful instructions on how you can do so:

If you are still having trouble, please feel free to reach out to @moderators and we will be happy to help you! Alternatively, you are welcome to use this random number generator or roll a physical dice to get a number too- all methods are fine :blush:

Happy rolling! :game_die: :sparkles:


@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 4


Challenge Entry - Meditation

Meditation has always been one of those habits that make me feel amazing, but Iā€™m quick to drop it when life gets busy. And then I wonder why I feel out of sorts :upside_down_face:

I have a lot of trouble quieting my monkey mind and itā€™s even worse when things are chaotic in my house. So if I donā€™t feel like I can do it uninterrupted, my to-do list is a mile long, etc - it doesnā€™t happen. Iā€™m working on clearing dedicated time for it, most likely building it onto my workout first thing in the morning habit, but until then - Iā€™ve found sleeping meditations that I love!

Iā€™ve listened to sleep stories for a long time, but sleep meditations are somewhat new to me. And they help a ton! I love feeling so relaxed right before bed, especially as I used to struggle so hard to fall asleep. Nighttime anxiety is awful.

But I found Nicky Sutton on YouTube and Apple Music and she has a ton of sleep meditations for a variety of things (plus some non-sleep ones.) A few of my favorites are below:


Challenge entry

Thank you, discobot! I got the Potions Challenge! Weā€™ve been waiting on getting some plumbing issues fixed in our rental so we could put our toddlers big boy bedroom furniture together. It finally got fixed Thursday last week so I thought what perfect timing for some Home Blessing Oil! Which meansā€¦ I also had to make some Black Salt. I chose an herb for each direction/element to provide protection from all sides: rose for west/water, mugwort for North/earth, lavender for East/air & rosemary for south/fire. I used some Moon Salt I made in my Black Salt. I will bless his room before we start his transition. Right now heā€™s still co-sleeping. Iā€™m not ready so l probably end up in there with him lol. Momming is tough :broken_heart: lol Anyways ā€¦ here are my new pretties