šŸ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- The Spell-ing Bee

@BryWisteria, thank you! I will definitely try !


Once we make the spell, do we post it here? I have made up a jar spell and completed it! I have the jar on my shelf!


Post it as a new recipe topic and link it here! Iā€™m excited to read it :heart_eyes: drop me a message if you need a hand @krissie117 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you! When I did it I felt like I did something wrong but then I felt so much better once it was done. I will post it in a few minutes.


Hereā€™s a link to mine!


I am posting the link to my spell that I have done and the universe sent me an amazing gift to get through the next few weeks.

Spelling Bee Weekly Challenge


Fantastic job @Susurrus and @MeganB- your spells were a pleasure to read! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I did some spell brainstorming over the weekend and worked out a few chants and phrases. My goal was to make some ā€œquick-and-simpleā€ spells that can apply to various situations and would be easy to remember :thought_balloon:

I wrote a few- some came out better than others :laughing: Most of the ones I worked on were geared towards tea meditations and consecrating tea :coffee: I want to share my two favorites for this challenge!

SPELL 1: Quick nā€™ Easy Tea Blessing :tea:
(spell is to be chanted while stirring your beverage)

Three to the left to remember the past,
Three to the right to make blessings last.
Up, down, and up again-
For good luck, health, and joy I cast!

SPELL 2: Acknowledging Elements Before a Ritual
(chant invokes all four elements before beginning ritual work)

Crystals of earth, candles with flame
An open window from whence the air came.
Droplets of water, from the sky they fell-
All of the elements are here in this spell!

Iā€™ve found writing spells is a bit addictive- once I get started, words just start rhyming and itā€™s tough to stop! :laughing:


A warm reminder that this challenge closes:

TOMORROW :exclamation:

For anyone who hasnā€™t yet shared a spell but wants to participate, please do so before the deadline: Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 AM CET.

Still feeling stuck? Now sure where to begin with your spell?
@MeganB shared a very encouraging and helpful guide that can help you through writing your very first spell: My Spellwriting Process

Good luck and happy spellwork to you! :sparkling_heart:


Ooh I loooove these!
Spell 2 is really calling to me - Iā€™mma steal this one :kissing_heart: haha


I like those spells as well! The second one is really nice. Great job. I wish I could write more on my own. My brain locks up when I want to come up with things sometimes. You did a really good job, I like the first one too. It reminds me of when I am stirring my coffee or tea in the morning.


My spellā€¦my intention is to be healthier and more hydrated.
Using the indirect method, (the crystal is not in the water that youā€™re drinking) I made a crystal elixir.

Ingredients: a container ( preferably of the elements, not plastic), water, and a crystal ( make sure itā€™s water safe!), a small glass container with a lid(to place your crystal inside of), a water pitcher, and my intention.

I first cleansed myself, space and tools.

As I held each ingredient in my hands, I thanked them for aiding me in my healing process.

Then I place the crystal ( I used moonstone for hydration) in a small glass container with a lid.

I then placed that inside a pitcher of boiled water that has cooled.

I said this chant:
ā€œHelp me oh healing crystal elixer,
So that I may find better hydration quicker.ā€
(So simple, I know!)

At this point you may choose to charge your elixer in the the moonlight or anyway you wish.(still in the pitcher)

Take the small glass container from the pitcher, pour the water in a glass and now you can drink your potion! Drink frequently when feeling parched.

Crystal elixers are in no way, shape or form an excuse to not go to the doctorā€™s if youā€™re feeling dehydrated. There can be a bigger underlying issue. This is just for when youā€™re feeling thirsty.

Be careful if using the direct method ( placing crystals directly into drinking water) because some crystals are toxic! Do your research before using this method, please!


Spell for Successful Medicaid Waiver Review.

I have an interview on the 13th of next month to see if I can get my medicaid helper, and if so how many hours and what kind of help. I need all the help I can get so Iā€™m doing this success spell that morning to help me with that.

This will be a simple spell, just a little candle magic. First of all I will be making Blue Moon water on Samhain to use with this spell. Iā€™ll be taking an orange candle, for success, and a push pin and using it to carve the rune Telwaz into my candle.

Telwaz is the rune of success in our actions but this time without personal sacrifice. It also means success in ā€œlegalā€ matters but only if we were in the right to begin with. This is the rune that looks like the arrow pointing up.

Then Iā€™ll be anointing my candle with Blue Moon water and light it up, saying:

ā€œDear Mother I ask for your aid.

To help with my vacuuming and getting my bed made.

For help with groceries and with dishes

Please send me an assistant, to help with my wishes.

With harm to none, so mote it be!ā€

Hopefully this will tick me over the edge, and get me the help Iā€™m needed.


This is a fantastic little chant @BryWisteria and Iā€™m going to add it to my grimoire if you donā€™t mind. It will go great with my coffee every morning :coffee:

This used to happen to me a lot @Susurrus and what Iā€™ve found helpful is freewriting. This is the process of just taking a pen or pencil :pencil2: some paper, and letting words just flow. It could start out as silly as, ā€œIā€™m free writing and I donā€™t know what to write so this feels weirdā€¦ā€ but just let your hand and your :brain: mind work together. Sometimes it gets the creative juices flowing to get you over that block. The hardest part about getting started is getting started.

This is a good one @christina4 ! :sparkler: I love that you used the indirect method of making the crystal elixer. It has always made me anxious when people put stones and minerals in water :face_with_monocle: because Iā€™m not a geologist and I donā€™t know whatā€™s safe and whatā€™s not :laughing: Your spell looks great!

I hope so, too @Amethyst Your spell looks great, too :candle: and I love how youā€™ve incorporated the color :art: correspondences with your candle as well as the rune youā€™ve chosen.


Thank you @MeganB, I will try that in my journal today. I need to do some of that today to keep my thoughts & anxiety from getting away from me. Thatā€™s when I have the most anxiety when I feel like I have no control of my thoughts & then they stick and I canā€™t get them out of my head.

It will probably be something like that first sentence. Lol


Hi All!

Iā€™ve been super busy recently so I havenā€™t had time to create a brand new spell, but I thought Iā€™d share with you a little chant I whisper to Selene every now and then, asking her to keep my daughter safe: :sparkles:

"Selene, from mother to mother I ask a favour, may you always find time to be my little girls savour,
Please cover her in your beautiful safe light,
Make her soul shine pure with all its might,
Keep her forever in your thoughts and sight,
This precious girl of mine please hold her tight."


Hope you are all well!


Awww this is so lovely @Abs53 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Have uploaded my Sun and Air Wish for Happiness ā˜€
It was not supposed to be that long or complicated. Got a smidge carried away. :sweat_smile:


I did a consecration spell that Iā€™ve been chanting to clean my tools or any new items I get for my Altar.

I light a white candle, an incense or sage-smudge stick.

I recite the incantations as I move the incense or smudge stick counter clockwise to get rid of any negative energy that may be attached to the item.

Than I move the incense or smudge-stick clockwise to infuse positive energy into itā€¦

Here is the incantationā€¦

I ask the elements, earth, air, fire and water, please be here with me today.

I concecrate thee
I concerate thee
I concecrate thee.

All negativity be goneā€¦
All negativity be goneā€¦
All negativity be goneā€¦

Positive energy come forward to infuse my tools with your magickā€¦

Positive energy come forward to infuse my tools with your magickā€¦

Positive energy come forward to infuse my tools with your magickā€¦

Elements of earth, air, fire and water.
I now thank you for your blessings, may my tools be useful for the better good.

So mote beā€¦


Thank you so much! I didnā€™t want to do too much because that morning Iā€™ll be getting ready for the phone call. I have to have lists out and ready of my meds and things like that. Iā€™m honored that you like my little spell.


Hello one and all!

Pretty basic spell here but this seems to work really really well for me (Iā€™m in contract management and a bean counter and since 'Rona took over have been doing three peopleā€™s jobsā€¦)

This inspiration happened upon me whilst looking for some new coffee mugs, saw the initial phrase and smokes! this just came so naturally - lol

Hocus Pocus
I need caffeine to focus
As I make this brew
Make it strong and true
Let there be no mistake; in haste, nor waste
So I state
So make it be

Working on some others that are not ā€œworkā€ related and hopefully will be able to share those as well.

Love & Light