This is a fantastic little chant @BryWisteria and I’m going to add it to my grimoire if you don’t mind. It will go great with my coffee every morning
This used to happen to me a lot @Susurrus and what I’ve found helpful is freewriting. This is the process of just taking a pen or pencil some paper, and letting words just flow. It could start out as silly as, “I’m free writing and I don’t know what to write so this feels weird…” but just let your hand and your
mind work together. Sometimes it gets the creative juices flowing to get you over that block. The hardest part about getting started is getting started.
This is a good one @christina4 ! I love that you used the indirect method of making the crystal elixer. It has always made me anxious when people put stones and minerals in water
because I’m not a geologist and I don’t know what’s safe and what’s not
Your spell looks great!
I hope so, too @Amethyst Your spell looks great, too and I love how you’ve incorporated the color
correspondences with your candle as well as the rune you’ve chosen.