🐝 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- The Spell-ing Bee

This is a fantastic little chant @BryWisteria and I’m going to add it to my grimoire if you don’t mind. It will go great with my coffee every morning :coffee:

This used to happen to me a lot @Susurrus and what I’ve found helpful is freewriting. This is the process of just taking a pen or pencil :pencil2: some paper, and letting words just flow. It could start out as silly as, “I’m free writing and I don’t know what to write so this feels weird…” but just let your hand and your :brain: mind work together. Sometimes it gets the creative juices flowing to get you over that block. The hardest part about getting started is getting started.

This is a good one @christina4 ! :sparkler: I love that you used the indirect method of making the crystal elixer. It has always made me anxious when people put stones and minerals in water :face_with_monocle: because I’m not a geologist and I don’t know what’s safe and what’s not :laughing: Your spell looks great!

I hope so, too @Amethyst Your spell looks great, too :candle: and I love how you’ve incorporated the color :art: correspondences with your candle as well as the rune you’ve chosen.