🪄 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Tools of the Witch Trade

Draconic Cord Cutting Spell

It is inevitable that at some point in one’s life, one will be at the receiving end of some hurtful words. They are like cords that are wrapped tightly, that cause further hurt and pain. The purpose of this spell is to “cut them loose”.

You will need:

1 Black Candle
1 Athame/Wand

  1. Perform this spell on a Saturday during the waning moon or whenever you feel that you need to.

  2. Wrap your Athame/Wand in oregano and say the following:
    Great Davliteau, benevolence incarnate,
    I humbly ask thee to bless this athame for my ritual, purify my thoughts,
    may I harbor no ill will for the person that has offended me

  3. After three days have passed and your athame/wand has absorbed oregano’s joyful energies, light a black candle on your altar.

  4. Raise your athame in your dominant hand and say:
    No one can define me
    That right is mine (and mine alone)

  5. Next, think of the words that have hurt you. Close your eyes. Visualize them in your mind’s eye as cords wrapped around your body.
    Say the following:
    Cords of self-hate that have ensnared me,
    who have dared to enter my sacred space

  6. Trace Davliteau’s sigil in the air above your head. Visualize dragon fire raining down upon these cords.
    Say the following until you feel the cords’ hold loosen and fall from your body:
    Burn and fall
    Shrink, grow small
    In Davilteau’s name,
    I send thee away

  7. Blow out the candle and give thanks to Davliteau for his assistance. Perform this ritual as often as you need.

Davliteau’s Sigil

It didn’t take long for this sigil to come to mind. It’s supposed to look a cord of negative energy going up in smoke and flames.


I love that @Kasandra. Now I wish I would have bought an oregano plant yesterday!


I fixed my Athame!


Thanks for sharing this spell​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grin:


Thanks! I found it on Amazon.

I’m glad you like it. I got it from Amazon. I would have never been able to attach the quartz so nicely to the wood.


My Energy Clearing Tool

I put together a tool to help clear energetic attachments I picked up throughout the day. I started using a black kyanite blade but I found I was having a really strong adverse reaction to it. Too intense for me to work with!

After a month or so of using a gentler selenite wand I was ready to try the kyanite again. I tied the black kyanite to a small selenite wand and added a flattened piece of copper that a close friend made me.

I liked the weight and balance of it in my hand. It was very effective at clearing and it wasn’t too overwhelming. I use it each morning to clear myself of any attachments that I no longer need. (i tired to clear nightly but i never remembered :sleeping:). I enjoy changing tools to suit my current needs and personal energy.

After I cleanse the energy clearing tool with smoke, I hold it in my hand and with the blade-side towards my body I sweep it up from my root chakra to my crown chakra and over my head three times with this Blessing. “With Love, I released all attached energy that does not serve my highest good.”

Then, with the selenite-side towards my body I repeat the first sweeping movement with this blessing, “With compassion, I recover and repair my vitality and create a peaceful boundary of Golden Light. And so it is.”

I thank the tool, cleanse it with smoke and place it back on my alter.

Note: I’ve been absent from this forum as I’ve been supporting a dear friend, who experienced her first manic episode :two_hearts:

The skills that I’ve been learning from this awesome group has really help me keep my centre, not take things personally and be mindful of what I can and what I can’t do.

It was actually creating the Honey Jar Spell in another weekly witchy challenge that lead me to reconnect with her and her family. :triskele:


It’s time for a friendly reminder!

Thank you so much to everyone who has shared about their magickal tools so far! If you want to share but haven’t done so already, please know that you have one more day left to do so:

:exclamation: This challenge will close TOMORROW :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline: Tomorrow: March 29th, 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time)

Blessed be! :magic_wand: :heart:


Rowan’s Weekly Witchy Challenge - Tools of the Witch Trade
" Double double toil and trouble/Fire burn and cauldron bubble" (Macbeth by Shakespeare)
The tools I use within my craft the most would be my cauldron, my mortar and pedestal, crystals, my candles, rope and twine (I love knot magick), my herbs, and incense. I rarely use my wand, I don’t have an athame yet, that is something I feel like I’m waiting to find the perfect one, or for it to find me :smiley:
I also would like to include my computer, because it has a role to play within my craft as well for research, images, and communicating with all of you within our great :infinite_roots: coven.
Blessed Be,


I’m running late on posting - the days got past me quick. :frowning: But, I am here now :smiley: So, let’s begin…The first tool I thought of, was stated by @Satu_TheGreenWitch

This is so true! My hands are used to plant my herbs and flowers that I not only use in magickal cooking :bowl_with_spoon: :fondue: :bread: :cupcake:, but to help call the quarters and cast. As for the rest of my tools, I will only list a few, as I have so many I consistently use:

  1. Candles :candle: : More often than not, when I cast, I always use candles to help power the spell.

  1. Cauldron : Used not only to hold my salt, charcoal and burning incense, but also as a symbol of :fire: on my altar.

  2. Feather & or stick incense: Used to represent Air on my altar

  3. Rock from Mt. Lemon in Arizona :rock : Used as a representation of Earth

  4. Copper Chalice :cup_tarot: : Used as my representation of water (often has water in it).

  5. of course, candles representing the four quarters and the Lord and Lady

  6. A homemade inscribing tool to inscribe symbols on my candles (its not fancy, one bit, but it works)

  1. Oils to annoint my candles

  2. Crystals placed around my room and house for protection, love and strength, as well as selenite to cleanse my tools.

  1. Lastly, Smudge sticks to cleanse the areas of my ritual space and house.

These are just a few tools I use regularly. I do have a besom that hangs over my door, a protection sign over the entry way, a wand that occasionally comes out, and a notebook specifically for written spells that are burned during rituals to send out to the universe (I know, I may have an odd way of doing that as intentions are always sent out into the universe).

Of course, if you really want to think about it, everything in my kitchen is a tool when practicing kitchen witchery. :smile: But, I will definitely stop with what I have written so far.

I loved reading about everyone’s use of their tools in this post. It made me really think about what I use and how. You all are wonderful for sharing!

I hope you all have a blessed week!



Weekly Witchy Challenge - Tools of the Witch Trade

At the beginning of March, I decided to post each day, for 31 days an Oracle or Tarot card. You can see the posts here: March-2022-Single-Oracle-Tarot-Rune-Draw

Well, it’s been enlightening… :bulb: :magic_wand: to say the least. One of the things I have learned is that my most important magical tools are my Tarot & Oracle Cards. Of course, I also use crystals, potions, astrology, etc. But it’s the cards that have brought such magical messages this month.

And yes, I NEED more…

And besides, I still have room for more! Bahahaha :rofl:


For this challenge I am going to talk about the tools I have used most in my first year of dedicated practice and my favorite tool. I say ‘dedicated’ because I feel I’ve always been a witch :woman_mage: and didn’t know exactly :wink:

I tried not to spend a lot :dollar: but it was hard because there is so much neat stuff out there! I think the first tool I bought was my cauldron, its very lovely and I use it but not as often as other things.
:pendulum: My crystals and rocks have been in my life all along but I didn’t use them fully like I do now. I use them everyday!
:seedling:Herbs are the same, I’ve always used them just not to their fullest potential. I use them daily.
:candle:I use candles almost daily now too, but in a very different manner than before.

I really like making my tools: I have made a wand, a scribe, many decorations, and I’m finishing up a wooden altar tile at the moment :pentagram: to name a few :face_with_peeking_eye:
I use books :books: and my laptop :computer: daily for studying. I keep notes :notebook: daily :pencil2: I have many notebooks for different topics.

If I had to pick a favorite I think it would be my crystals and rocks. I am so excited for warmer weather so I can tumble more :rock: :gem: rocks :heart_eyes: and go rock hunting! And my plants :potted_plant:would be a tie I guess for 1st as well :smiley:

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day :sun_with_face: :waning_crescent_moon:


My Challenge Entry
As soon as I read the title of this challenge my mind instantly went to music.For this challenge I used my voice and my guitar as a tool for magick.
I just took down my Ostara altar and redecorated it and I thought singing a song would be the perfect way to consecrate it.I sang Francis Forever, A Burning Hill and I Bet On Losing Dogs by the singer Mitski. I really like the emotions these songs have and I thought being a bit vulnerable would be good in this situation.
Blessed Be!


Weekly Witchy Challenge - Tools of the Witch Trade

As I am still learning the Witchcraft natures, Covens, spells, and as I use these tools I do a consecration of my Tools at least once a month, so they are free from negative energy so that my spells are full of positive energy. I like to study the books about witchcraft and learn some more different things and how to use them. So far my best study of learning comes from Spells8 Lesson Courses, they are very informative and have so much information. These tools I use the most are:

My wand and incense burner

My Crystals

My Cauldron is a little out of focus.

This is my Crystal Ball, still learning to use it.

All my herbs, flowers, salts

My candles.

These are my Tarot/Oracle Decks

And a few of my books.

I have on Order three books about the goddesses, Brigid, Hekate, The Morrigan. Hopefully reading about the different Goddesses I will get the feeling they are calling to me.

Blessed Be :dizzy: :pentagram: :sparkles: :hearts:


Hi i am making my own besome, still a work in progress.


My favourite tool is the athame. I have a few I use for different purposes.


My favorite recent tool that I’ve been using is a set of earrings, actually :laughing: They are little silver roses!


It’s not the greatest picture, but these little stud earrings have been part of a visualization and protection practice I’ve started up when I leave the house. They’re roses, and the roses I’m accustomed to seeing “in real life” grow on long stems with thorns.

For these rose earrings, I put them on and call upon the protective barrier of rose bushes covered in thorns. From my earrings, the visualization spreads to surround me in prickly vines covered in thorns. Only the energy that I allow to pass through the barrier, through the roses, is permitted past the thorny bubble I surround myself with.

I don’t say any words during this, no chants or incantations. Instead, I speak plainly and call upon the thorns to provide a barrier between me and the outside world.


@MeganB those earrings are beautiful. :rose:


I used my mortar & pestle to grind my herbs that I added to make Legacy Bath Salts. I had made a turkey leg broom last fall that I used to clean my area. However I discovered my cat has eaten some of the corn straws.


Thank you! I have absolutely zero idea where they came from :laughing:


For this Challenge I had to sit and think about it because there’s sooo many “tools” involved in my crafting but I think I can narrow it down to the following:
The Moon: :full_moon:
I’m in love with her. I like to collect moon water and use it for certain spell work. I look for her on visible days and acknowledge her presence.

Nature: :wilted_flower::deer:
She inspires me daily with her beauty. So powerful!

Candles: :candle:
I took to making my own and add herbs & scents for crafting spells or burn regularly for meditation.

Book of Shadows: :scroll:
A treasured collection of necessary knowledge.

Herbs: :seedling::herb:
Valuable for spell work.

And like others have mentioned…myself! :mage: My willingness to do what works to keep my life harmonious and peaceful. :heart: