🪄 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Tools of the Witch Trade

My Energy Clearing Tool

I put together a tool to help clear energetic attachments I picked up throughout the day. I started using a black kyanite blade but I found I was having a really strong adverse reaction to it. Too intense for me to work with!

After a month or so of using a gentler selenite wand I was ready to try the kyanite again. I tied the black kyanite to a small selenite wand and added a flattened piece of copper that a close friend made me.

I liked the weight and balance of it in my hand. It was very effective at clearing and it wasn’t too overwhelming. I use it each morning to clear myself of any attachments that I no longer need. (i tired to clear nightly but i never remembered :sleeping:). I enjoy changing tools to suit my current needs and personal energy.

After I cleanse the energy clearing tool with smoke, I hold it in my hand and with the blade-side towards my body I sweep it up from my root chakra to my crown chakra and over my head three times with this Blessing. “With Love, I released all attached energy that does not serve my highest good.”

Then, with the selenite-side towards my body I repeat the first sweeping movement with this blessing, “With compassion, I recover and repair my vitality and create a peaceful boundary of Golden Light. And so it is.”

I thank the tool, cleanse it with smoke and place it back on my alter.

Note: I’ve been absent from this forum as I’ve been supporting a dear friend, who experienced her first manic episode :two_hearts:

The skills that I’ve been learning from this awesome group has really help me keep my centre, not take things personally and be mindful of what I can and what I can’t do.

It was actually creating the Honey Jar Spell in another weekly witchy challenge that lead me to reconnect with her and her family. :triskele: