🌖 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Waning Moon Magick

Challenge entry
First challenge in a while so im excited to actually be feeling ok enough to participate. i decided it been a while since pulled out my decks and did any sort of reading so i found a third quarter waning moon spread on pinterest to do and got out my friends tarot deck id not used even though id gotten it last year.

and i couldnt help sharing the iconic image that was on the back of the tarot deck cards

and of course the reading

Card 1 - Where am i right now? : The chariot (reversed)
Loss of direction, loss of will, loss of discipline
yep my healths been so bad i actually feel like im a bit lost and trying to find my footing again

Card 2 - What do i need to release from my emotions/relationships?: 10 of swords (reversed)
cant get worse, only upward, inevitable end
??? im still working on the what need to release part

Card 3 - What do i need to release from my mindset?: 3 of swords (reversed)
recovery, forgiveness, moving on

Card 4 - What do i need to release to be my most aligned self?: judgement (reversed)
lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing
yep :woman_facepalming: im having alot of self doubt and feeling not good enough and hating myself so this card is clear

Card 5 - What will help me let go?: Tower (reversed)
disaster avoided, delaying disaster, fear of suffering

Card 6 - Message from the third quarter moon : 5 of cups (upright)
loss, grief, disappointment, mourning
??? not looking good :woman_facepalming:

extra notes
no wands - need more passion
no pentacles - examine finances, be more practical

ill keep reflecting and add when i figure out the cards wasnt sure of. :grin:


Waning Moon :waning_crescent_moon: Cleansing Song

I wanted to take my chant in a different direction. I always wanted to be a singer, but I’m not much of a songwriter :laughing: however, little chants and songs like this were easy to do! It was also inspired by everyone’s creativity with making modern songs more witchy! (this thread here!)

To the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Clapping hands and ringing bell,
Hear the sounds I know so well.
Cleanse my home and be with me,
Filled with hope and happy peace.
Clapping hands and ringing bell,
Cleanse my home and cleanse it well.


I did this hex braker (curse braker)a while back now the results were Great iv been getting good luck with my job and new friends to :slight_smile: this was the perfect moon for it

I substitute salt with my pink salt black candle to it worked so well.


That’s awesome. Did you think you were hexed or was it more breaking internal personal stuff?


I shared this on the recipe page but it also goes along with this challenge. Challenge accepted.

Recipe by theashcraftcoven on Tumblr: Moon Spell Cookies


I’ll share photos of my disastrous cookies when I make them if you’ll also share yours. :laughing:


Past life curse still trying to brake it.


Ah, right. Have you considered asking the Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: March 2024 to help out with that specifically? It might help weaken it or something.


Weekly Challenge Entry

I have had a strange week. I have felt every emotion good and bad, and I’m kind of dazed and confused. I literally haven’t looked for a job in 20 years and things have changed. I need to let go of my old job and the people I worked with. The Waning Moon is the perfect time for letting go. I came across a few letting go spells, but none of them felt right. I found this spell on the Witch Casket website and love it.

Candle Spell for Letting Go

You will need:

  • A white candle for strength and purity
  • A pink candle for love and healing
  • A blue candle for peace

As you light each candle in turn, with intent, state the following:

“I leave the past where it belongs and welcome a fresh start

I release all that holds me back and does not serve my heart

I replace my overthinking with peace and harmony

Such is my magical energy, that as I will it, so mote it be”

Meditate as the candles burn. Imagine yourself walking boldly and confidently away from whatever plagues you-feel the joy of moving through happier times with a joyous heart.

Know that you will no longer dwell on painful memories, but simply use the learned experience to move forward with strength.


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

Chant to get rid of depression:

Light a black candle in a dark room and meditate on your dark feelings, gathering them up and breathing them out in a cloud. When you feel you’ve cast most of your depression out, say the following chant three times.

In the dark of the moon,
In the dark of the night,
I cast away all depression
From out of my sight!

Blow out the candle. And imagine your cloud of depression winking out.


Blessed be​:woman_mage:. So, for my challenge I needed to clear some negative and bothersome stagnant energy! Intention: banish negative energy, any blocks an anxiety & Invite in joy, happiness, calmness, and balance. I did a bath as usually I love water n all since I am a Pisces :pisces: and it is theee season. Sooo for my bath I used lemons, eucalyptus, and lavender. I put fresh cut lemons right in the water the dried eucalyptus and Lavender I put in a bag (less to clean out the tub). I also use 10 drops of lavender and eucalyptus oil (amazing smells). My bath alter held a white n black candle along with amethyst, yellow jasper, yellow hematoid, hematite, dog tooth calcite crystals. As I soaked I used the black candle meditation from the one n only Spells8 and ended with visioning of all the trash :wastebasket: going down the drain to be transmuted.
Herbs :herb:
Lemons- joy, happiness, cleansing.
Eucalyptus- clear mental blocks, energy cleaner.
Lavendar- purification, calms anxiety.
Crystals :crystal_ball:
yellow jasper- protection
yellow hematoid- healing, amplify intentions.
hematite- grounding, protection, absorbs negative energy.
dog tooth calcite- cleansing, decreases stress and anxiety, an amplifier.
Candles :candle:
Black- banishing, absorbs negative energy.
White- purity, purification.
Together to help balance the light n dark, ying n yang, masculine n feminine.

After the bath I felt light, full of joy, happy, balanced, fresh n free! :green_heart::bath::blue_heart:


I word it in way that is in present and to the point. Like my nails are long and healthy. Funny I do Archery too and I say I hit the 10 with ease! I do not use any negative words or thoughts like I do not, will not, can not, etc… I don’t write alot cause I am not really big on words, so I focus more on the intention and what I am using (herbs, crystals, candles, etc) to help drive my focus. If this makes sense, hope it helps. :sparkling_heart::sparkles:


Yes they did :sparkles:


Beautiful Diamond. I can smell the lemons!!!


This was such a beautiful ritual @Diamond i love how you used the lemon slices the powerful crystals and the crescent moon you had lit up hanging above your tub everything was perfect I hope you feel rejuvenated and free from negativity after your ritual :purple_spell_candle: :revolving_hearts:


@crystal59 it was thank you.


@Ostara :lemon::yellow_heart::sparkles:


I still smell the lemons. Lol! :heart:


Anyone know a spell for releasing sickness? I’ve been in bed for 4 days😪 I’m thinking this may be good to do during waning moon. I know I’ve seen at least one spell but I can’t find it!


It’s not really a releasing spell but is for health and aligned with Sunday, but you can tweek the intent and add releasing. The Honey Ginger Tea and meditation or yellow candle meditation for strength from the Daily Ritual for today here in Spells8 may help. :sparkles: