:wand_tarot: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Wonderful Wands

Challenge Entry-Wonderful Wands
So I’ve been going more the athame route, repurposing an old kitchen knife no one will miss. But today I went out on a much-needed walk to clear my head, and I was walking past some woods, and there was a fair amount of dead fall twigs, and I figured why not for this challenge. So one dogwood twig later and saying thank you to the tree, I have the start of a wand. I intend to take some colored floss to create a more comfortable handle, but as of now it’s still very much a stick.


Wow! That entire process must have been a roller-coaster of emotions. The finished result looks luminous. :snowflake:


My challenge-entry is, again, pretty basic. I had been using a slender maple branch that just kind of fell into my path. I may branch out (hahaha) and attempt to add crystals and some other meaningful pieces. I stopped using it because it just didn’t feel right. Perhaps working on it with intent will change that. Note: Please excuse my scuffed up craft table!!

I have been just using my dominant hand for directing energy. I am intrigued by the idea of an athame, but have not explored them just yet.

NO JUDGEMENT, but when I was in NYC, this wand NEEDED to come home with me. Yes, it is from the Harry Potter universe, but I walked away and went back the next day to buy it because I couldn’t stop thinking about that wand! I don’t think I will actually use it for magickal purposes, but never say never! I am super-inspired by all of the gorgey hand-made wands coven members have shared. Maybe I will give it a try? :snowflake:


Do u make your own wands?


:slight_smile: quote=“Ostara, post:28, topic:41525”]
I’m sure everyone is tired of seeing my wands. Lol!


Ugh… @BryWisteria you almost always seem to nudge me into something I’ve been planning on or something intense I’ve been putting off.

Confession time: I’ve been back a little over a year and still don’t have a finished wand. I’ve stayed away from anything that I feel a wand is a must and used my Athame for everything else.

I might have not have the brain power to do anything for this but I’ll give it a go. I have things in the works that are abandoned projects for now so I’ll see how it goes


Weekly wand challenge

Ones kinda quirky and the other plain. I have intentions on decorating the plain one, but I think ill leave the other as is. I found both of them on the river shore close to where I live.


Not yet! But that is the plan now :sparkles:


I’m just going to second Artemisia- absolutely never! :laughing: The more wands, the better! I don’t think a witchy and magickal forum could ever get enough about wands haha. Share away- we love it! :heart: :raised_hands: :magic_wand:

I laughed at this- omg, Tracy, you are hilarious :joy:

Hahaha it was beautiful then and it’s beautiful now- thank you for sharing your lovely wand, Berranda! :magic_wand: :blush: It’s all consecrated, charged, and ready to go- if you decide to craft another wand, then I hope they get along wonderfully! :heart:

It looks gorgeous to me, Jeannie! :heart_eyes:

Yesss I knew it :laughing: :+1: And goodness this is amazing- you really poured your heart and soul into all of those intricate details! Even if things didn’t go exactly as planned with the glaze, I think it turned out perfect- the perfection is in the uniqueness, after all, that’s what makes handmade things so special! It is a work of art and a beautiful display of your devotion to Artemis. Thank you for bringing us along on your wand-crafting journey, it was an honor to see how you brought this beauty to life! :pray: :heart: :blush:

That is one mighty tool, and so beautifully crafted! Your creativity really shines in the design- I love all of the meaning behind each of the features and additions. This is a really gorgeous wand and one that I’m sure will help you on your quest of learning and knowledge! May it serve you well now and forever more :wand_tarot: :two_hearts: :blush:

Hooray! It sounds like the right piece of wood found its way to you when the time was right- that’s awesome, Catherine! Wishing you all the best as you bring your wand to life- have fun and good luck with the crafting process! :wand_tarot: :sparkles:

Bonus points for wood puns :joy::+1: Your branch is already lovely and I’m sure it will continue to grow in beauty as you add more decorations and flair to it! And I love your HP wand- is that the Hermione-style one? It’s really beautiful! May both of your beautiful wands serve you well! :grinning: :heart:

Just me being an enabler again :wink: :handshake: Although right now your priority really ought to be taking care of yourself, my friend- if you don’t feel like you have the brain power this week it is absolutely understandable! There’s always a Catch-Up on the horizon, so no need to push yourself. Sending hugs, Nixi! :hugs: :two_hearts:

I think they were meant to find their way to you, Carol- these are lovely wands! I imagine the river wood carries some of the energy of the flowing water with them- they sound like they would be great for casting with the Water Element in particular. Wishing you all the best with your decorating- have fun with it! :sparkles:



So here’s my wand

I used to subscribe to Witch Casket each month, and this wand came with the other goodies. I have no idea what wood it is, perhaps one of you lovely witches know. :person_shrugging:

So what do I do with it. Well to be honest I don’t have a clue. As I’m not really one for casting circles, it’s not much use at that. I did find a quote about how a chaos witch would use an athame, so I applied this principle to wands.
A chaos witch decides that a wand will work for his/her current undertaking, and embraces that fact for the duration of that undertaking with complete conviction.
So that would translate in practice that whatever I’m doing, with the energy, in that moment, I would grab the wand and just go for it. :person_shrugging:
But my use for the wand would change depending what I’m doing at the time as it also said about chaos witches
There are standard purposes for wands, but the chaos witch would repurpose the wand for whatever is needed in that moment, and this will change, possibly with each use

So there it is. Maybe I’ll give it a try, maybe I’ll make one, on a day when I feel I’ll need it. But it’s pretty, I like it, so it’s in my box of magical stuff waiting for a day to blow up my spell. :heartpulse::joy:


Challenge Entry

I took my wand out last night. I can’t sense any negative energy coming off it, but it hasn’t been used for awhile, so I cleansed its stagnant energy with some sage and it’s on my altar right now next to a piece of selenite in preparation for tonight’s. It’s a very simple wand, but I can feel that it was made a lot of love and care. :smiling_face:

I never read the scroll that came with it. It’s called The Magick of Manifestation by Merlin of Manitou. A lot of the information is stuff I already know, but it’s never a bad idea to refresh your memory.

They printed some spells that you could try with your wand. One of them is A Magick Potion Spell. To cast this spell, chose a beverage. While holding your wand in dominant hand, visualize a flow of energy from within the earth traveling from the ground to your wand. Move the wand around the cup clockwise and say, “Divine water, divine light”.

I plan to use this spell in preparation for my tea meditations. For the last several months, I’ve been using my besom to cleanse my sacred space during the new moon, but I think I’ll switch things up a bit with my wand. I have in mind to dance and wave my wand around to fill my sacred space with fresh, positive energy. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Challenge Entry

My wand is pretty simple and elegant… :magic_wand:

It’s from a pair of chopsticks! :smile_cat:
So lacquered wood, I have no idea what kind of wood though, but it works for me :sparkles:
Its sister I carry around in my purse, as a travel wand :blush:

For the challenge I made a little enhancement to it, accentuating the tip with silver nail polish :white_heart:

I’m quite happy with the change :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
If I find a ribbon of silk, I might wrap it around the handle :smiling_face:

Now a question… if you modify an altar tool, do you cleanse and consecrate it again? In this case “yes” feels like a good answer for me :sparkling_heart:


I love this challenge! We have beautiful witches with beautiful wands. :heart_eyes:


Weekly Witchy Challenge - Wonderful Wands - ENTRY

According to Emma Kyteler, eclecticwitchcraft.com, “The material of the wand is important, as different materials hold different energies and properties. Common materials used for wands include wood, crystal, and metal. The size and shape of the wand also play a role in its energy and effectiveness.” she explains the use of the Wand and what the different materials used in witchcraft and magick are for. “The Wand is used for directing energy and intention during spell work and rituals.” Below is a list of knoweldgeable details that I found to be very helpful. For example, silver wands are associated with the moon and feminine energy, gold wands are relivent to the sun and masculine energy. Wands made of wood are often used for healing, protection spells, and are the most common, while crystal wands can be used to boost the power of a spell. Ms. Kyteler has brokedown and explained the following:

Material Correspondence
Rowan Protection, divination
Ash Healing, protection, strength
Oak Strength, endurance, protection
Hazel Divination, wisdom, inspiration
Willow Healing, protection, divination
Yew Death, rebirth, divination
Birch New beginnings, protection, purification
Elder Protection, banishing, healing
Holly Protection, defense, wishes
Iron Protection, grounding, strength
Copper Healing, love, prosperity
Silver Moon magic, intuition, protection
Gold Sun magic, wealth, power
Bronze Strength, endurance, protection
Steel Protection, energy, defense
Platinum Protection, wealth, power
Clear Quartz Amplification, clarity, healing
Amethyst Spirituality, protection, inner peace
Rose Quartz Love, healing, emotional balance
Citrine Wealth, abundance, manifestation
Black Tourmaline Protection, grounding, banishing
Lapis Lazuli Communication, wisdom, inner truth
Moonstone Emotional balance, intuition, protection
Aquamarine Communication, emotional balance, protection
Fluorite Mental clarity, focus, protection
Emerald Love, abundance, prosperity

Using a Wand (Kyteler,eclecticwitchcraft.2023)

Basic wand techniques include directing energy and casting circles. To direct energy, hold the wand in your dominant hand and focus on your intention as you move the wand in the desired direction. To cast a circle, hold the wand in both hands and trace the circle in the air, visualizing a protective barrier forming.
Advanced wand techniques include spell casting and energy manipulation. To cast a spell, focus on your intention and use the wand to direct energy towards the spell’s goal. Energy manipulation involves using the wand to manipulate and control the energy in a specific area or situation.

Use Purpose

Circle casting To create a sacred space for spellwork
Energy manipulation To direct energy towards a specific intention or goal
Spell casting To bring about a desired outcome through the use of words, gestures, and visualization
Healing To channel healing energy towards oneself or others
Protection To shield oneself or others from negative energy or influences
Banishing To remove negative energy or influences from oneself or one’s environment
Divination To gain insight or knowledge through the use of divination techniques
Consecration To dedicate an object or space to a specific purpose or intention
Invocation To call upon a specific deity or spirit for assistance or guidance
Elemental invocation To call upon the energies of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) for specific purposes.

Your Wand is to be used for White Magick as White Magick is implied in the Wiccan Rede. White magic could be summarised as magic for good or selfless purposes. It is the magic that celebrates and honours Mother Nature. The term white magic can also be used to refer to the religion of Wicca as a whole, as it is a religion which is based on harming none.(wiccanspells.info)

Upon doing research for this challenge, I have learned quite a bit on the tools for witchcraft. I am still collecting the basics for spells, potions, etc…but these challenges and feedback from knowledgeable and experienced people has been a blessing…Blessed Be!

How To Use A Witch's Wand (Magic Wand Tips) - Eclectic Witchcraft, (Kyteler, eclecticwitchcraft,

Wigington, Patti. (2021, February 8). 14 Magical Tools for Pagan Practice.


I recently crafted my own wand - I picked up a branch from a tree in my front yard that caught my eye. From there I used rope, quartz crystal, a small quartz sphere, amethyst, aquamarine, carnelian, sapphire, peridot, black obsidian, purple & black ribbon, black leather, a Witch charm, moon charm, moon phase charm, Virgo charm, Peridot birthstone charm, scissors, and a glue gun!!

I designed this wand because I’m a Virgo, I have my top favorite gemstones on it, along with my birthstone peridot, and I love everything about the moon and the moon phases. Plus the wood came from my front yard - although I’m not sure what type of tree it is…


Wooooow. Everyone’s wands are so wonderful. I want to make my own wand now.

@CelestiaMoon that is a ingenious idea as well, very on budget, and at the same time - natural and simple. I like it a lot :heart_eyes:

@tracyS That’s totally my style of wands… The simplicity, the beauty, I’m in awe. I wanna steal it from you. :sparkles: :crescent_moon:

@ArcticCharm Your Harry Potter wand is very pretty, if it called you, it doesn’t matter if it is mass produces or from a movie…

@berranda I feel the same after viewing everyone’s handmade wands, I feel like I have to make my own… :star_struck:

Sorry for not tagging everyone here, this post would be stupidly long.
I liked every single wand in this post. :heart_eyes: :sparkles: :crescent_moon:


#Weekly Witchy Challenge - Wonderful Wands Entry:

Some of you posted some wonderful wands, but I have to say that @berranda’s wand called to me so thank you :heart_eyes: for posting where you found your lovely wand. Not sure what spoke to me about it as I don’t have one of my own, nor have I felt any inkling to use one.

I had to get creative with my challenge entry, and while I don’t see to have some of the more sacred trees in my yard, I have a cherry tree :cherries:, two pear trees :pear:, and just recently planted two different types of lilacs :cherry_blossom: as well as a flowering bamboo :bamboo: that is currently feeding a whole host of bees (!) :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee: which you can hear the intense humming sound when close by!

I would love to have an old Oak or Maple as these speak to me - perhaps some day. These were some little fun facts about Lilacs that I did not know until this week - Lilacs are fondly called the “Queen of Shrubs” and have a better fragrant reach if they are in the sun. There are so many varietals to choose from, and are part of the Oleaceae family that includes the Olive, Ash and Jasmine trees. Pan, the God of Wine and Wildness, was said to have adored a woodland nymph, Syringa, who hid from him in fear, concealing herself as a Lilac shrub. When he came upon the shrub, he was so enchanted that he took several branches from it and made his panpipe - the rest is history on that myth! In certain cultures, the Lilac flowers held mythical powers such as bringing wisdom to newborns, celtic magic, and in Victorian days, Lilacs were given and/or grown by widows which were symbolic of a cherished love still held for a deceased husband or lover. Lilacs, unbelievably, can live to be more than a 100 years old and have been part of our American history and culture. Did you know that you can eat the flowers? :astonished:

How about the cherry tree? Again, there are several varieties of cherry trees, each with its very own significance of beauty in vibrancy and bloom; however, it is also symbolic of mortality due to the short lifespan that reminds us how precious life is in its moments that pass by quickly. The Asian culture has some wonderful reflections on the tree’s spirit, cultural significance, and celebration. This tree falls under Apollo, and Venus, providing a magical use for love and attraction spells, spells for solar rituals, and can act as a grounding tool given its earth element properties.

The feminine shape of the pear and sweet taste place this tree and its fruit under Venus - which means pears can be used in love & attraction spells; however, when working with female deities it’s always a good idea to have a care, and show respect.

The bamboo follows along much of the same lines in reflecting strength, truth, commitment, virtue, prosperity, purity in spirit and the hollowness in it is a representation of being empty and having openness to the Divine.

I found it quite interesting that ALL of these trees relate to aspects of abundance, prosperity, purity, vitality/vigor, togetherness, nurturing, and manifesting energies that contribute towards making connections with others, strengthening relationships and promoting love. The end of the season is coming up when we trim our trees (and yes, I ask for forgiveness and talk to my trees), I think I may take a branch from each, outside of making our Winter King, and wind them together into a wand only to be used in working with very specific spelling in this area.


Love this will help me in my next wand making project thank you )0(


I’d say yes but more importantly if it feels like a “yes” to you then it’s a “yes”


That’s enough yes to convince me! :smile_cat: :sparkling_heart: