Greetings @rachel31!
I really love the world of dreams and Dream Magick, but digging in to break down and interpret dreams (even my own!) is something I’ve come to be very cautious about. This is due to the limits of reading magickal symbolism (and avoiding “reading burn-out”) as well as my own personal beliefs about dream meanings.
In short, I’m in the school of thought that not everything you encounter in a dream (nor random things found in daily life) automatically carries magickal symbolism.
That being said, if you are having the same dream over and over again- that may be a sign that there is a deeper message involved. Repetition can often be a pointer that there is something you need to get from this dream, and that the dream will continue to repeat until you get the message or it is no longer relevant.
The message here seems pretty clear to me- someone (a higher power, your inner child, a spirit, a deity, etc- the identity is currently unknown) is calling out to you. You feel a strong push to contact them.
If you feel safe doing so, I would say your next step forward could be to try contacting them in order to get answers. Do you use any forms of Divination? If so, I would recommend going with a good method for message communication, such as Tarot or Oujia/Spirit Boards, as opposed to a method more geared towards yes/no answers, such as Pendulums
Meditation is another great way to reach out and get in contact with higher powers
Wishing you all the best, Rachel! I hope you are able to dive deeper into the dream and figure out who is calling you and what message they have for you Blessed be!