What about your magick is fun and exciting?

I was thinking about the values of novelty, fun and excitement as factors for enhancing the quality of life today, really as a form of self-care, and it occurred to me that this might be an aspect of my magickal practice I could develop further

I think I am pretty good at trying new things (through the weekly witchy challenges and study) and I am becoming more adept at working spells to solve problems or for calming or healing.

But that got me to thinking…what about my practice is fun? What about it is exciting?

I would love to hear from the group today on what they find really fun and/or exciting about their practice.


This is such a good question, honestly. It isn’t something I’ve thought about too much but when I have a fully fleshed out answer I’ll try to remember to post back here, too :laughing:


It makes me happy to help others whenever I am able to do so. I have natural psychic/empath and healing abilities. Combine that with my natural desire to help people, I spend most of my time making herbal remedies or using my empath skills to help others. Aside from that, I am always eager to learn something new or to share my knowledge with others.


I’ve gone through a long, dry spell. Magick had become mundane, my concentration was poor.
I started doing the Challenges, again. I hadn’t done the Dealing in the Divine yet so I started writing about “how it all began”.
By the time I was done, I was crying like a baby.
But I was infused again with imagination and energy. It was magical, it was elating, and I feel renewed.

Everything and everybody.

Thank you for helping regain my “self”.

A big Blessed be,
Stay safe.
know that I love you.
Garnet, renewed and elated!


I am with @MeganB, I haven’t had too much thought into this, but off the cuff:

  • connecting with my deities
  • connecting with nature
  • so many DIY things I can use what I have on hand most times
    • the rest I will have to think about as far as fun & exciting.

I haven’t done an actual spell or spell jar in a while, :thinking: not it’s definitely been a while. I do continue my meditation, mindfulness, & divination & deities practices though. So I use my tools when I am working on those aspects as needed to do so.

I’ve been in a bit of a whirlwind of changes since Memorial Day weekend. So if I am able to organize my thoughts about this, I will come back with a more informed answer :smiling_face:


I love making up new chants. It’s fun trying to get them to sound right and rhyme and still say what I want. Some aren’t that great and some are wonderful, but it’s fun doing it and that’s what matters!


You do a great job @Amethyst! I love reading them! :nerd_face:


For me its just being a witch which is exciting. Knowing i am unique in my own way just gets me excited. On top of that if the actual daily witchy sense, it my tarot reading, spells and meditation which is fun… Overall being a witch its self is the best gift of life (for me anyways)


Thank you, my dear!


I’m still so new that most things are fun! Setting up my space is fun, getting a new tool (I am still thrilled over my tiny cauldron), new crystals are fun… adding new things to my BOS is fun… Reading new books…. Sharing with all of you here. I think the challenges are a blast!


I love being a witch, even though I have to keep it a secret. Of course my husband knows, lol, can’t hide it from him. My kids know, but not my grand kids. I think it’s exciting not being found out. I had so much fun last night with my 6 year old granddaughter. We were watching TV and I had to get her art supplies out of my witchy room. My fancy witch hat caught her eye so she was dressed up as a witch for the rest of the night complete with broom and witch book. She had so much fun, and then of course we had to watch Hocus Pocus while she played witch. She is really a natural born witch and doesn’t know it. Lol. Someday I will tell her when she is older. Right now she has a Nana with some really cool Halloween costumes.


@mary25 this is such a fun thing to ask! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For me, my practice has rekindled my spiritual side and helped me find answers that science and my other studies just couldn’t explain. It has helped me break beyond boundaries that I didn’t even know where in place and open up so many new possibilities. Meditation and self-care work has brought me peace and stability that I didn’t think were possible before, and magick has helped me handle illness- from physical ailments like nasty menstrual cramps to mental illness like anxiety and panic attacks.

Magick is hope and potential and, most exciting of all, the thing to the thing that everyone is seeking- happiness :old_key: :grinning:

I have had so much fun reading everyone’s responses- reading about everyone’s favorite and most enjoyable parts of their Craft is a delight, and so many of things people have mentioned have made me smile!

May everyone continue to find happiness and joy in their magick :sparkles::blush:

Blessed be!


Yessssssssss. Its all fun and exciting. I love love love all of your answer


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