What do we do with a tarot reading?

Hello @Nadialuna!

Great question- tarot is such a wonderful aspect of magick with a host of insights into both our own lives and the world around us :flower_playing_cards:. After you’ve done a reading, a great practice is to record it in a tarot log. Then you can go back later and check to see if your interpreations where correct- it’s a great way to learn the cards!

There is no limit to how many readings or spreads you can do in one day- as long as you have the energy! If you start to feel drained, you might be experiencing spell fatigue and it’s probably time to rest for a bit.

For anyone fascinated by tarot and looking for more info and answers, some great resources to delve deeper include the Complete Tarot Course and these Free Ebooks/PDFs on Tarot Books and Grimoires.


Tarot is complex but very rewarding! Happy card reading- may your deck give you helpful guidance and show you the way forward :pray::blush: