What does Divine Masculine mean?

Hi all! Happy Friday! So I recently had some energy work done on my neck because I have this chronic tightness in my right side neck and shoulders. The practitioner said it may be helpful if I get in touch with my Divine Masculine to help release the blockage. Anyone know if that means a particular Deity or something else. I only have Goddesses on my altar…Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Each person’s belief system is their own. I worship the Divine but since the Divine is impossible to describe without using anthropomorphic terms I use the Divine Masculine (The Lord) and the Divine Feminine (The Lady) as my deities. I, too, only have The Lady on my altar but I still pray to, and try to connect with, The Lord. (But not the Christian or Jewish Lord - the concept of the Wiccan Lord.)

Original Jewish beliefs had Yahweh and Asherah. Asherah later became known as Wisdom in Jewish belief. Wisdom, in the Christian Old Testament and in the Jewish Tanakh, is anthropomorphised as female. I like to bring this up because most people seem to be somewhat familiar with Christian and Jewish beliefs. I believe Kabbalah also sees Creation as the Divine Feminine (similar to Mother Nature or pagan ideas of Earth as mother) to contrast the revealed God but both are just revealed natures of a Divine that cannot be described. I am still learning other Middle Eastern religions and ancient pagan cultures but I hope that helps.

Edited in: (But not the Christian or Jewish Lord - the concept of the Wiccan Lord.)


Hi Nadia,

Just like Benjamin stated above, each person has their own interpretation so perhaps you should consult with the same practitioner on what they recommend.

Having said that, Phillys Curott has an amazing book called Witch Crafting where she explores the Divine Masculine and gives some good ideas for working it out:

Ways to work with the Divine Masculine

"The Divine Masculine can be a force of creative genius, of personal strength, courage, and determination. There are numerous traditions, both spiritual and psychological such as the Taoists and the Jungians, that recognize that there is a feminine aspect within men, and a masculine one within women. One of the greatest journeys of my life has been to stop seeking the God in others, particularly men, and to instead cultivate His gifts in myself."

Personal ritual is one of the most powerful ways of accomplishing this. And just as casting a circle is itself an invocation of the Goddess, in a very real sense, creating a ritual within that circle can invoke the God. As you invoke Him, you will discover one of His greatest gifts — His powers of rebirth.

Each day for the next week, standing before a mirror, arms crossed over your chest (this is called the God position), look into your own eyes and recite the following spell:

“Great God who dwells within and all around me,
God of the shining Sun and the fertile forest,
God of the stars above and the seed of new life within,
God from whom inspiration comes,
Empower me.”

As you finish, close your eyes and let the feeling of His presence come to you, from within, and without. Open your eyes, and see the light of the God shining forth from you. When you are done, lower your arms, and give thanks.

:deciduous_tree: Going outside and into Nature is a sure way to experience the God. Just as the Moon teaches women about the inherent divine wisdom of their bodies, the Green Man teaches men about the holy rhythm of theirs.

Ask the Green Man to be with you, and to show Himself to you. If you have a pentacle, you might place it upon the Earth and stand or sit upon it. Cross your arms over your chest, clear your mind, and when you are ready, invoke the God of the Earth (in my tradition, this is called Drawing Up the God). You might say:

“Green Man, power of the forest,
power of the grain, power of all things that grow,
Green Man who feeds us,
feed my spirit, teach me how to grow.”


Wow thanks! This helps tremendously!


You’re very welcome!!


Well … do you know of the divine Feminine?


Apparently, since I don’t have energy blockages in those areas


@Francisco thank you so much for this valuable information! I unknownly been crossing my arms like you describe to pray at my altar and talk to the spirit guides outside. Especially when I’m at a park or wooded area. It’s such a great place of peace for me and tranquility. Such a beautiful power coming from within and outside. I feel i may not know the ins and out of the Wiccan religion-as I’m still new and discovering new things all the time. But I do always ask for guidance.
Thank you


@john4 and @walter I hope you’ll find this useful:

This is from the same book I quoted above, by Phillys Curott. She equals the Divine Feminine with the Goddess, and offers a few ideas to work with Goddess energy:

Divine Feminine :first_quarter_moon: :full_moon: :last_quarter_moon:

The Goddess represents many aspects of men that have been denied, suppressed, and neglected. For men, the Goddess is a force for healing, creative inspiration, and love.

As you know only too well, men have been taught from their earliest years to separate themselves from their feelings. But your feelings are like a hunting dog: Follow them and they will lead you into the sacred grove within your heart where the Goddess dwells.

How to Connect with the Divine Feminine

:crescent_moon: For a man, the Moon is a portal to the realm of his inner Divine Feminine, his subconscious, instincts, intuitions, and his deepest feelings.

  • Look up at night into the shining, silver Moon and you will be dazzled. The sharp arc of a new Moon can pierce even the thickest armor of cynicism with a sense of promise.

Perhaps one of the most important reasons we cast a circle, and its greatest power, is that a circle is an embodiment of deity —it is a symbol of the Goddess, but it is also an actual manifestation of the Divine Feminine.

When you work within a circle, you are working within the womb of the Goddess. Circles are indeed cauldrons to contain energy—they are the Goddess’s cauldron of rebirth, where you make magic to change yourself and your life.

The energies of new life flow through you as you are immersed in the infinite potential from which all life springs.

There are more ideas in the book :open_book: Witch Crafting