WHEN A WITCH IS BORN. My grandmother told me. They say that when a witch is born the Earth shakes of joy. They say that when a witch wakes up, the angels cry of happiness from the deepest skies. They say that when a witch gives birth , the wind blows stronger knowing that a new creature has arrived, guardian of the Peace. They say that when a witch dances , the earth gain force and the trees dance happily to the sound of the spiral. They say. That when a witch remembers that she has always been free, the condors and the eagles fly towards her. They say that when.a witch makesa fire in the forest she awakens all the spirits of the Light. They say that when a witch loves, she can heal the most wounded heart. They say that when a witch sings, the female wolves of the north, howl at distant kilometers united by. The same chant. They say that when a witch is reunited with other witches, they nake the best alchimia of the ancestral power. And they say that if you know in dephtness one of them, never again you will be the same because she will teach you to love yourself and.to love everything that exists on this earth. So, if you are a witch, you are Light, shining in all darkness, you are a legacy, a teaching for others because fron the deepness of your being you spill Love. I bow and honor the most profound of your being… Namaste. Rosa Miriam
that’s beautiful
I liked reading this! Thanks for sharing
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
That was beautiful!. Thank you for sharing Deborah813.
That was lovely! Thank you for sharing that, I needed that today!
@Susurrus, My pleasure,
I needed it today as well .
You are so worthy
Be Blessed
Beautiful i love that.
How beautiful! Thank you for sharing, I needed to hear that today.
This is beautiful, @deborah813! It read like a song in my heart- getting louder and more powerful until the end. Absolutely beautiful- thank you so much for sharing!
I felt the words also . Our being born was no accident.
Thank you @Deborah813 for this. I will be printing this out and posting it near my computer so that I’m able to look up and re-read and let each word be absorbed.
@ana6, I love it too…and have reread it also.
Please remember you are no accident… And are worthy…
How Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing
@Jamaal you are no accident…
Blessed Be .