Where can I find out more about fire witches?


I have looked briefly online for information about fire witches. I didn’t find a lot.

Does anyone have any suggestions of where I can start looking into this more?


Hi Phoenix!

Are you looking for a specific group or tradition related to fire, or more along the lines of magick that focuses on fire spellwork?

It might not be what you have in mind, but there’s a great elemental page exploring all about fire. I’ll link it here:

Fire is a very popular element, and there are lot of “fire spells” that draw upon specifically fire energy and the power of flame. Here are a few in case you’re looking to add to your fire magick collection :fire:

Fire elements could also be worth looking into, both Salamanders and Dragons :dragon_face:

Not to mention that all of the candles spells would also tie into fire magick, as well as Pyromancy/Flame Divination too.

When it comes to fire witchery, you’re in luck - there are a lot of resources out there for you! :grin: :fire: :candle: :sparkles:

I hope you can find what you are searching for. Good luck and blessed be!


I found a couple of external links that might help :fire:


Thank you! The one for Witches of the Craft has helpful articles for each of the elemental witches.

I am definitely Air, though a few of the things said in the Air Witch articles are beyond me. The articles helped explain some “symptoms” I hadn’t heard before.

I had to look up the elements individually on Bing because Lady Carla Beltaine doesn’t have a search function on her site.


Thank you @BryWisteria! I will look into these.

Thanks you @Artemisia! I suck at online searching. I found some stuff but not what you found. This has some more of the information I was looking for- what is a fire witch etc.



You’re welcome! :blush: Looks like you’ve got some great resources collected here. I hope you’re able to learn more - happy studies! :fire: :mage: :sparkles:


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