:raven: Which Pagan God is Calling to You? QUIZ!

I was thinking on this the other day. What happens when a Pagan God calls you and you accept that calling, how does it change your life? Does it change it?

Firstly it can be daunting when a god says hi. I mean we’re talking other world entities here, taking an interest in little ole us. :rofl:
I was talking this over with Loki. Norse god of chaos, devil, demon, trickster, shapeshifter, witchfather etc etc (nice titles, not! :thinking::grin:). But really I think the most profound thing my deity has done for me is expand my craft. Since Loki and I started working together, I have learnt so many skills, and much quicker than if I’d tried this alone. Of course we can learn our skills without a direct link with a deity, but then I think nature or the universe gets involved. Magick finds us a “teacher/guide”. Something helps us.

It’s quite wonderful really and I just thought I’d post that here, because despite how odd or scary or unexpected that deity may be, that reaches out to us, I’d say embrace it, because they will show us wonders and for me that included more than a little chaos and a few demons for tea and cake :rofl:


Interesting thought :thinking:

I would say for me, yes, it did change my life 30 years ago at least initially. Working with Artemis gave me a sense of deep peace but I got too overwhelmed with trying to learn all on my own from books and thinking I had to do XYZ to maintain the relationship :crescent_moon:. I wasn’t really to let go of my fears and doubts so things drifted away from me.

The second time around was less of a :zap: lightning bolt :zap: type calling than the first. It was more of a gentle whisper that came at a time when I was ready to let go of certainty and pursue the little things that make me happy.

I would say that accepting her (and working on their) calling(s) has given me a sense of renewed purpose over the past few years, decreased my anxiety, and has helped me connect to nature and the outdoors in a way that nourishes my soul.


I got Hades too :blush:
Darkness feels like a good place right now :black_heart:


I agree with this! Some forge close bonds with one or more deities, while others find guidance with spirit helpers, angels, the elements, nature, or the universe. No “right” or “wrong” teachers or guides, just whatever works best to help the inidivudal on their path of learning and growth :blush: :seedling:

It really is a wonderful thought- thank you for sharing it, Tracy! :heart: :pray:

That’s beautiful- you have a very healthy and beneficial bond with Artemis that has helped you in so many holistic ways! :green_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nice! :black_heart: :sparkles: :blush:


Odin Norse God

ODIN :bird:‍:black_large_square:

God of Wisdom, Poetry, and Magick :pentagram: :pentagram: :pentagram: :pentagram: :pentagram: :pentagram:


@AIRAM Hail Odin :grin:


Hail Odin :pentagram: :pentagram: :pentagram: :pentagram:


My complete lack of surprise… :laughing:

HADES :skull:

God of Death and Transformation

The “God of the Underworld” in the Greek Pantheon, Hades stands at the liminal boundary between this life and what comes after. Much like the Death card in Tarot, Hades represents death as a form of transformation. It is a necessary and natural part of the cycle of life and death.

Hades is a compatible deity for those who seek deep healing , aren’t afraid of the dark , understand that death is part of life , and can look beyond the surface to see deeper truths .



ODIN :bird:

God of Wisdom, Poetry, and Magick


No surprises there…:see_no_evil:


@AIRAM and @stavroula :raven: :writing_hand: :sparkles: Lovely!

@starborn That result fits you very well :sparkles: :skull: :black_heart: :blush:

@Cosmic_Curiosity Same for you, Alan - that lines up perfectly! :feather: :open_book: :grinning:

Thank you all for giving the Gods Quiz a go! :raised_hands:


I got Hades. Thank you for this way of chosing.


It’s my pleasure - thank you for trying out the Gods quiz! :blush: :sparkles: :black_heart:


I got the horned god! Which i cant say im suprised about, ive been seeing a horned, long haired, masculine image for years in random places. In bonfires, in the shadows of trees, beltane 2 years ago i lost myself in thought while drawing and drew a horned god.


He’s stunning! :deer: :two_hearts:

Your line art is so crisp and clear, Kyrstyn - the defined lines remind me of those meditative pattern drawings, or even like a meditation labyrinth. Very soothing and peaceful to see.

Really beautiful work - you’re a talented artist! :writing_hand: :sparkles:


I got hades


A powerful god of transformation, death, and the underworld! :black_heart: :sparkles: :headstone:

Thank you for trying out the quiz, Kiash! :grinning:


I was matched with Thoth :scroll: :fountain_pen:


I’ve had a meander through the post, am I the only Loki? :pleading_face: :rofl:


I got Hades, seems very fitting to me, thank you

I also got the triple goddess on the last quiz

HADES :skull:

God of Death and Transformation

The “God of the Underworld” in the Greek Pantheon, Hades stands at the liminal boundary between this life and what comes after. Much like the Death card in Tarot, Hades represents death as a form of transformation. It is a necessary and natural part of the cycle of life and death.

Hades is a compatible deity for those who seek deep healing , aren’t afraid of the dark , understand that death is part of life , and can look beyond the surface to see deeper truths .

Ready to begin working with your God?
Click here to learn about connecting with Hades

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