Which spell?

I just opened the metaphysical shop. And there is a very small business that shares the building with me. The owner is super christian, won’t even look at me and said to one of his employees that what I do is evil and demonic. I’ve only lived in the community a very short time, and he’s lived here all his life and knows a lot of people. Would a freezer spell be best to help with this situation? Thanks.


Personally I would do a stop the gossip spell.


Either a freezer spell or @Mystique 's stop gossip would work.

In my youth, I had a college dorm neighbor who was similar. I cast a Truth spell. Basically, I put all my energy into a conversation with my deity, telling them what was going on and requesting with all my heart that the closed minded person be able to learn the Truth because I really liked the person and wanted to be friends. It worked really well. There was one issue: we switched places. As the spell came to a close, the friendship broke and we each went our own separate ways, sadder, but wiser.


Hi @tammy4,

Sorry to hear that your business neighbor isn’t being friendly or nice. In terms of spells, you have a few good options you might consider. I second Mystique about the stop gossip spell and Georgia’s idea about beseeching the divine to show your neighbor the truth of the situation.

Adding to the table, you might also consider anointing the doorways and windows (especially any that face toward him/his shop) with Harmony Oil.

And since you had mentioned freezer spells, there’s actually a new one that sounds like it might work well - it’s a freezer spells that calms negativity.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you can find peace in your new spot. Wishing you and your shop all the best! :heart: :pray: Blessed be


To be honest, I’m not sure you have a “situation” yet. It sounds like the only thing that has happened is the owner has expressed his disagreement with your practice and store based on his religious beliefs. He hasn’t actually done anything wrong except express his opinion.

I think it’s probably best to just let it go right now unless he actively interferes with the running of your business. Then I’d say something could be warranted, but I’m all for talking to the other person first before resorting to magic.

I do like Bry’s suggestion of creating a harmony oil or something to promote a general sense of peace. That’s directed more at everyone in the building rather than just one person in particular.


You have received some great ideas and help. If you have glass windows you can lock them as you would a mirror too or another type of sigil on them.

Spell to Stop Gossip and Lies

This may be useful; you could adapt it for the entire building or area.