Who uses instagram?

Hi all

I was just wondering if the coven has an instagram page or if any users make use of it to share ideas and info?do you use a hashtag linked to the coven?

Would be good to connect



Oh good question! I’m not entirely sure if Spells8 itself has an Instagram or FaceBook page. I do know that we have a Pinterest page & YouTube channel.

Personally, this is my “social media”… I left FaceBook, Instagram, etc… in June 2021(?) after 12 years. Although I do have a Pinterest… it’s just a bit of everywhere at the moment. The boards kind of got out of hand when I started here in July 2020, then as my practice evolved it’s kind of… just honestly a little bit of everything with some added… I have never been drawn to that or I have never done anything to related to that… but at some point there must have been a lesson thread or something that piqued my interest & it got pinned. Then the boards just kind of became catch alls & sorting them out is going to be… quite the chore :laughing:

I know rambling combined with my word salad :green_salad: I really have to stop typing while my train of thought is either derailing or off on a side quest. :rofl:

I do know that @MeganB had an Instagram with the handle being Round the Cauldron… she will be able to give the exact handle for it. @SilverBear has at least a FaceBook group for the Eclectic Green Witchery (or she did at one time & would be able to give you the actual name) but I am not sure on the Instagram piece. Except that now somehow FaceBook & Instagram are connected through Meta… something. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

At the moment, those are the only 2 that are immediately coming to mind, partially because… lack of coffee :coffee: & apparently my allergies have re-invited (although, I did not send the invite) themselves to myself & abruptly let me know when I went outside with my pupper :dog: to do his pupper things.


I don’t have any social media at all. This is it (Spells8) for me, sorry. Just found it too many accounts to manage, so simplified it all, down to just 1, this one. :heartpulse::person_shrugging::hugs:


I have an instagram but it’s been a LONNNNG time since I’ve posted anything. I lurk on it, have the profiles I follow but I don’t post anymore. I am an oldie and have a facebook that I use, lol, so if some want that I can share.


I do but I only ever wrote one post there… :joy:
Mostly I made it to follow people in the local tantra scene and a few witches as well… :blush: And to watch cat videos :smile_cat:


Hey! Yes, I have an Instagram for my business: @round_the_cauldron

I know Spells8 also has an Instagram account, but I don’t know how active it is.

→ @Spells8 - Instagram

I think there’s also a hashtag that gets used, too → #spells8 or #spells8coven


Hi Alan,

I’m marsha770 on Instagram! I look at new posts every now and then! Let’s connect!

Love :heart: always


Im cosmic_curiosity_wisdom on insta so lets connect if you want to. :slightly_smiling_face:


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