Witch!? Let's clear the air, shall we? 😁


When people hear I’m a witch…I get all kinds of reactions…so, I thought I’d clear the air… :hugs: What are your experiences when people find out about you? I use to keep quiet about it…now that I am older and wiser (I think lol) I live by this rule now… “What other people think of me is none of my business.”


This is something I’ve also embraced, about many areas of my life :slight_smile:


I think about this a lot & the truth to it. As long as I can live with myself, it doesn’t matter what others think about me & how I live my life.


Many people when they here or think I’m a witch often ask silly questions that are intended to demean my belief. Though their intention may not be to show how small minded they are in this area, I always shatter their disbelief with my knowledge. My fave comeback… Knowledge.
What others think is irrelevant, especially when it comes to things they have no idea about.
Negativity only has residence in a doubtful mind.
Blessed Be,


Mostly I find that upon hearing that I’m a witch I get the whole “you’re going to hell because you can’t worship any god other the God” speech, or they want me to work some type of spell that produces immediate “proof.” But the one that used to keep me in the broom closet is when someone finds out and is seemingly cool with it until something bad or inconvenient happens to them and they ask me “did you curse/jynx/hex me or something”? :woman_facepalming:t3:

It’s taken me a long time to start caring less about what others think/feel about me and sometimes I still find myself bothered by it with certain people but I’m getting much better bout not trying to “fit” into other peoples boxes.


I am sort of facing this this weekend. I have been seeing someone for a couple of months. At first I joked with him about me being a witch. Last time I saw him I had set my altar up and I left it up minus the pentacle from the center. My altar has expanded a wee bit over the last couple of weeks… new goblet candle holders, two more chime candle holders, a couple of working spells, a crystal wand, a wooden box engraved with a pentacle with a new deck I got, 6 more crystals, a new black gold and purple cloth, and some jars full of herbs all in addition to what I had out last time… so I either hide some of my things or I go full blown on him and get his reaction… how would you handle this???


Hi Sharon, I personally would think it’s best to know now. If he can’t except you for who you are maybe he doesn’t deserve you. I think I would bring it up and see how he reacts. Then give him some time to process it. Offer to answer any questions he may have. I hope things go well for you


A lot of my experiences have not been very nice when it comes to being a witch. I have been different my whole life and I am ok with that. I try to never offend anyone with how I believe and I respect everyone’s spirituality. I expect the people around me to do the same. They don’t have to like it but I will not accept rude comments or digs against my path. I answer any questions they have. I remain civil and polite but I draw a clear line. I am fortunate and my husband and son accepts me and loves my abilities. That is enough for me.


@SharonD definitely just leave everything out. If he’s right for you he’ll either accept it all as it is/as you are or he’ll reveal to you that he’s not meant for you because he doesn’t accept you/your journey as a whole. Don’t water yourself down for anyone


Personally I wouldn’t be interested in a relationship with someone who didn’t accept all of me. So I don’t see the point in hiding it, as if they have an issue do you want to date them anyway?


THIS! :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


Exactly! Very well said @phoenix_dawn :fist_right::fist_left::100:


When I tell people I am a witch, I get the “Oh dear, another Nut Bunny.”


Besides, he might be into it. That’s part of how I got here. Oh the fantasies about -ing a witch…under the full moon…



Very true. Love the image


Yes, Very Brave of me to post such things from the safety of this closet! There are only two IRL people who have any inkling of what I… am/do.


I applaud your bravery.


I only have 3 IRL people who know what I do/am @anon87969570. You’ll know when it’s time to come out


I have 3 or 4 people IRL that know & 2 of them live with me. I do wear crystals & witchy jewelry. I have a couple of tops that are witchy too.

One time I was wearing my witchy hoodie & citrine pendant by the fire. I always have my evil eye bracelet & my Brigid Cross, Artemis Bow, Light Shield, & Eye of Horus charms & I was wandering around the yard looking for sticks to put in the fire. Our neighbors came over & were talking by the fire. The man from behind us said to me that he knew a witch, like a real witch 20 years ago.