Witches Bells! 🔔

It’s funny because I have these xmas themed bells that hang on the doorknob and they’ve been up since we moved into this house 4 years ago, before I even recognized myself as a witch. I just always left them, year long, no idea why. Then I started my research and it made sense :slight_smile: Funny the little things that we do automatically without really understanding and then a lightbulb goes off when you read about it. Like all my life I would walk barefoot outside, people always thought I was weird. haha. Then I realized I was grounding.


It’s amazing when all the pieces suddenly click into place :blush: It sounds like you found your calling, @Eclectic_Jess! :two_hearts:


now just to paint the door!1


I love those bells! For right now I am going to be using bells that I have in my craft items. Im putting them on the front & back door plus my bedroom door. Im hoping to find some tiny ones i can put in my hair. I will be putting the braids along my back hairline & then tying in some charms.


Welcome, @julie8! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Your bells look beautiful- I love the colorful beads you used :two_hearts: Have fun with the painting! :paintbrush:

That sounds like a great plan, @Susurrus! :+1: Good luck with the braiding- I’d love to see your new bell-enhanced hairdo when it’s ready! :star_struck: :bell:


Hi @julie8! Those bells look lovely. And the door looks rustic, which is artsy. So no need to paint. :rofl:


Those bells are awesome! Love them!


I think I am going to head over to etsy or Amazon to see what I can come up with for small charms/bells. I’m sure I’ll find something. I know when I was younger I had a chime bracelet that I took apart to use them in my hair. I have a charm bracelet that I could do that with now and it has different symbols that we would use. It’s kind of rainy today, so it seems like a good rainy day project.


Those are gorgeous :heart_eyes::heart: thanks for sharing your bells!!


Congratulations on your recovery! I’m in recovery too. I’m happy just knowing I’m not alone in this area! The first year was horrible for me. But now it’s a breeze. I used to take how people would say relapse is part of recovery… And I’d use it to my advantage. Then I learned what it meant truly. We are strong witchy woman :muscle::dizzy::woman_mage::broom:


@christina4 it’s great knowing there are people out there who understand. My journey in this new life has been more of a help than anything I’ve ever tried before! I’ll be forever grateful to everyone who has helped me! And congratulations on your sobriety :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


Thank you so much! It really means a lot! :pray::two_hearts:


Congratulations Dearest!! How wonderful you are working on yourself! Doesn’t it feel good to feel alive and feel things now?? I am so proud of you, (a beaming grandma I am) Do not ever be afraid to come talk to us if you feel the need to just talk. You are loved!
Blessed Be!


I was looking for information about bells on Spells 8 and landed on this thread. I love the bells & key door charm you made! I have a question about using bells in a ritual. I understand opening and ending a ritual with ringing a bell but this is a longish Samhain ritual. I am wondering when I am doing ancestral contact, or rather, inviting it, if (along with other protections) ringing the bell 3 times might be wise to chase away any malevolent spirt or energy from coming through the veil. I am eager to try this but do not want to suffer repercussions from accidentally opening the door to something I don’t want. I see that bells have been used to keep away evil spirits. Any thoughts about ringing bells in between the beginning and ending of a ritual or spell?


I have sometimes used my singing bowl in the middle of a ritual…I was doing a clearing on myself - and as I was mid-ritual, I felt the energy change and it wasn’t good…so I grabbed my trusty singing bowl to clear the air’s energy.

As I looked back on what had happened, I believed the “bad” energy was leaving me and got “stuck” in my space - so I listened to my intuition and did a few chimes with the singing bowl. I instantly felt the energy get “lighter” and then finished out my ritual with another chime of the singing bowl.

I think you just need to listen to your ‘gut’ feeling. Believe in it and go with it.


Jeez! Your bells are beautiful!


Thanks for the kind comments on my bells. i keep adding bits to the strand. i have added keys and a lock and am about to add a cowrie shell as well for prosperity.


When I was a child and Eisenhauer was president, we lived in farm country. About milking time all the cows would wander toward the barns and some of them wore a collar and a big bell. So you could listen to the cows sing and the bells ring. A good memory to share.