Challenge Entry: My Favorite Magick
I haven’t been feeling super creative lately, so for the challenge this week, I just decided to reflect on my magickal areas of interest. I came to realize that it is pretty much impossible for me to pin down one magickal thing that I love the most.
I’ve probably shared this before in several of my previous posts, but I’m not really a huge fan of labels because while they can be helpful in explaining yourself and your interests to people, they can also be extremely limiting when one adheres too strictly to any labels one identifies with. That being said, I do identify with the label of Hedgewitch. In my opinion and interpretation of the term, Hedgewitchery encompasses pretty much all of my interests, which basically boil down to the self-sufficient mindset of one dwelling at the outskirts of society: cooking/baking, domestic/hearthcraft, herbalism and gardening, and crossing the hedge to work with the citizens of the Otherworld.
I’ve also been doing my daily coffee ritual that I’ve talked about several times – if I had to pick a favorite working that I do, I’d say it’s definitely my favorite working!