:heart_badge: WITCHY CHALLENGE - Your Favorite Magick

Thank you. So are you!


Such an adorable kitty stuffie! Immediately caught my attention :heart_eyes_cat:

Perfect words for those of us in the US facing a potentially stressful day today, thank you for sharing. :pray:


Is it today Mr Trump becomes president?


Today is the day that congress counts and certifies the presidential vote.


Oh so it becomes official today?. Will light candles, but it will be ok. Manifest it will be ok. :pray:


He makes me feel so happy when I snuggle him! It’s like a hug not only from a friend but from all my past kitties that have gone over the Rainbow Bridge! It’s lovely!


Witchy Challenge - ENTRY: My Favorite Magick

As Far back as I can remember, my mother had a very large black leather bound book underneath her bed. I would pull that book out and look at it. Look at the pictures and when I got old enough to read, I would read the fables of course, not knowing it was a BOS, until my mother passed away. I told my father the only thing I want from my mom was that book and he told me he threw it away.

Things Started to make sense to me. My sister and I did not even know we had grandparents on my mom’s side. And then when we got older in school, everybody had 2 sets. We questioned our parents about it. So during the holidays, we would go over there, but my father would never come in.

Skipping ahead 10 years:
During my second marriage, my mom and I were standing in the kitchen and my dad was sitting at the kitchen table. And I asked a question about my mom’s mother who we call nanny. My father hit our new oak table so hard that I thought he split the table in half and he said to me, “you didn’t know anything then and you don’t need to know anything now”. That was the end of that converstation for another twenty years.

During my first marriage, we were developing 50 acres by the lake that was my company that I put in my dad’s name before my divorce…lol, lol, lol bad move. My father sold my company! I moved in with a friend of mine who died and his sister went into the house when I went grocery shopping and threw everything I owned into the dumpster.

NOW THIS WERE MY FAVORITE MAGICK COMES INTO PLAY (sorry about my long introduction to this Challenge but I had to set the stage per say):

After my father sold my kids future then starting over was thrown into the dumpster…I had a melt down. I was about to be put away for along time as I plotted my revenge on on the people who took from me and my kids that I worked very, very hard for. I couldn’t eat, sleep, get out of bed because I was afraid of what I was going to do. Then…wait for it:

I had a moment of clarity. I would turn to my ancestral right and ask for help as I needed to learn everything I could about Magick, Witches, Spells. Potions, BOS, BOM, etc…

The question is: What is my favorite Magick: All of it!


Witchy Challenge- Your Favourite Magick @TheMuslimWitch

This one was hard as i have so many like crystal collecting, tarot, meditation but above all i would say craft is my favourite. If it is witchy and crafty i am doing it and in light of the new year, i have started to do Sun and Moon granny square crocheting which i will make 32 of and add a strap to make a tote like bag. Here is there design i started:

There is something magickal about making your own things they just radiate a certain energy and mean so much more. :blush:


Challenge Entry

Since I am an eclectic witch it is hard to pick just one :melting_face: Crystals, astrology, tarrots, etc I delved into everything I could get my hands on.
But, I would say that my loves are glamour magic, since I believe it is the happy between for my love of fashion, beauty and the craft! And then working with the elements (especially water and fire - I blame my birthchart for that) combined with intention and meditation.


One week to go!

A big thank you to everyone who has added some excitement to the first week of the year by sharing their favorite things. It’s fun to see and hear all about the most beloved parts of your Craft! :mage:

For those still pondering what to share, no fear - plenty of time remains on the challenge clock. There is one more week until this challenge closes.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your favorite magick!

Blessed be :hugs: :heart_badge:


I’ve been thinking about this challenge since it started. I’m still in the reconnecting part of my practice and I’m going through this gently. My favorite magic is practical magic, simple workings that are done with purpose. This type of magic is done to keep the home happy and healthy, to keep the community thriving, and to make the witch’s life easier. There’s nothing wrong with using magic to make things more efficient, convenient, and easier. Do I think that should be balanced out with spells for the community? Yes, but community means different things to different people – and I’m just one witch on the internet and my opinion is just that, opinion.

A few examples of what I mean include:

  • sewing sigils into blankets for easy sleep
  • brewing tea to promote health, sleep, confidence, etc.
  • chants said while folding laundry to provide protection to the wearer
  • a candle held close to the heart and then burned to ease fears, worries, and anxiety
  • creating a charm for the house entryway to cleanse those who enter
  • giving the spirit of your house a physical representation

I think this year I’ll be embracing a folk witch title. I feel like I’ve mentioned that before, but I haven’t really dug into it further than that.


You are allowed to be a sad Sally or whomever else you wish to be. I’m sorry for the troubles you are facing. It must be so hard. I wish you peace and love.


Challenge Entry-My Favorite Magic

My number one love is manifestation. It’s something I’ve done since I was old enough to think. It’s been with me my whole life, long before I had a word for who I was or embraced it.

After that I would say any sort of Moon magic, because that is my second oldest friend. We have had many a talk over the course of 50 (plus) years. She has always watched over me and protected me and mine. I love working with her.

And as for a newer one, crystals. I’m a girl who loves bling, so killing 2 birds with one stone is fun. Plus I’ve been a rockhound for a long time. I have been able to collect a number of crystals in the wild, so to speak, which makes them even more special to me. I have so much black tourmaline, it’s insane. But every year when I go on digs, I always lug home pounds of it!


omg that’s genius!! Do you use a particular symbol or rune? or create your own? I used to have zero trouble sleeping but that’s no longer the case. I’m open to all ideas.

You find your own black tourmaline? That sounds amazing!

I just looked it up and apparently, it’s common in North Carolina :thinking: What a wonderful idea to look into local rock hunting!


That is beautiful! I can imagine the tote is going to be gorgeous!


Thank you and yes i hope so. I am planning to do a flat one as i did my daisy granny square one boxy to fit my book when out and about if needed :blush:


Challenge entry- favorite magick

My dog agreed to help me with my bone magick but after a while it became clear she was just trying to obtain the magick bone.

When I do bone magick I prefer to draw my energy from the bone I’ve also used them as offerings but in this spell I lit some candles and called out for a good transformation this year. :black_spell_candle: :bone:


You could set an intention for a good night’s sleep and create a sigil based on that, using the witch’s grid, or whatever it’s called. In fact I think I might do that myself. :slight_smile:


I like to make my own :blush: I’m getting ready to do one for my child because she has such trouble sleeping, and one for my puppy because for some reason she thinks it’s okay to get up every two hours after midnight :joy: – like… no, girl, you need to be sleeping!

Making my own lets me tailor it to exactly what I need at that moment. And I just had another thought, too – embroider sigils onto patches of fabric and then pin those on the sheet or blanket as needed so you can have multiple sigils for different circumstances!


Challenge Entry: My Favorite Magick

I haven’t been feeling super creative lately, so for the challenge this week, I just decided to reflect on my magickal areas of interest. I came to realize that it is pretty much impossible for me to pin down one magickal thing that I love the most.

I’ve probably shared this before in several of my previous posts, but I’m not really a huge fan of labels because while they can be helpful in explaining yourself and your interests to people, they can also be extremely limiting when one adheres too strictly to any labels one identifies with. That being said, I do identify with the label of Hedgewitch. In my opinion and interpretation of the term, Hedgewitchery encompasses pretty much all of my interests, which basically boil down to the self-sufficient mindset of one dwelling at the outskirts of society: cooking/baking, domestic/hearthcraft, herbalism and gardening, and crossing the hedge to work with the citizens of the Otherworld.

I’ve also been doing my daily coffee ritual that I’ve talked about several times – if I had to pick a favorite working that I do, I’d say it’s definitely my favorite working!