:heart_badge: WITCHY CHALLENGE - Your Favorite Magick

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for the previous Witchy Challenge - Light the Way Forward :lantern:

We’ve made it - the new year is here! After taking the time to prepare and welcome in, we’re not set up to enjoy the fresh new start. And what better to kickstart a new period than by doing what we love most? :heart:

The theme for this challenge hopes to start 2025 off with joy, and is…

Your Favorite Magick

:magic_wand: :mage: Your Favorite Magick :heart: :books:

What’s your favorite part of your practice?

Maybe you love candle magick, or perhaps you’re an enthusiastic crystal collector. Perhaps you find joy in daily prayers to your deity, or you thrive in the freedom of Chaos Magick. You might feel most at home doing journalling prompts, or feel best when you’re buried in a pile of witchy books. Whatever part(s) of your practice bring you the most joy - it’s time to embrace them wholeheartedly.

By acknowledging where we feel best in our practices, we can both learn more about ourselves and spend time in meaningful ways. And by sharing our passions with the coven community, we can also spread inspiration among our fellow witches.

Let’s start the new year by doing what we love most!

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This challenge is about sharing your favorite part(s) of your magickal practice - how you choose to take on this theme is up to you.

So are you ready? Because it’s…



From Spells8: Working with the Moon

Your Favorite Things :sparkles:

This challenge is all about the favorite areas of your practice - as always, feel free to explore the theme in a way that aligns with you and your unique practice.

Still not sure where to begin? To help you get started, here are a few suggested spells and other ways in which a witch might approach this challenge.

Please make sure you are logged into your Spells8 Account so you can view all of the resources shared!

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Cast a Favorite Spell :magic_wand:

Do you have a spell you use a lot? Something dogeared in your BoS, bookmarked on your computer, or done so many times you have it memorized? For your entry this week, we want to hear about it and why it’s special for you!

Spells8: All Spell Collections

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A Big Part of Your Practice :tree_of_life:

Is there a type of magick that resonates strongly with you? From candle magick to green witchery, hedge witchcraft and so many more - there are a vast amount of areas to explore and learn about. If you have a favorite area (or areas!) of magick - tell us about them and why you love them!

All Types of Magick for All Types of Witches

11 Types of Witches Quiz - Which Witch Type are You?

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Small Things That Make the Whole :jigsaw:

A magickal practice doesn’t need a name to exist, nor does a witch require labels to be their wonderful self. Sometimes a magickal and/or spiritual practice is less about grand rituals and fancy dedications, and more about the simple things that bring you peace. For this challenge, feel free to share how you acknowledge and develop your practice in ways that work for you.

Positive Daily Exercises: Happiness Journalling

Daily Energy Work Exercises

Daily Tarot Exercise

Simple Evening Meditation

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It’s Okay to Be Creative! :sparkles:

The suggestions above are just a few ideas to help kickstart your creativity. If you feel called to explore the challenge theme in another way, you are welcome to do so.

From Spells8: Plant Spells & Magick

How to Join the Challenge :trophy:

In order for your entry to be counted, all you have to do is write/share about your experience and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please clearly write that it is your entry so I know to count it! :pray:

Where Do I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here to learn where to share your challenge entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new post in the forum (this is good for when you have a lot to share and/or would like to discuss aspects of your entry not related to the current theme)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Click here for a note for our lovely lurkers

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge. For those who would like the challenge prizes, please know that you will need to share your experience if you want to receive a prize and a public shout-out.

Don’t feel comfortable sharing? No fear! For lurkers and those who are shy, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge on the sidelines. At the end of the day, these challenges are here to help you help yourself by expanding and enhancing your personal magickal practice. I hope they can be helpful for you!

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 13 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, January 14 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is ET- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums the day the challenge closes.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

Crystal Grid Abundance Wealth
From Spells8: Crystal Grids

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team.

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

From Spells8: A Traveling Witch’s Portable Altar

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What sparked your magick, and caused you to stay?
Something you think you could study all day?
It brings you joy and makes you feel rich-
It rests at the heart of what makes you a witch!

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Blessed Be! :heart_badge: :sparkles:


I’ll come back to write (rune) this up. :laughing:


That’s a beautiful poem @BryWisteria you always do a wonderful job with them! :grin: :heartpulse:


Challenge Entry


Runes. What started as a curiosity has become an obsession :laughing: Let me share why.

Most people are familiar with runes as a source of divination, like an ancient oracle. You can pull a rune a day, do a spread or cast and look up the meanings to your reading. Once you’ve learnt the meanings upright or reversed, depending on your tradition, you’ve mastered the rune right? Wrong! And that’s why I’m obsessed with runes. :grin:

You see, just when I think, yeah I’ve got this, I realise I haven’t got anything. :person_shrugging: The runes just throw another curve ball and remind me, I’ve only scratched the surface. Can anyone ever fully know the runes? I don’t think so.

So much of the runes is lost, the original pronunciation - lost, the different types of runes - lost, the many ways they were used - lost. Today we use them as divination tools, magical energy and writing, but did you know they are older and darker than this.

The runes go back beyond creation to Ginnungagap - the primordial ooze of chaos where life began. When Odin hung upon the tree to gain access to the hidden knowledge of the runes, he crossed worlds to the abyss to get it. This ancient knowledge is now locked deep in the unconsciousness of every one of us. Some believe that Odin would’ve entered the Underworld itself to access part of this Runic wisdom.

The three gods that govern this dark chaotic energy of the runes are Odin, Hel and Loki and the runes have within each of them equal amounts of light and dark, order and chaos, so when we pull a rune, we are able to access the ancient powers of the universe, that’s power going back millions of years. Awesome eh. :partying_face:

But, here’s where the runes can be dangerous as there is a dark side to them. Let’s look at one rune, often associated with Thor but, it has another side to it. Let’s look at: :thurisaz:

I use this rune alot, and only recently have I learnt that I’m only accessing a tiny amount of it’s power. :thurisaz: has the ability to awaken in you the unconscious forces of chaos. It’s known as the rune of black magic and witchcraft. You can curse and hex with it, but equally you can break curses, clear blockages and access hidden knowledge deep within your mind and spirit. When combined in a bind rune, this one rune will not only magnify the power of the other runes, but connect all of them to the primordial energy of chaos - and Odin, Loki and Hel. :flushed: This makes me a little more careful in how I bind runes now :thinking::laughing: (Don’t really want a hurricane when I’m just asking for a light breeze after all) :rofl:

Galdr is the practice used to ignite this hidden energy of the runes. The runes love it when you say their names out loud, even better if you can sing to them. Whichever rune is your main rune in the spell - sing its name the loudest, over and over. Really, it’s no surprise with the connection of Thor’s :thurisaz: and Odin and Loki - the Eddas tell us how close they are. Nature is full of chaos, power, mystery and is as old as time.

So next time you sit with a cuppa, and pull a rune - pause awhile, hold it in your hand, close your eyes and know you are connecting with an ancient power and wisdom that was there when the universe was created, and that knowledge, Odin has freely given to you. :exploding_head:

Skoll :beers:

Picture from Arith Harger Youtube


Challenge entry

What sparked my witch side was at a young age but never practiced or understood it until I hit my early 20s. I found who I am and I’m so beyond thankful. Found my psychic side through tarot readings. I have always felt a psychic side for a very long time but never understood any of it until I was pregnant with my now 4 year old twin boys. I had strange dreams I couldn’t understand for 5 months of my pregnancy at the time and then reached out to my mom who has psychic abilities as well but she never talked to me about it only cuz she wanted me to discover it. Found out the time of these odd and strange dreams and reaching out to my mom to talk to her about my dreams I found out when I started having these dreams my mom started having the same dreams I had. And I had strange things happening during the day while awake hearing 1800s music and parties and all and all I started listening to my dreams turns out it was my past life reaching out, my present life reaching out and my future to come reaching out. During these dreams my twins father became violent and very over controlling caused me to lose who I was and had to walk on egg shells and pretty much I found out he was a narcissist and so was his family. These dreams reached out to tell me what’s to come if I didn’t get myself and my twins out of this situation which letting u kno I did get all of us out safely and I’m thankful. Since then I have found ways to make my psych side stronger where no one can manipulate me and I call others out what I see they don’t want to hear. I also call out my twin sons attitudes and all out as well and kno what’s going on and don’t have to see it or be in the same room as them to kno what’s really going on. Since then I have felt so much better.
I also have a green thumb that’s all natural I have always found ways to garden. I love gardening and have since I was a little girl my mom believed I should learn and once I learned I have never givin up on gardening since. And yes I have a very very strong connection to nature even tho I live in a city but can drive an hour in a half away to retreat to nature and yes I do get nature calling a lot and a lot more during very very stressful times at home raising my twin boys on my own which is hard and a struggle but always find away. My soul is beyond calm on days it’s cloudy and rains or even snows where I live and the sound of thunder is so calming to my soul. And I have been this way since birth my mom found out I’m very strongly connected to nature and to this day she knows that nature is a calmer for me. I found out that my mom knew I was like her and found out that the women in my moms family all end up with some kind of psych abilities in all different forms which is amazing and very very beautiful I find.
And since then I have been casting spells to heal and good fortune for me and my family. I also started doing shadow work to heal from child hood trauma and to heal and also let go of the past and things I can’t control. I’m thankful cuz now I understand it so much better. And one thing I never understood when I was a kid growing up was reading body language moods and in between others couldn’t see. Now that I’m 39 years old and spoke with my mom found out that I have had my psych abilities since I was little and still to this day can still read body language moods and in between the lines pretty much in person tho and I never knew about this psych stuff or understood anything of what I was experiencing when I was young until now that I’m an adult and finally understand it so well and will keep continuing doing what I’m doing. I do enjoy it and love it that now I understand so well I’m grateful for everything. I’m thankful for everything I own and I’m so beyond thankful and grateful for finding this coven and spells 8 cuz since I understand all of it and happy to learn everything but will continue what I’m doing. And I’m thankful to have met all of u guys and get great advice and all. Thank u all for reading and thank u all for being apart of something greater.


My favorite magic is communing with nature. I feel so at ease and serene in the forest


just looking at these very beautiful pictures i can say closing my eyes i can hear the sound of nature and its so calming.


I was deeply challenged by this subject. So challenged that in the night, I awoke and was
compelled to rise from my bed. I conjured a magic light (flashlight)and made my way
through the dark of night, looking but not finding. I didn’t know what I was searching for.
In quiet of night, I found the place where my altar was. But it was gone.
Just like my memory. Where was it? Did it disappear? Was it stollen?
I sat down and my light went out. What happened? And why was I searching for some
thing that wasn’t there… Perhaps it never had been.
Suddenly, the Witchy Challenge turned into reflection. And for that I’m sorry.
I don’t mean to sing sad songs.

The last year has been hard, my partner is fading before my eyes.
“Do something!” Our son keeps yelling,
“Like what, my darling?” I ask. “I cannot alter time to make us young and healthy again.”
Actually I don’t think I would, if I could. This is our chosen fate. And we have no one to
blame but ourselves. Free choice, remember. If we find the choices made are too hard?
We have to deal with it.
I have a dying husband and a mind that is fracturing. Perhaps that’s the hardest part,
losing my mind.

Oh, wait, I remember now, I took down my altar. There wasn’t enough time to
care for him, the house…well generally everything.
I’m closing now that I’ve depressed everyone. Including myself.
Don’t worry, tomarrow will be better, it always is.
I’ll try not to me a sad Sally then.
IN love


You’re beautiful :sparkling_heart:


Don’t be sorry. :hibiscus: We are here to hear your stories and tales no matter whether they are happy or sad. :white_heart:



I think many of you already know that two areas play a massive role in my practice and in my life; astrology/ the planets and Ancient Egypt.

I’ve always been fascinated by the stars and space. As a child (and an adult), I loved gazing up at the night sky, wondering what was “out there”. I would spend hours in the back garden, even on freezing winter nights (these are the best starfazing conditions) with my telescope looking at the Moon’s surface, the red spot of Jupiter or the rings of Saturn. Being able to aee these magnificent sights that are so far away is quite humbling.This love for astronomy sparked my interest in astrology, which is now one of my favourite areas of magick.

Astrology for me was originally nonsense in all honesty. I never really paid much attention to it to be honest, other that reading my horoscope in the free newspaper on the train going to university. It was a bit of a time filler if im honest and a bit of harmless fun. I used to see astrologer such Mystic Meg on UK TV shows predicting the lotto winners and i’d laugh it off.

Mystic Meg: image from Wikipedia

Then something changed. I brgan to question where the planets really could influence us. I knew the influence the Moon has on the planet so why wouldnt it influence the people on the planet?when you realise that the ancients developed their own systems of astrology as means of prediction and planning their lives, the subjwct becomes a bit more intriguing. For me, this intrigue grew because astrology blends scientific observation with mystical interpretation. There is something quite poetic about the way the celestial bodies influence our lives. I appreciate how astrology uses the positions of planets and stars to provide insights into our personalities, relationships, and life paths, much like astronomers do (albeit for different purposes).

For me, astrology represents a beautiful intersection of science and spirituality. While astronomy provides the tangible evidence—like the movement of planets and the physics of the universe—astrology offers a symbolic framework that links deeply with our human experiences.

Understanding my astrological chart has helped me gain clarity about my strengths and challenges, and it has guided me in making decisions aligned with my true self. It feels like tapping into a cosmic map that has been written in the stars long before I was born and my job is now to find and follow the path that has been set. I use it to inform my week and even use the power of the planets for chosing the best times to do things in order to fully harness their enegies.

My love the deities and religion of Ancient Egpyt are also an important part of my magickal practice. This comes from a fascination with Egyptian history and mythology right from a young age. This interest peaked when I did a cruise on the River Nile, where I explored the ancient temples, monuments and tombs.

Walking through these and seeing the massive scale of these and the dedication that the people had for their Gods made me feel a real connection to this era of history. I remember standing awe in front of the pyrimads and rhe deep reverence i felt when standing observing the mummy of Tutankhamun resting in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings.The intricate hieroglyphs, the colossal staties and the countless artefacts brought everything I had read and seen in books to life for me.


One deity stood out…Osiris. every pharaoh statue took his pose, he was on every tomb wall and he was visible in the fertile banks of the Nile as I sailed down.

The rituals associated with Osiris and his Triad (Isis and Horus) resonate deeply with me. My daily prayers and offering to them emphasise the importance of wisdom, nurture and protection in my life and I call upon them in times of challenge and difficukty in my life. Their symbols have influenced different amulets i have created, spell bottles i have sealed and even jewellery that I wear in my everyday life as a reminder of their presence and influence.

Egypt and its deities have nurtured a deep appreciation for magick and spiritual practices within me. It’s the blend of history, spirituality, and personal connection that continues to inspire me each day.

Blessed be



Challenge Entry - Your Favorite Magick

My practice has evolved over the years, or perhaps more accurately, I realize that things that I have a passion for are part of my practice. I don’t fit a neat little box and practice a combination of green/forest/hedge magick. Now, I have a much more bioregional practice and work more with local land, plant, and animal spirits. My education is in the animal sciences, and I’ve worked with animals in one way or another for most of my working life.

There have been times I’ve explored areas unfamiliar to me or those that didn’t call my name in the effort of exploring and learning, but nature always calls me back to her.


This is my entry for this challenge.
My favorite part of my practice is crystal magic and candle magic and herbal magic. All these things just reasonate with me and keep me calm and grounded


Challenge Entry:
My favorite magick is Tarot! Over the last few years I’ve gotten better at reading my cards and I have been reading others to help me practice!


Challenge Entry - My Favorite Magick

Being such a new witch, it’s hard for me to pin down my favorite part of my Craft. But I have to say that I’m finding Tarot reading challenging, but fascinating. I had my doubts, but it really is helping me connect with my inner self and experience little sparkles of intuition.

I’m also finding my meditations to be a positive and uplifting experience, especially the times when I can completely relax and quiet my mind, which was very difficult for me at first .

And finally, I actually did my first little spell jar on New Year’s Day - it was the Fresh Beginnings one shared here in the forum.


Challenge entry!

My favorite magick is crystals and tarot! I love that I can feel the power or comfort in my crystals. I am getting better at reading tarot with confidence. I also love the peace that I get when at my altar.


Challenge Entry:

My favorite is Simmer pots. I love candle magic but Simmer Pots are what I utilize the most and I find it comforting as well.You can put together a simmer pot anytime you feel inspired.

It’s also a perfect smoke-free option if you are sensitive to incense or candles like my daughter. And you can compost what’s left!

What is a simmer pot used for?

Most traditional simmer pots are assembled to support an intention, such as abundance, cleansing, protection, love, or healing.

It is an excellent way to channel your creativity and connection to the medicine of nature, while nourishing your home.

This type of kitchen/hearth magic also incorporates the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth. When integrating the four elements into your work you are balancing and harmonizing the foundations of alchemy. Astrology is the oldest science in our world, second is alchemy.

Fire::fire: Purifying, igniting, cleansing. It is passionate.
Air::wind_face: Intellectual, thought, ideas. It is expansive.
Water::droplet:Emotions, creativity, imagination. It is permeating.
Earth: :earth_africa: Grounding, secure, stable. It is supportive.

The Magic of a Simmer Pot


Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

Up till Yule, I would have said that my favorite magick was the daily prayers I had written or the different candle magicks I do.

But I got something from that book Chronically Magickal that I did that has really helped me! It’s where you imbue a comfort talisman with good feelings so that when you’re feeling bad you can use it to make yourself feel better.

My friend Lunabee from Georgia sent as part of my Christmas present a stuffie that I had on my wish list just for this spell. It’s great, it’s a cat and it’s so snugly it’s unbelievable!

This spell will help others, I’m sure, so I’m going to share it. But you don’t have to be down to use it. I snuggle with AB2, my kitty, just about every night and day. It gives me such good feelings, it’s just wonderful! So that’s become my favorite magick right now.

Here’s the spell:

Comfort Object Talisman

Talismans are charms used to bring in energy or manifest something. You can add some magick to your mundane comfort items by creating a comfort object talisman. I used a weighted stuffed animal, but use what works best for you.

You will need A comfort object such as a stuffed animal, blanket, or special mug.

Smoke to cleanse the comfort object; this could be incense, palo santo, or other sacred herbs Power and Attraction Oil (recipe on page 80)

Step 1: Light your media to create sacred smoke. Take your comfort object and pass it through the smoke three times, saying aloud, I cleanse and clear this comfort object.
May it be clear for me to program. So mote it be.

Step 2: Hold the comfort object in your hands. Speak aloud your intentions for the object. You could say, I ask in the name of the Goddess, God, and Great Spirit, under the watchful eyes of the ancestors, that this object be consecrated to manifest comfort, healing, and peace within and around me. I ask that this energy promote helpful, harmonious energy for my highest healing good. Thank you to all those who aid in this work. So mote it be!

Step 3: Use your comfort object to manifest your goals.

Dionne, Danielle. Chronically Magickal: Navigating Chronic Illness with Witchcraft (p. 23). Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD… Kindle Edition.

Hope you get some comfort from the spell as well!


This should have been the easiest challenge for me. It hasn’t been, even though I already have the subject picked out. I’m not sure why. It could be a mix of reasons.

I choose to face my challenges as I face my fears, here in writing. Think of me what y’all will. Perhaps my process can help someone.

Maybe I’m remembering how things happened before. I may be nervous that my consistent honesty might get me into trouble- not with anyone here, but in other areas in my life. Sometimes, I don’t feel like I quite fit, and this challenge is at variance with what I see of others.

Things that happened before: Many don’t remember, but there was a rule which was attempted to be put into law that people had to go to a physical church on Sunday mornings. It was cancelled because it’s against the constitution, but I remember hiding in my apartment so I wouldn’t get arrested. Other unconstitutional items were put into practice as well, albeit briefly. Thus I am faced with finding ways to hide before things happen again, in hopes that defenders of the constitution are strong enough to defend the nobodies that make up this country.

Even if I were successful in hiding, I have spoken my truth often enough to people who are mentally incapable of understanding the danger of authority figures.

There is only one cure for my feelings on these two points. I am who I am. I have spoken my truth, and I have not intentionally caused any harm to others. Since I hold no power or authority or riches anyone else could want, the only dangers are jealousy and ignorance. Any harm which could come to me would be purely the fault of those who choose to cause the harm. If authority figures want to change the rules, they have to face the consequences because it is not under my control, nor is it my fault. I choose to feel no guilt nor remorse for the choices which grew naturally from my experiences.

As for not quite fitting in, I have only once been chided in the forum for expressing something which works for me. Everyone has been kind, here, including the one who chided me. I figured she was having a bad day, and so was I at that time.

OK. Here goes.

Challenge Entry

My favorite part of my practice is the act of building the environment around me.


Beautiful. For some reason your entry reminded me of the words of the Dalai Lama:

“If it can be solved, there’s no need to worry, and if it can’t be solved, worry is of no use.”

You be you, you’re fabulous :people_hugging: