:heart_badge: WITCHY CHALLENGE - Your Favorite Magick

Challenge Entry – my Magick/Magic/beliefs

I have been into meditation and ‘thinking’ about religion for a while. I still practice some of the techniques I learned from a college course I took many years ago (like 40 years ago). Meditation can relax me and, at least temporarily, free me. Just thinking about it while writing this has my mind and body going into a comfortable state. When meditating, my blood pressure goes down, my attitude goes up (in a good way) and I become ready to face the day’s tasks.

Skip forward to my ‘discovering’ Tarot, candles, and to a small extent, crystals. I’ve tried in the past to find meditation backgrounds/techniques but recently stumbled on the wonderful candle meditations on Spells8. These are for me. I like the length and the clarity of intention. I put them on my phone and I can call them up anytime. Recently, I was waiting for my doctor and decided to meditate. I relaxed, even fell asleep for a bit, and when they took my BP it was 102/70. I usually have ‘white coat fever’ and my BP is rarely under 145 when I go in.

Sigils showed up there somewhere – I use them to calm me and to make my different tools ‘mine’. They are a shorthand representation of concepts that, when used with intention, set a mood and familiarity (in me).

Going further down the rabbit hole, meditation made me explore myself and my beliefs in greater detail. I felt I was still missing something. I revisited my idea of belief systems and my understanding of why we believe what we do was lacking. When I cast a spell/prayer, do I call the corners, the divine feminine/masculine, a Christian, Jewish, Buddha, Norse, or other entity? What makes them ‘work’ for so many but also makes them mutually exclusive? So… I found Chaos magick and decided I REALLY needed to look into that. And that is where I am now. The ‘looking into it’ will take a while but so far, I feel I am on to something. The idea that belief makes it real is intriguing. Just like that sign above Ted Lasso’s soccer club door (BELIEVE) helped change the whole team’s outlook… and results.


If you ever get to Maine, swing by, you can take home 5-10 pounds.


Not going to lie, for a second I thought the picture was of something edible - like a white chocolate drop cookie with dark chocolate chips! :laughing: :woman_facepalming: I had to go back to your post and figure out they are rock clusters!!

I’ve never been to Maine but want to! I’m all about multipurpose vacations! Maybe I can find a half marathon up there and convince the SO we need to take a trip :joy:


Hey, wait… where is this?! I’m in Maine :laughing: I want to do this!

And then you can meet your favorite internet friend! :joy: Or at least one of them lol :wave: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am so fried today :laughing: I completely forgot you are in Maine :woman_facepalming: Ugh, that run took the brains right outta me today! :rofl: Well now I have even more reason to make this work!! :heart:


Well it sounds like it’s going to be a party! Black tourmaline for everyone!


Challenge Entry

Thinking back, my fasination with mythology, specifically ancient egyptian is where my interests first started. I dabbled a little bit in high school, but stopped. It had become a “trend” in my school to say your a witch, kinda cheapened the meaning of withcraft for me.

Ive only just in the last year started to delve back into my craft. As such I’m not really limiting myself to one area of study :woman_shrugging:t3:. I honestly havnt found a deity to work with yet.

BUT one spell i cast every full moon is actually a jewelry enchantment from @MeganB 's website

Jewelry-Enchantment-Spell.pdf (49.6 KB)


Weekly Challenge Entry

As the fire bug of the coven, I have to say my favorite magic is candle majick! There are so many types of candles. If you’re in a hurry, use a birthday candle or tealight. I have taken tealights and melted them on a wax warmer and added colors, crystals, and herbs. Use caution when you use herbs with candles. Speaking from experience, herbs can turn a candle into an inferno. It’s best to grind the herbs into a powder if you are going to use them in or on a candle. I love beeswax candles, but they can be pricey. When I purchase beeswax candles from Amazon, I unroll them, cut the sheets, and make smaller candles. I purchased extra wicks for when the original wick runs out when I’m rolling them. You can add sigils, small crystals, essential oils and powdered herbs inside before you roll, or outside after they are rolled.

Please remember fire safety and never leave a candle burning unattended. If you are doing a candle spell that will take more than one day, snuff out the candle and relight the next day. If you are using a jar candle, extinguish it when you get down to about an inch of wax because that glass is going to get hot. If you do have a glass candle that turns into an inferno, put the fire out with a fire blanket or some other way of smothering. Never throw water on it, It would be like throwing water on a grease fire.
If you are in a living situation where you can’t light a real candle, use a battery powered candle. You can color it with a marker to and write your intention on the candle. You can also surround it with herbs and crystals. :dressed_candle:


:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

There’s a lot of love on display - thank you so much to everyone who has shared about their favorite magick so far! Way to kickstart the new year on a fun note :grin: :heart: :magic_wand:

This is your heads up that the challenge is approaching its end. It will close to entries tomorrow: Tuesday, January 14 at 7:00 AM ET (Eastern US Time)

If you haven’t already shared an entry with the coven but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have time left to do so.

Blessed Be! :heart_badge: :sparkles:


Oh geez, I totally relate :rofl: I am just exhausted! I haven’t been sleeping well and then the Spring semester started today – I’m ready for a nap.

Oh wow, that means a lot to me to know that you use this one every full moon! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you for sharing that with me!


challenge entry
Ok im defiantly someone who likes to try new things and am very ecclectic in my practice. So i thought for this one id share some of my explorations which are things from everyday use of herbs or spices to tech use in my practice to crystals and even the obvious cards.

So during this challenge id been house sitting my brither and sister inlaws place in the bush up inntge hills. I cared for a cat and snake lol though the sbake kinda just didnt pay me much mind i got to nond with an anxious cat that started to warm up to me by the end even if just being ok with being in the same room, sleeping in area i was in and even coming up to me and meowing or sniffing my hand…my connection to freya and her connection to cats i think has played a big thing recently i even realised if got a black quilt and pillow case set from temu of a black cat. And is been drawn to my car tarot deck in a reading…i followed my intuition and have let these things guide me.
This was a 9 lives spread i did with a cat tarot deck ( app of course)

I made q witchy space in my kinder plant app

I started to created a board game based on holistic wellbeung and using the correspondances for colours from the colour candles magic page i made it so each colour card deck related to the corresponding meanings or theme…still wotk in progress though

I used cinnamon and tumeric in foods and drinks for herbal/spice benefits in some cooking or kitchen magic

Wore my crystal bracelets to help bring calm and peace and protection travelling yo and from the place i was house sitting crystals like amethyst hemitite amber obsidian etc

Even used numerology in my walking…ive been wotking on doing 10,000 steps a day…i know that they say that might not beed to walk thst much tobget benifuts but my thinking was thinking about how 10 in tarot is completion of a cycle and i thought using numerology in everyfay stuff is a good way to connect to ky practice in small ways so 10,000 steps has been my goal ajd ive been doibg for maybr 2 weeks now almost…i also use 9 in my coffee makibg and balancing light and dark when make up my 2 l jugs of coffee.

I use algriz above my nose arounf thr third eye region with my makeup and even 3 squirts of the foundation when i apply it … lol yep 3 is big thing

So for me while i will admit the cards is a big thing for me…so is everyday magic and the snall things i do to incorporate magic or my pagan practice into my everyday life…


challenge entry
It’s hard to choose, it’s true…
I’ve dabbled in herbs, stones, sigils, I love nature
Now I’m studying seals and spirits


Challenge entry

Getting this in just before the deadline!

My favorite magic to do is my voodoo. Particularly voodoo dolls. Most people hear voodoo and think evil and hexes and curses. That’s not the case! Most of the dolls I make are for good.

I made this little guy for a friend. I sewed it together and stuffed it when a was in a good place. Happy, feeling love, and calm. While sewing I thought of the intentions of this doll. Love, wishes, abundance, protection and luck. I stuffed the arms and legs with fiber fill and then put in some dried rose petals, lavender, bay leaf with intentions wrote on it and a piece of paper “money” used in spell work. The doll still needs to be baptized (which is a fun little ritual) and then the face and clothing put on it.

I will baptize the doll just before mailing it. To do this, I will put the doll on my altar. Light a white candle. Poor some moon water in a small dish and make the sign of a cross over the water. Sprinkle some of the blessed water onto the doll and say “I baptize this doll (say the name of the person the doll is representing). May this doll do all it is intended for. So more it be”

After I mail the doll the my friend will put the face on the doll and dress it in clothing that represents him.


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

2025 is in full swing now - thank you to all those who started it with some magickal fun! It’s been a delight seeing and hearing about everyone’s favorite part(s) of their Craft. May your favorite aspects continue to bring you joy all throughout the year :mage: :heart:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge :partying_face:

Blessed be :heart_badge: :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- badges are being sent out now :trophy:

This topic is reopening for continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The Props and Presents award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

Award Post for the Favorite Magick Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

While no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed, this thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries!


I’m just getting back to see all the posts from the challenge. I am saving some of the posts for my todo list. The list is getting long. :smiley: I wanted to thank you for opening some of the blank spots in my mind about runes. Your post is well made and very informative (as usual!).


Aww thankyou :grin:


I totally agree. I tinker around a lot and making even small things is very satisfying.